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Posts posted by blackmelo

  1. i can highly recommend http://www.htmlgoodies.com/ I have learnt pretty much all i know from that site. It has an excellent tutorial and after a couple hours each day you will be a pro at html programming using just notepad within a week.It really helps do sketch the layout of your site on paper and then divide it all into tables.I have never properly used Dreamweaver but friends of mine have asked to fix code of theirs cause dreamweaver wouldn't always set up the tables like you want them..But i agree, dreamweaver is a good simple program that does not require much know how of programming.Maybe get dreamweaver and just follow the table tutorial on htmgoodies. Once you have fully understood how tables work you will be able to make any webpage layout look good. Look at this page, basically just lots of boxes all set up aligned with each other.All of them are tables and it gets a bit tricky sometimes figuring out how to make them all fit how you have drawn in on paper but it's not too hard once you get the hang of it.

  2. Hello,at first glance your tables seem to be set up wrong.Your pictures and text are overlapping each other.I will have a closer look at the code...ay,I'm not even going to attempt this one, I would have gone about it completely differently. I like using tables personally to set up the layout of my page.Not sure if it would help but maybe you can stick a table in the right place to make some of your text shift down, eg.

    <table><tr height="100"><td>  </table>

    and then enter the desired height.This is a far better way to make some spacing on a page than using:

    <p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>

    Hope that helps a little. Your site could look really good but you need to shift your text down alittle so the pictures don't overlap.Oh and have the contact bit only on the contact page. It really should not be on the main page or the service page.I can highly recommend this site http://www.htmlgoodies.com/ for tips on making a webpage.

    Notice from rvalkass:
    Please don't make multiple posts in a row - use the Edit button to add to your current post. Also, code needs to go into code tags.
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