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Posts posted by MrMan

  1. It seems to be working now - I'm still checking it out. Lets see what comes out of it. Meanwhile, someone had gone to their forums and posted a link to this thread. Guess what - they moved it to their SPAMMAGE forum, because it's a negative review ??? What kind of attitude does it portray ? If I were them, I'd keep it PINNED somewhere in public view and improve my service to prove the accuser wrong. That'd have been the perfect slap-back !

    Sheeeesh !!


    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ DOES work, although I don't know for how long. So far in 3 days I have made $8. You only make 2 cents a search but that is a lot more than most payout search sites. You are limited to 40 searches a day x 2cents = 80 cents a day. Not much but you get paid for each person you refer to the site as well, they get thier 80 cents a day and you get 80 cents for them as well


    So, if you have 10 users at $24 a month thats $264 a month for searching...not bad. Payout is $50, so if you dont have anyone under you it will take you 3 months to get to payout.


    There was a forum but its down now, inside there were users post how much money they made, some made decent cash each month. Reason I said I was not sure how long it will work is because I am not sure HOW the owner (chad something) gets his income. Ads are only paying $100 a week and so far I have only seen 3 or 4 at most. You can also buy unrefered users for $1 each. I forked over $10 for 10 users but I have yet to see them, the waiting period is 'at least 7 days' notice 'at least'


    Anyhow, if you try it, post your results. I'm hoping to get to the $50 mark to at least get my $10 back. :lol:

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