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Posts posted by universal

  1. Im not the first to say that Battlefield 2 looks LIKE the BEST shootin/war game ever! Im going to pre-order it prob on the weekend. I was wondering who is going to be buying it? I cant wait till it comes out. I already have some friends that want to create a clan, the first day it comes out. I'm currently working on the clan site for it. So, ya i was just wondering who is going to be buying it day it comes out, and wat u think about it.

  2. Wow, do not rent or buy this game. I rented it just resently and WOW! Did not live up to the hype. Its basically a nock-off of NFU2. The game feals way, way to much like a arcade racing game. It is my opinion but im just letting some people now b4 the go and rent or buy it. Rockstar said that its the most in depth costomization ever! I have to disagree with Rockstar, its less then NFU2. I would like to hear what u guys think of the game if u have played it already.

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