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  1. The sad fact of the matter is that any "Free" Teamspeak hosting solution eventually gets shut down. It might take a month or 2 but the people over at Teamspeak blacklist Servers all the time. They do this because they need to feed their families. The people over at https://tserverhq.com/ used to host around 1000 slots for Free. Teamspeak shut them down for about a week and then they came back. To be able to legally still give out free Teamspeaks they are doing 2 things. They are giving away a free Teamspeak to anyone that registers on their website each month and they are selling servers at cost $0.18 a slot. Check them out (a little tip they have a new site and I don't think they don't have that many users yet so you might get a free server right off the bat). Sadly this is the only REAL way to get a reliable TS that will never be shut down by the owners of Teamspeak. They are pretty friendly over at Tserverhq were when you submit a ticket so check them out https://tserverhq.com/
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