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Posts posted by NuevoComienzo

  1. MY experience with bux.to is that I've never been able to buy refferals because to buy them you need Alert Pay to be able to pay for them and the first time I tried to fund my account on alert pay to buy the refferals I put the money in my bank account that I only use for this purpose then I login to Alert pay I made one transaction and the system reflected that I had made two transactions for the same amount, not knowing this I wait for the transaction to clear and when it did I found the unpleasent surprise that for some reason they paid the fee for unsuficient funds to my bank with those same funds and now I have a -$7 balance in the Alert Pay account. After I found out about this Ive sent them various emails and its like they dont even exist. Bux.to isnt responsible for this but they only promote Alert Pay and wont use Paypal. Ultimately it may seem like a fraudlent scheme for some people whe they are trying so hard to buy this refferals only to find that u lost your money and you owe them money still. FEEL FREE TO POST ON THIS...

  2. Hello Juanmi, my advise is as dre posted u need to think shes like a friend or your sisters friend and try to get used to being around her, oh and every time you are near her act like you are doing something that is really important and keeps you from looking at her. That way she'll notice you because if she's used to being looked at all the time by the boys and you are not doing it because you are always up to something she'll start to wonder and she'll be compelled to talk to you. Dont get me wrong and make the mistake of making her feel shes no there, Just that what you are doing is very interesting and hopefully she'll react to that. GOOD LUCK

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