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Posts posted by frenz

  1. Hello,
    I was wondering if anybody knew of a good free lightweight antivirus program, as I just got an internet connection on my slower computer. The computer itself can hardly be called internet-ready, it's over 10 years old, but it still works fine, the problem is I'm worried that an antivirus program would slow it down too much. (I have Norton Antivirus and Firewall on my other computer, which is much faster, and it slows down the computer a lot, especially booting. I kinda want this computer to be usable online.) I know that there are some great programs out there but most of them seem to be too taxing on a computer's resources, and the ones that are fast seem to be really bad at detecting threats... anyway, I want to find something that is both fast and good, so that's why I'm asking.

    Thanks a lot for your help!

    i recommend avira classic for free lightweight in memory, good virus detection

    download here:
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