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Posts posted by 5666ja

  1. login script click the link to get your free php login script installer just follow the instuctions the exe gives you and it will give you the script just place the code in the sever and open index.html and follow on from there.
    what it has: it has reg page, login protection code ect.
    it is simple to use and i think quite fun but im BORN TO BE WEIRD,you will need at least one working mysql data base :(
    hope you enjoy it. iknow i did

    from the alexmedia crew

  2. i found a company a while back that does easy to use login stuff it is auth pro they do a free version but it only alows 10 members but they have very advanced admin area with member time out login log with ip address, they do paid member subsciption i used them and they were good note if you go for free version login page has ads

  3. Wow :( no one talks about ebay that way never had a prob and anyways you buy at your own risk it's even in the terms and con. i bought so really good stuff off ebay like emergncy parts and i have sold for others never once had a prob mind you i always bought from a shop and made sure the rating was above 97% so don't dis ebay it's not right if you don't want cheated buy of amazon. :D:P:P:P:P lol

  4. it took me 1 hour to learn the basics on dreamweaver simple either use a grid for the template or layer and click inside a layer and the use the tool bar to ad stuff to it i find it fun :( but i am weird. it is easy to use and to learn im now quite advanced im even make my new beta site in dreamweaver hope you get thee hang of it and enjoy it as it is one powerful peice of software

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