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  1. I agree, girls ARE attracted to tall guys, but as long as the guy is at least 1 inch taller than she is. that is no problem! I am 5 foot 7, and I would go for a guy that was at least 5 foot 8 and up to 6 foot 4. I once dated a guy that was 6 foot. and he always used to say he was attracted to short petite girls, and made me feel like I was a giant or something, and i was only 5 foot 7. and then i dated a guy that was 6 foot 4, and I felt all nice and feminine because standing next to him, I felt small, so I felt nice. He dumped me though (3 months ago). Still getting over the heartache, but that's another story. Just yesterday my dad tried to set me up with a guy that was SHORTER than me ! 5 foot 6. I was so angry, because I have told my dad, I am only attracted to guys that are tall, ie taller than me. My dad is desperate for me to get married ( i feel like I am in a jane austen novel!). Anyways my point. you should not be worried at all, as 5 foot 9 is a perfectly good height I personally wouldn't go for a guy that was shorter than me, or was the same height, as I do like to wear heels. and I am just old fashioned in the sense, it's nice for the guy to be taller. that's all.
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