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Posts posted by oestergaard

  1. I do not use picasa but I do know of a fantastic site that will take this weight off your shoulders. If you need your photos fixed quickly and accurately while not having to pay an arm and a leg go to fixPHOTO.biz. This site is awesome. They helped me when I was in a jam. Hope it helps you out.

  2. My favorite sport is rugby and high jump.. I like rugby because im one of the besat tacklers in my year.. its a long story... Before i went to the school that im at now,, i was playing rugby with my friends and i swore to one of my friends that i wud never play ruggby and i wud never ever like it at all,, but look were i am am in theA squad for year 8, and why im in there is because im one of the best tacklers as i mentioned and in the squad i play flanker.. I like high jump because the first time i played it was in year four and i should of came first but this guy cheated, which i cant remember how, but i came second and i hadnt done high jump un till year 8 and i came second best in my year and i hadnt played it in like three to four years so i was quite good at it.. Post bac and tell me wat your favorite sports are and wwhy!! seya later!!

    Football is the best sport.

  3. If you have a favorite football team than post here i got alot i do and stuff so i will only check this maybe once or twice a week so...My favorite team would be the new orleans saints for the NFL. My favorite for AFL is the Orlando Predators.For the EFL(Eurpoean Football League) i have to say Amsterdam is the best that or the Galaxys if anyone would like to sign up for my Football Newsletter than e-mail me but ask me for my e-mail thanks

    Real Madird is the best team ever!!!

  4. So i find my self sitting at my server, looking at whats been going on lately. Then i notice that at one point in time i was offering Email and i thought to myself "You know what? I could really attract some people if i started that again!", but there was one problem in my way! I dont want to host this service on my server, i want it to be hosted remotely. I also want it to be free. So here is what im looking for:A website that offers user@mydomainname.com email service
    At least 1GB per mail box
    guaranteed 24/7 access
    $0.00 price
    If anyone knows of such a service that would be AWESOME!

    Just use Gmail or Hotmail they works fine

  5. Hi all,If you are a music composer and arranger, you need bunch of tools and equipments, like MIDI-cable, musical instruments and stuff, and some softwares, so you can make your basic studio, you can use multi-soundfonts and loops using VSAMPLER, and also, use AdobeAudition from Adobe WebSite to record your music into multi-tracks and mix them down all together.
    Need more soundfonts to download and share? good question huh?
    you can easily register a free account at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists// and share your SF2 files there, and download loads of SF2 files
    That's how I make my own music ^_^

    Did you know a free program like them?

  6. I have several solutions for you.


    I know of http://mp3.com/ and download.com But all the other ones I know of are illegal.


    You can download songs from CDs onto your computer.


    And there is of course iTunes, which isn't free, but it is legal.


    You can ask your friends, if they have songs you like, to download the songs from their computers onto a CD and then give the CD to you, for you to download the songs onto your computer. This is illegal though.


    And you can go to AOL Music - they let you listen to some free songs and watch free music videos. If you were some computer mastermind you could figure out a way to manipulate AOL into downloading the songs that they let you listen to for free, but this of course would be: illegal. (I think.)

    use a program called: SongBird

  7. I have been quite busy lately, trying to design and code my site (far from done XD). And after having learned how to make a simple login, I will try to write my own tutorial, for you :P


    <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>the tutorial</span>


    Step 1:

    The first step in designing a member system is to plan out exactly what you need. A common impulse among programmers is to jump right in and start coding. I'll be honest and admit that I'm guilty of this more so than anyone. However, since I'm in control of this conversation (yes!), you'll have it all planned out by reading through this before you even see any code.


    What will you need to start?

    First of all, you need a server that supports a CGI or Server-side language. For this tutorial, it's PHP. I won't be directing any attention to any other language at this time, so although the concepts will be similar, the code will be entirely different than something you might use in Perl or ASP. As a side note, it is possible to perform a member system simply using JavaScript, but it would not be remotely secure because JavaScript is client-side (thus able to be viewed by anyone), and even if you had a one-way encryption script it would not be feasible because of the pain of hard-coding usernames and encrypted passwords into the HTML document.


    Second, at least for our purposes, you need a database. Preferably MySQL. PHP and MySQL go hand-in-hand, so a lot of servers tend to match the two up. Thus, since we're talking PHP, we may as well talk MySQL.


    Third, you will need 4 blank PHP web pages entitled: register.php, login.php, members.php, and logout.php. After you have these pages created and open, we're ready to start.


    Step 2: Database


    If we want to design a members system, we'll need a database. So all we need to do in this step is to create the table we will use to manage the user's login information. Note that the schema we use here is quite simple, and is only simplified to help you see how it works.


    Name the table "dbUsers." It will need 4 fields:[I]Name			 Type				 Addition[/I]id				  int(10)			  Primary Key, AUTO_INCREMENTusername			varchar(16)		  Uniquepassword			char(16)		   email			   varchar(25)

    Once you've made the database table, you're ready to design and code the registration page.


    Create a File to Connect to your Database


    Create a new file and name it dbConfig.php. This file will contain the PHP code that will connect to the MySQL database, and select the correct database. Make sure you have added users to your MySQL database with read/write or admin access, then place this type of code into the dbConfig.php file:


    <?// Replace the variable values below// with your specific database information.$host = "localhost";$user = "UserName";$pass = "Password";$db   = "dbName";// This part sets up the connection to the // database (so you don't need to reopen the connection// again on the same page).$ms = mysql_pconnect($host, $user, $pass);if ( !$ms )	{	echo "Error connecting to database.\n";	}// Then you need to make sure the database you want// is selected.mysql_select_db($db);?>

    Step 3: Register




    On your registration page, you need to create a web form that will allow the user to plugin a username, password, and their e-mail address. Then, also on your page, add code that runs only when information has been passed via the form. Finally, display a "Registration Successful!" message to the user.


    <?php	// dbConfig.php is a file that contains your	// database connection information. This	// tutorial assumes a connection is made from	// this existing file.	include ("dbConfig.php");//Input vaildation and the dbase code	if ( $_GET["op"] == "reg" )  {  $bInputFlag = false;  foreach ( $_POST as $field )	  {	  if ($field == "")	{	$bInputFlag = false;	}	  else	{	$bInputFlag = true;	}	  }  // If we had problems with the input, exit with error  if ($bInputFlag == false)	  {	  die( "Problem with your registration info. "	."Please go back and try again.");	  }  // Fields are clear, add user to database  //  Setup query  $q = "INSERT INTO `dbUsers` (`username`,`password`,`email`) "	  ."VALUES ('".$_POST["username"]."', "	  ."PASSWORD('".$_POST["password"]."'), "	  ."'".$_POST["email"]."')";  //  Run query  $r = mysql_query($q);    // Make sure query inserted user successfully  if ( !mysql_insert_id() )	  {	  die("Error: User not added to database.");	  }  else	  {	  // Redirect to thank you page.	  Header("Location: register.php?op=thanks");	  }  } // end if//The thank you page	elseif ( $_GET["op"] == "thanks" )  {  echo "<h2>Thanks for registering!</h2>";  }  //The web form for input ability	else  {  echo "<form action=\"?op=reg\" method=\"POST\">\n";  echo "Username: <input name=\"username\" MAXLENGTH=\"16\"><br />\n";  echo "Password: <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\" MAXLENGTH=\"16\"><br />\n";  echo "Email Address: <input name=\"email\" MAXLENGTH=\"25\"><br />\n";  echo "<input type=\"submit\">\n";  echo "</form>\n";  }	// EOF	?>

    Step 4: Login




    Now in PHP, first we need to check the username and password against the information stored in the database. Since when the user registered, we encrypted their password using the MySQL PASSWORD() function, we re-encrypt the password the user supplied in the login form and cross-check this with the existing value in the dBase. If login information is O.K., then we need to use sessions to store the user's ID so they can access member-only content.


    <?php	session_start();	// dBase file	include "dbConfig.php";	if ($_GET["op"] == "login")  {  if (!$_POST["username"] || !$_POST["password"])	  {	  die("You need to provide a username and password.");	  }    // Create query  $q = "SELECT * FROM `dbUsers` "	  ."WHERE `username`='".$_POST["username"]."' "	  ."AND `password`=PASSWORD('".$_POST["password"]."') "	  ."LIMIT 1";  // Run query  $r = mysql_query($q);  if ( $obj = @mysql_fetch_object($r) )	  {	  // Login good, create session variables	  $_SESSION["valid_id"] = $obj->id;	  $_SESSION["valid_user"] = $_POST["username"];	  $_SESSION["valid_time"] = time();	  // Redirect to member page	  Header("Location: members.php");	  }  else	  {	  // Login not successful	  die("Sorry, could not log you in. Wrong login information.");	  }  }	else  {//If all went right the Web form appears and users can log in  echo "<form action=\"?op=login\" method=\"POST\">";  echo "Username: <input name=\"username\" size=\"15\"><br />";  echo "Password: <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\" size=\"8\"><br />";  echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Login\">";  echo "</form>";  }	?>

    Step 5: Members Area




    Now that the user has logged in successfully, and has his id, username, and login stored in session variables, we can start working with member-only content. A major thing to remember is that any page you want to carry session data over to you must declare a session_start(); at the top of your code.


    <?phpsession_start();if (!$_SESSION["valid_user"])	{	// User not logged in, redirect to login page	Header("Location: login.php");	}// Member only content// ...// ...// ...// Display Member informationecho "<p>User ID: " . $_SESSION["valid_id"];echo "<p>Username: " . $_SESSION["valid_user"];echo "<p>Logged in: " . date("m/d/Y", $_SESSION["valid_time"]);// Display logout linkecho "<p><a href=\"logout.php\">Click here to logout!</a></p>";?>

    Step 6: Logout




    Ah, although it would be nice if our user's never left our web sites, we should give them to opportunity to log out and destroy the session variables if they so choose. It's quite easy to do, and you can just copy and paste this one.


    <?phpsession_start();session_unset();session_destroy();// Logged out, return home.Header("Location: index.php");?>

    That's about it!. I used many simple examples hoping that you will learn how the internal systems work so you can expand on them and design a system that's just right for your needs. Have fun! ^_^

    why that? a CMS system make all for you, try php-fusion or joomla

  8. Sending Fake SMS


    There is a loop hole in Nokia mobile phone using which you can send fake SMS messages. i.e you can send a SMS to your friend by changing the from address to some random e-mail address.


    Nokia has a feature called SMS e-mail


    This feature is used to send e-mail by SMS. You network operator will have a SMS e-mail server.

    You are supposed to send a SMS to the SMS mail server with the To address, subject and e-mail body as a partof the SMS text body by following the conventions provideded by your Network operator.


    You SMS server will read the To address, Subject and the Body of e-mail from the SMS message and forwards the mail to the corresponding e-mail address.


    If im confusing you, better take a look at this example

    Compose a SMS with the following text


    "to:xyz@gmail.com sub:hello body: hi test msg" excluding the double quotes


    send the SMS to 9915 which is the SMS server for Airtel network, India.


    Airtel will forward the SMS to the corresponding mail address xyz@gmail.com


    Some Nokia phones have a seperate feature for this e-mail. So we can use this feature to send Fake messages


    Fake Message steps:


    step 1:


    Compose a SMS msg with the text you want to send


    Step 2:


    Go to sending Options-> Send to E-mail


    Step 3:


    in the text box that appears key in an e-mail address which has to be a fake from address in your message.


    Step 4:


    Subject text box appears. Leave it blank or type in something you want


    Step 5:


    E-mai Server text box


    This is the place where spoofing happens.

    Instead of typing your e-mail server number 9915

    Type in the mobile number of your friend/enemy you want to spoof


    Then send the message


    Kudoos !!!! You are done !!!! You ve sent a fake SMS message


    Your friend/enemy will receive the message.


    But the Sender number will be replaced with the e-mail address you gave.


    Your number will not be displayed in the sender part.


    I tried this trick in Nokia 6060 and Nokia 6610.


    In other phones also the steps must be the same but the menu layout might change.


    Those who wanted to know how to do this in some other specific phones i can help you


    I ve discovered lots of Mobile phone tricks like this which i ll share with you all in the near future

    Why that?

  9. Wooooooooo!!!!!. Well this thread is just for Nokia and Sony Ericsson fans. Just in one word.
    e.g. if you are for Sony Ericsson, just reply with "Sony Ericsson" .
    If you are for Nokia, just reply with "Nokia".
    Who go win? i never know.
    Here we go.

    I have a Sony Ericsson and this is a nice phone, but i like Nokia, this is alltime good phones, not so many problems as Sony Ericsson

  10. If you aren't skilled enough to program your own game then yes the "game creators" will cost money, but there are plenty of free compilers out there if you bothered to learn a real language. You could use a lot of the tools that DemonFire suggested to help you on your quest. Thanks for that list demon. The real price for making the game would come in paying for a team that would help you make it, if you use any classes or engines that require you to buy them (but there are plenty of game engines out there already if you want a pre-built one), and perhaps advertisement costs, and perhaps a server if you want to make a multiplayer game that isn't going to direct connect.

    Game Maker is very good and easy to use.

  11. Yes, it's trueYou get your own domain's email address. Example, if you want email not like name@yahoo.com but name@surname.com you can get it free. And this Free service is from AOL, so no fraud

    Here is the link:

    Get your own personal mail address for free...

    Nice site... thank you

  12. The site is located at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (don't ask about the name... its just a random name)


    This site was built on the Joomla CMS (v1.0.8). It also has a directory within it (using the Mostes Tree Directory component for Mambo/Joomla)


    The site design was bulit using ONLY NOTEPAD and VERY LITTLE ImageReady (nope, i didnt use photoshop for this one ^_^).


    Some cool things about my site include, the "Loading..." script and the transparency on the loading screen, The nice menu on top and the position of the header image (it looks like the content and the top bar are place over it)


    So go ahead and tell me what you think about the site and its design. ANY comments will be appreciated.





    PS. if your browser doesn't support JavaScript, the loading screen will not go away. Please bear with me, I am trying to figure out a workaround for this :P

    I can't see the site ??

  13. Those of you who subscribe to PC World may have noticed a review for a site called Myfabrik.com

    Myfabrik is a file hosting service that gives it's members a fairly large amount of space (2GB in my case) to store Photos, Music, Videos, and Documents. But, on top of this, it also allows you to have a small "Public Page" that allows you to share select files with anyone that browses to your page.

    I found that MyFabrik's interface was very clear and uncluttered, but some of the icons were very small, and dragging files and folders to the trash is a hastle with my crappy mouse that refuses to let you drag something for more than a second or two.



    Clean, Uncluttered Interface

    File grouping by type and then by custom folders makes finding what you're looking for easy.

    The ability to embed files in web pages is handy if you want to show off some of your own creations, or add background music to a site.

    Sharing is a good feature for sharing your files with friends.

    Tags are a good feature to find things quickly.


    Interface icons are small and can be cumbersome on monitors with large resolutions.

    Drag and Drop interface is useful, but is clumsy with my mouse.

    Limited Customize-ability on Public Page templates makes site-integration difficult.

    The Last Word:

    I would reccomend MyFabrik to anyone that wants to share files with friends, but not to anyone seeking professional site integration or large file storage space.



    [-] 4 stars out of 5

    Nice site!!!!!!!!!

  14. Hey all,

    I have a few templates for your reviewing pleasure. Please, take the time to look at them and let me know what you think. The Below images are the two templates I have finished and are ready to be scripted together; but I always like a review before I bother to script them...


    <span style='color:red'>click on images to enlarge</span>


    Template Variation 1:

    Posted Image


    Template Variation 2:

    Posted Image


    -- J.

    Nummer 1...

  15. Its a cool website :P Tbh, i'd give it a 9 out of 10. It's clear, and straight to the point. No faffing around, no havign to look for stuff. Which I love in websites :D the colour schemes cool, and I like the use of the interactive charts and stuff.
    Two things however:
    Logo - Its a cool logo, but it should flash on for longer...and maybe add some lightning forks to it :D

    The Auto Play on the radio/song/whatever - I only dislike this, because it played over my music :P

    Other than that though, very cool website ^_^

    Try to use a CMS system, it will be a better result

  16. Ok this is my idea: I am making a website about anime.
    Its function is add anime, review anime, search anime, anime information.
    Users can make a profile.

    People can make a profile which they can edit to theire likes with html to give it a fancy look.(this is what my problem is about)
    What i would like to know is how can i accomplish this.

    I already have the database for the anime titles etc ready, the only thing that needs to be done is the profile section.
    If you have any tutorial, tip or guide i would really really appriciate it.

    Thx in advance.

    Use PHP-fusion it's a very good and easy way to make a "profile" site. You can see my site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it's from PHP-fusion.

  17. You shouldn't have a website for the sake of having a website. A website should be about something you care about, and want a website for. It should be IDEAS => WEBSITE, not WEBSITE => IDEAS. This will ensure that your website has good quality and you won't get bored of it.

    yes it's right, but is you not are so good to make the site in HTML or PHP so are a CMS system a very good choice.
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