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Posts posted by Raptorstrike

  1. I seem to like all these comedy programs, even though half of them are rather old ones made back loads of years ago...Certain TV programs i enjoy watching are: My Family, Dad's Army, Vicar of Dibley, Only Fools and Horses, and all that stuff.Out of all the comedies shown on TV, I'd personally have to say that My Family is the best out of the lot :lol: Personally I think it's really funny, the others are great too such as Only Fools and Horses with david jason, but My Family just kicks *bottom* :)

  2. Personally, I thought high school musical was better than I first thought it would be.Haven't really enjoyed musicals before, thought they have been very boring, but this one actually seems rather decent for a musical, but still not an awesome movie obviously :lol:Out of the two so far, I'd say High school musical 2 was the better out of the 2, not sure why, just preferred it more.

  3. I'm not to sure because I ain't really looked into this subject much, but I hear that Sam Broadcaster is a good piece of equipment to use to broadcast songs on internet radios.It costs though, but you can find cracked versions of it across the web.

  4. Ok, well, first, you've done an ok job seeing as it's your first time using CSS.Firstly, I don't think the colors you have chosen are very kind on the eye, too many colors being broadcasted so try limit the amount. Also, there seems to be a bit of coding error as quite a lot of the information on the page is overlapping.You need to move the bottom border across to the right a bit to align it, and then up a small bit to connect to to the middle section, and then make the middle bit larger so it fits all the information onto it.But apart from those few hick ups, not a bad effort ^_^ good work

  5. I'm not sure on building a code for a phpbb forum board to give it a black background....but I'm sure you can find a relatively close premade skin on the forum somewhere if you just preview most of the premade skins available. You may have to activate a mod before you get to access the skins part, but I'm not 100% certain on that.

  6. I like both Fifa 2008 and Pro Evolution Soccer 08, but I'd say I prefer PES 08 better.The fifa games have great new ideas in them, such as the arena, the solo player same (be a pro) and the way they set up their leagues and all....Pro Evo's game play has always been the best and always will be, but the only thing that lets them down here is the stupid licenese to get the official kits, leagues and stadium names. :lol:

  7. Well, when it comes to MMORPG's, it just really all depends on what your into...but there are several very good MMORPG's out there in store to buy:


    World of Warcraft: Overall, a very very good game. Been playing it for just under 2 years now and it doesn't ever seem to get boring, there is just so much to do! Start of 2007 they released their first expansion (Burning Crusade) which was very good for their first expansion, and later on in this year (2008), they are releasing their second (Wrath of the Lich King) which will hopefully be a large improvement, and they will learn from their mistakes in TBC. There is so much to do in this game, such as PVE Raids, and PVPing.


    Age of Conan: New game coming out on the 20th May 2008, and have to say it looks very very good. Sort of the same as World of Warcraft, but for a bit older age in a way. Age of Conan has some new features that no other MMORPG has such as their new combat system which will rely more on the players skill than ever, also will siege weapons and destructible buildings (WoW's new expansion has these).


    So those are 2 games that I think will be very good games. I don't think Age of Conan will be able to beat World of Warcraft's 10 million subscribers, but I do think it will be good competition for Blizzard.

  8. There is many players to choose from when coming to talk about who is the best footballer in the world ><Even though a lot of the papers say that Lionel Messi is the best, I agree and disagree....I admit he is a stunning player, but he isn't quite the best yet in my eyes, Ronaldinho has to be the best :lol:But it's quite tight deciding, as there are a lot of new faces coming up who are awesome players, such as Wayne Rooney, Christiano Ronaldo, Dimitar Berbatov, Fernando Torres....all that lot, so it's quite a hard decision :P

  9. Have to say, the Zombie Mod is such a break from all the hardcore fighting going on. It such a laugh playing it, especially with your mates.Would also recommend it to anyone who wants some more fun whilst playing CS:S, a long with playing gun games, surfing maps, and a lot lot more!

  10. Over the years, there has been many different movies that I have enjoyed...these all include:-- The whole Star Wars saga...(movies 1 to 6)-- Pirates of the Caribbean (all 3 movies, especially the last one)-- Harry Potter...(the 5 that are currently out - would say goblet of fire has been one of the best)-- Casino Royale-- The Bourne series...and a lot of Adam Sandler's movie (happy madison)

  11. For my whole life I have support Tottenham Hotspur Football Club (Spurs). Throughout the years they have had a lot of good players pass through, and they certainly have some good players at this present time including Robbie Keane, Ledley King and Dimitar Berbatov.Since we have got our new manager, Juande Ramos, we have started playing better in my opinion, and after beating Chelsea 2-1 in the carling cup final 2008, I think that was a big confidence booster, showing what we are capable off.Next season, for the 2008/2009, I think we will perform a lot better in the league than we did this year, starting with Martin Jol.

  12. To be perfectly honest, I'm not to sure what the best router is at this present moment in time.So far since I've started to use the internet more often, I've used 1 modem, which was the Speedtouch 330 which I got when I purchased my broadband from BT, and then when I wanted to move into wireless, I got one of Belkin's high-speed internet routers, which has lasted me for over a year now, and has provided me with a fast service.Lately, I've been using a router which I got sent out for having my broadband for a good amount of time, which was the BT HomeHub, which has been very good. So far it has proved more efficient than the Belkin one, giving me faster internet, as well to the other computers in house. Also, it hasn't had any technical issues along the well...So far, from the 2 routers that I have been using, I would say the BT HomeHub has been the better of the two so far :lol: 9/10

  13. So guys, what's your views on this new MMORPG coming out, Age of Conan?

    It's supposed to have some new features that current MMORPG's don't have, such as siege weapons, destructible buildings, and a whole new combat system which will bring players skill into fighting more, instead of just pressing buttons.

    Here is a link to look at it: http://www.ageofconan.com/

    Do you think it'll take over World of Warcraft?, or even be anywhere near as good as it?


  14. I agree with you there m8. Frontlines: Fuel of War is an awesome game, for both Xbox 360 and PC. The only problem with it is that there is several bugs for the PC version, as it probably had one of the worst game launches that I have known, no public beta or anything.Once they iron out all the bugs and glitches in the game, it will be very good and will match the Battlefield series games!

  15. My most favourite computer game would have to be the MMORPG, World of Warcraft...I've been playing it for around 1year and a half now, and it still isn't boring, and will probably get more fun once the new expansion comes out later this year!My favourite shooter for the PC would have to be Call of Duty 4, but I also like other shooters such as Counter Strike: Source, Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2142.

  16. Yeah, have to admit they didn't do a great job when they made the achievements for the Xbox 360 for COD4. If you think about it, there is sooooo much you can do the multiplayer on COD4, but no achievements?, doesn't make much sense if you ask me...Hopeful for their next game, Call of Duty 5, they will be more careful on where you get your achievements from!

  17. I'd have to say that RPG's are for the mature players. Reasons for me saying this is cause you have to invest so much time into playing games such as World of Warcraft, as there is a hell of a lot of stuff to do, such as raiding which can take up a lot of time.Young kids like the age of 12 spoil games like that, by messing about and just ruining peoples fun.

  18. At the current minute I've got the big Chrysler 300C Hemi, which I have been very happy with. It's such a luxurious car, and it runs very smooth on the road, and I must say, the sound system in it is just spectacular.At the end of April I'm hopefully getting the new Jaguar XF which I hear is an excellent car, with all its latest technology. Fingers crossed it is :lol:

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