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Posts posted by KidzForCauses

  1. I am absolutely certain that I dream in colour, although I am equally certain that I remember in black and white. Of course, in my dreams there is a convenient lack of detail, so that my mind can fill in any details it likes and still be correct. However, when the MEMORIES of the dreams are restricted to black and white, their possible details decreases from nearly infinite, to almost wholly binary.I suppose it's possible that everyone dreams differently, but due to the common structure shared by nearly all human brains, I find it highly unlikely. It reminds me of the question, "Are the colours we see different from the colours others see?"Then again, what exactly is colour? We tell ourselves that it is light bouncing off of objects and into our eyes, but that implies that without us here, there would be no colour, which seems rather ridiculous to me.Do we see in colour?Do we see at all?

  2. I like it.However, although I am not an expert, the first one seems more like an obstacle than an actual depiction, with several black lines running through the bottom.The second one looks to me like a combination of a render program and a painting--not a bad combination actually, I like the 2D/3D feel. I am guessing this is caused just by texture.Keep at it, you're good at this.

  3. Hello,

    I must admit that when I joined Xisto, I did not immediately read the terms of service--this is, after all, a forum, and my general experience with forums has been to simply use common sense. However, after achieving 30 credits, I began to look into how to apply for default hosting--and saw that I was in violation of a rule I did not know about. My username is the name of my organization, which is what I plan on my site being about--I thought this was appropriate, given the nature of this forum.

    However, looking at the rules I can see the pretense for all of them, including this one. So, I must question the wording of the rule:

    16. Signing up a user name that is a obvious domain name or product name will be removed. This is out of unfair promotion considerations as well as trademark implications.

    My question with this rule revolves around the word "obvious"--I have explicitly stated that my username refers to the organization I am getting web services for, which does not seem to be in violation of the rule. My domain name indeed contains my username--however, I am not sure this is obvious. I personally do not think so. Am I breaking the rules?

    If not, then I have no issue, and thank you for letting me know.

    If I do, then I would kindly request a name change.


    note: I am not posting my username here, so as to increase the practicality of changing my username.

  4. As stated above, an entire glass airplane would be impractical, if not impossible.An idea to consider, however, is a small area just outside of the door, where glass can be extended from an opening to create a temporary glass room. It would effectively be outside of the airplane, with a metal frame to keep it attached.That would also make it less dangerous to open the door of an airplane--there would be no possibility of being sucked out!

  5. Disclaimer: My opinions do not represent that of those in the KidzForCauses organization.The thing people really have to accept is that we aren't all equal. As was said by the person above me, different races clearly have different traits--intelligence is not exempted from the general category of "traits".That being said, it is ridiculous to assert, say, that ALL blacks are less smart than whites. This is clearly wrong... perhaps this is an odd comparison but look at George W. Bush, then look at Barack Obama. I personally respect Bush as a person but I can't help thinking that he is an absolute idiot. On the other hand, Obama's speeches have definitely affected the masses, usually positively. He has been able to fight throughout this campaign, without actually getting dirty. He fights by not fighting--to me, that is a greater indication of intelligence than the ability of a savant to mentally multiply gargantuan numbers.I think it would now be a good time to refer to the Abilities system in Dungeons & Dragons (something that, oddly, seems to carry a negative air, although that doesn't pertain to this discussion). When creating a character in D&D, there are 7 base races that you can choose from: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, Half-elf, and Half-orc. Let us look at two examples: The Sun Elf subrace of Elves, and Half-Orcs. Sun Elves get a general +2 bonus to their Intelligence score, where 10 is an average intelligence for any race. However, they received a -2 Constitution penalty, which lowers their ability to take hits in battle, or resist disease. The Half-Orc, on the other hand, gains a +2 to strength, allowing him to hit harder and carry more. The trade off for this bonus is a -2 to BOTH intelligence and charisma.Now, these are general rules--it is possible to have a sun elf with an intelligence score of 8, and a half-orc with an intelligence score of 18. However, if a half-orc had an 18 Intelligence score, his human counterpart would have a 20 intelligence score. Likewise, a sun elf with an intelligence score of 8 would have a human counterpart with an intelligence score of 6.Perhaps Watson was wrong. Perhaps not. If he was right, I think it would be appropriate to think of things in the manner I presented above: Different ethnicities will have different racial adjustments. The key word is adjustments... not absolutes.

  6. Making it a crime to possess a gun is essentially making it so only criminals will possess guns.


    I personally believe that anybody whom knows how to properly operate a gun should be allowed to carry it at all times, regardless of age. To make up for the danger presented by this law I believe it should be the first to shoot that is the criminal, whether or not they miss.


    Of course, then there is the problem of the second person shooting, shooting at an entirely different person. In this case if anyone whom has not fired a gun within the time of the incident is shot than the one whom shot said innocent person shall be charged as guilty as the first person to shoot.


    But what if the person whom is shot seems to be raising a gun to you? In that case, it should be perfectly legal to shoot back.


    Violators will be charged as needed, and have their gun privileges taken away.


    I don't want my government telling me what I can and cannot possess, when they have no right to do so. Next thing you know we'll need special permits to own steak knives.

  7. My day dreams actually tend to have a blue/purple quality to them--that is, while having them, I tend to stay conscious of my surroundings, but everything's in a purple/blue haze. It begins as regular people say things that provide a deeper look into their personality, and usually escalates to situations in which a wrong choice could mean the end of someone's life. I often have to choose between my own life and that of another--and, unsurprisingly, I almost always choose to save the other.I also tend to daydream frequently about the consequences and implications of love--if situation X happened, what would person Y do? X and Y can be anything (Y can be me, as well)... Sometimes they are quite morbid, too.On another note, when I imagine something, my vision of everything around often goes black, and I see what I'm imagining. It's so realistic that I can physically sense everything I imagine--which is why imagining pain isn't pleasant for me. If I imagine someone's hand getting chopped off I actually feel exactly as if my hand had gotten chopped off--the place at which it was severed hurts for a second or two, then my head has a flash of white pain and I stop imagining it.Perhaps daydreams--even regular dreams--are simply tests of our subconscious to see what we would do. An emulator, of sorts. It produces a situation in which any action we take does not actually have consequences, without alerting us of this "safety". Perhaps it is to form opinions and to develop the personality, simply through a quick, in-the-moment test.Perhaps we are only dreaming of daydreaming.Perhaps we're not dreaming at all.

  8. As has been pointed out, the biggest flaw with this "theory" is that it assumes that everything must have come from SOMETHING. It goes onto assume that a God must have created everything. But then one must consider: from whence did the God spawn? From whence did that which God spawned from spawn?


    The idea that a thing must have a beginning is thus refuted.


    One is then inclined to bring up that it has pretty much been proved that the Big Bang happened, and that all matter and energy as we know it exploded from a single, infinitesimal point. However this also relies on assumption, the worst one ever made: That matter/energy are separate entities from space.


    Honestly, in something that we call the uni- verse, how can we POSSIBLY think that there is more than one kind of "stuff"? How is it not immediately obvious that all "stuffs" in the universe are actually different forms of the same "stuff"?


    Einstein has made the claim E=mc^2, which is widely accepted as true. This effectively states that mass is a form of energy. Einstein's theories of relativity also states that space is a physical, warping thing...if all that reacts to the bending of space is considered different forms of the same thing, while each having their own sets of reactions, the theoretical path leads from there to the conclusion that Space = Energy = Mass=Stuff.


    And before somebody uses the argument that we each seem to have a personal consciousness, I must point out that it isn't entirely impossible for there to be a "biotic" form of energy. It certainly makes sense that living things would have their own unique energy, given their apparently erratic behaviour. The idea that there could be a sort of "life energy" allows the concept that we each are indeed physical beings, yet with our own separate consciousnesses; while still supporting the claim that everything is made of a universal, neutral "stuff".

  9. Hello to all folks at Xisto, users, mods, and admins alike. As you can see from my ability to post here, I have recently joined your community, and hope to have some great discussions here!Granted, probably like most others here, I came to Xisto solely for the hosting capabilities. My school counselor, my friends, and I, recently set up a philanthropic organization called KidzForCauses. I'd been assigned to get a website going for it, and so, dissatisfied with Google Apps' capabilities, I searched for a more... advanced web host.Alas, I came here. I was at first a little put off by the requirement of posting regularly to maintain a hosted account, but then it struck me as a great idea. I have fun and become part of your community here, you provide me with a way to support my own community. And so our online relationship begins, Xisto.Despite the fact that this is an introduction I would, for privacy reasons, prefer not to reveal any personal details of mine, or anyone I am affiliated with. However I can say that I am greatly pleased there are such sections as "Spirituality and Consciousness", a "Creativity Forum", and a news discussion forum. It is, perhaps, inferable from this pleasure that I am quite the philosopher, and will be spending most of my time here in those forums.I'm not really sure what else I can say here. I suppose I'll just sign off for now, and hope to mutually enjoy my communications with you all!Thanks.

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