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Posts posted by RBron

  1. Well, I am sorry to say this but I've noticed that the quality of the posts is degrading day by day and because of that only, I am writing this post and I am trying to bring out certain things which each and every member has to keep in mind while starting a new post.


    I know that all these things are mentioned thousand or may be endless times in the forum however still if we've to repeat ourselves then I think there is something wrong even if all the moderators try their level best to keep the things neat and clean.

    When you are about to start a new topic.


    There are certain things which every member must do before starting a new topic and beleive me, these have been said endless times and is repeated again this time also.....


    * Use the search feature to find out if the topic has been discussed before and if it has been instead of starting a new topic make a reply in that post.


    * Make sure that you give a descriptive topic title and by descriptive I mean a topic title which makes sense and explains what exactly you want to say in the topic. Now, this is not only important from the point of view of better and organized post but also because it helps in the SEO of the forum.


    You can leave out topic description because it no longer plays an important role in the SEO however if there is a description then it can make a post look better and can attract the readers (oh yes, not everyone will open the post if it is not having a catchy or important heading).


    * Always make sure that you contribute in the forum from your own words, if you are copying and pasting the content from different sources then make sure you QUOTE it and then dont forget to give your opinion on that....Dont just copy and paste the stuff..We do want to know your opinion too and that will keep things moving and keep the forum interesting.


    and when I say your words, dont forget that more words means more credits, so when you write....write as much as you can to get more credits (its for your own good).


    When making a reply to a topic




    * Don't forget to be ON TOPIC, if you think that your reply will take the post completely on a different aspect even if it is somewhat related to the topic then you must make a new topic and when you make a new topic then dont forget to mention why you made a new topic (even if the related topic exists) Remember, if you'll explain then it will take another 10-20 words which will again give you more credits


    * Try not to flame and not to forget that it is a public forum and thus you must use proper language in the forum.


    * If you are promoting any religion then there is no harm in it but remember that each and every religion deserves equal respect and same is the case with other communities, countries, people...remember that if you give respect to others you'll gain respect from others.


    These are some of the things which I thought that they needed to be highlighted as I think these simple and basic things are not followed by the members these days..........and I'll again point out on the DESCRIPTIVE TOPIC TITLE! please make sure that you follow these things....not only they are simple but helpful for you and others too!


    I hope that this post will make some difference and we'll get to see some improvement in the forum.

    well for me the forum is to share/solve problems or share what i/you think about this site. or your suggest or something or your lost on what you are doin here ( I always go to the forum if i need any help/problems ) So the forum is the area.


    Thanks alot for the info :P

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