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Posts posted by sm.thomas

  1. I was curious to know how internet dating works. With curiosity I started to search on the internet for some dating sites. Once I register with one of the free online dating sites and started to browse the various personals occasionally. I came in touch with few singles and after couple of weeks I found my match online. Withing few meetings online I realized that we had so much in common. After few weeks we met various places like restaurants, parks, etc. to know each other very well. We spent enough time to know each other and after few months we got married and we are happy with each other till date.

  2. I'm sure there are women on the net. But don't expect to find your perfect partner on the other side of the screen. It might just end really badly. And all those success stories you read about on things like match.com or whatever. Well it's called advertising. I wonder how many times they can ask someone for a quote like that out of a thousand. Online dating seems like a lottery. A very scary and disturbing one.

    yeah.. online dating is just like as game of chance. but it also depends on how you present your self during online dating.

    Also, two of the most important things for communication are inflection and body language, and you just can't get those online.

    but your profile can tell much more about you and your conversation is the most powerful element to present yourself. This way you may also get idea about the singles who are at the other side of the screen.
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