Hiyah!Since this is only my second post, I didn't know what to really talk about, so I chose resellers. :DI have noticed, while trying to find a good host, is that there are many free hosts from Byet (a hosting company) who offer their services to the world. This always makes me frustrated when I look for a host, and see the Vista Panel. It's been 2 months or more, and Byet still hasn't fixed their Fantastico-like script installer. I never even got to try it. This makes it hard for me when I want to install a new script onto a website that I've never used before.Another thing is because I find it really slow, and their file manager isn't all that great compared to ones I've used before. There are plenty of other reasons I don't use it. Like for one, I tried to set up a Wordpress blog on it. After uploading the .ZIP folder of the most recent version, it would take me a VERY long time to get it set up. And then, I would try to install it, and it wouldn't work. Don't worry, I used MySQL, and went into the files to do everything, so I know I had no error there, since I've set up Wordpress tons of times before. It just won't work. It says there's some sort of fatal error everytime. I don't know if it's just me, or the host, but I'm willing to think it's the host. When I go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to find a new webhost after the last one disappointed me, I always run into these reseller sites. Over, and over again...I guess I'm writing this post asking everybody to please post any of these reseller websites on this thread so that I (or maybe you!) can stop running into them!! I've lost track of all the ones I found, so I can't send in a link myself (sorreh!!). I never really bookmarked them.If you do post one in here, and found it worked perfectly fine for you, please say so!Thanks!--Kadee