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Posts posted by gotenx

  1. Well my story is VERY normal and you guys probably won't feel that it's interesting at all.When I was 6, my parents knew that I had an interest for technology, and computers were starting to catch on to all homes, and my mom had also got a promotion and a lot of bonuses, and so on. I used this computer for about 4 years until it supposedly died. The next year on May 16, 2003, I tricked my mom into thinking that I needed something from Circuit City, and she ended up getting me a new computer. That computer is still alive and running, but now I have an even better computer that I got for being VERY good and getting ALL a's and some other stuff. I'm a very lucky person!

  2. If you don't want realPlayer becasue of all of the ads and how slow it goes, just download Klike Mega codec pack. Just search for that in google. It's a program that installs all codecs plus media player classic AND all of the codecs for real and quicktime so you never have to download any codecs again.After this you can play all of your media formats with ONE program

  3. Remember this is for broad band connections/dial up running Windows XP (Pro).


    1.) Log on as Administrator.2.) Start - run - type gpedit.msc3.) Expand "local computer policy"4.) Then expand "administrative templates"5.) Then expand "network branch"6.) Highlight the "QoS Packet Scheduler"7.) On right window double click "limit reservable bandwidth"8.) On setting tab check the "enabled"9.) Change "Bandwidth limit %" to 0
    Reboot your PC


    So this method won't work if you use WinXP Home?

  4. AMD is definetly beating intel right now. Intel is resorting to higher clock speeds but the procs are still not performing as well as AMD. Intel procs are only doing good on Pentium optimized software. AMD is the best right now and always will be!

  5. You'll definitly have a problem with ghosting if the screen is dark with one bright object thats moving fast. I have a sub $300 19" LCD right now and when the screen is dark it ghosts. Personaly, I don't mind the ghosting because I am not much of a gamer myself, but it might annoy you. I actually like the ghosting (yes I know, I'm wierd...) :) .

  6. Ok. This is very simple. First off, all you have to do is make sure tha your host doesn't block port 80 and 21. Then all you have to do is configure your router for port-fording (if you have a router). If you don't, then just download this package called PHPdev. (Just search in google). It include Apaches 1.?. Apache 2.0, PHP, and MySQL. It's very easy to set up. After it's installed just do what you'd normaly do here: upload your pages!

  7. Would you go crazy? Nope! i have better things to do than computersWould YOU not exist? No.... My mom would give birth to me...Would you be bored all day? No.....Would you be board at school all day? No....Would you be stuck playing board games and stuff all day? No....Would you end up working all day? I'd be at schoolWould you be determined to invent computers? Most likely yesWould you keep a computer secret in your closet and use it when no ones looking? No becasue they wouldn't existWould you just be a all around idiot? No... i'd get smarterWould you drink coffee all day? No...Would you sleep all day? 9hours. Thats allWould you kill yourself? no....Would you be a cop? no....Would you be a robber? no...Would you be a mugger? no...Would you be a regular person? it depends on what you mean.Would you like to exist on this earth? yepWould you die of boredom? no...Would you invent games? i guess so...Would you invent more games?...wtfWould you think about inventing computers? i guess so

  8. A warez version of Win2k is the best (windows XP without fancy effects and Product Activation). I was using one awhile ago before my HD died and I lost the Bootleg install CD. Now I run an official version of WinXP Home so I'm all legal now (PLZ DON'T BAN ME!!!).

  9. I'm a windows user but I still think that linux is the most secure and stable OS ever. But that's still not my choice for the BEST OS. The best OS has to stable, secure and User-friendly. Windows XP passes the user-friendly and stable (sort of) part of the test, but not the security. Even with spyware blockers, anti virus, and firewalls, you still can't keep spyware out of your system. Linux can't be called user friendly since there are so many distros that have software imcompatible with each other and requirers a lot tech knowledge just to login the right way.That leaves only one OS left: Mac. Apple has innovating for years only to have every idea that it makes get stolen by another computer company. But now they came up with a perfect Os that cannot be beat by any OS so far. Mac definity wins where the other OS's don't.Don't get me wrong, personaly I HATE macs. I have never been able to get used to them myself but whenever I see some random computer n00b using a Mac perfectly without any problems I just have to envy the Mac side of computers. Apple has the most stylish, user friendly, and whateverelseimforgeting products EVER.

  10. Most of the time I leave mine on for weeks at a time until Microsoft Update restarts it for no reason what so ever. When that happens I get really mad because that means my server was down for awhile and people get mad when that happens.If you don't want your computer to get sluggish, you should install a RAM freeing program like FreeRamXP Pro. It's free, boosts performance like crazy, and has no spyware.Another way to make your computer more stable when you leave it on for extended periods of time is to get rid of your integrated graphics (Intel graphics, s3 Prosavage DDR, Ati x200 express...) and get ANY cheap video card to replace it such as the Nvidia Geforce MX4000. I got mine from eVGA for $20 and my systems performance jumped 200% when I left it on (gaming also got better too).

  11. :::.. Download Stats ..:::

    Connection is:: 5255 Kbps about 5.3 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB)

    Download Speed is:: 641 kB/s

    Tested From:: http://testmy.net/ (server2)

    Test Time:: Fri Nov 11 14:44:31 PST 2005

    Bottom Line:: 94X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.6 sec

    Diagnosis: Looks Great : 18.04 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net)

    Validation Link:: http://testmy.net/db/TGIOU67EZ

    :::.. Upload Stats ..:::

    Connection is:: 357 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 579 kB)

    Upload Speed is:: 44 kB/s

    Tested From:: http://testmy.net/ (server2)

    Test Time:: Fri Nov 11 14:47:35 PST 2005

    Bottom Line:: 6X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 23.27 sec

    Diagnosis: Looks Great : 2.88 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net)

    Validation Link:: http://testmy.net/db/3SIEHZOJ5

    I'm pretty happy with my speeds. They were better when I first got the connection (because they forgot to cap them :) ) but now there good for the package that I have. I'm supposed to be getting 4mbps download and 384kbps for upload. Sometimes my speeds go higher above what they say here (during the day since anyone else who uses comcast is at work :) ) but most of the time it stays around this speed on good servers. When I'm surfing the web and I try to download something off of a slow server (Rapidshare, Megaupload...) I usually get 44kbps which is still ok.

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