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Posts posted by digitline

  1. I am thinking of using Joomla as a CMS for a website.
    However I do not know where I can start. I know CSS and using semantic markup. I also know how to integrate a CMS like WordPress into my own website design. However with Joomla, it looks more complex and troublesome. With WordPress, it was decently documented and I had no problems using their functions.

    I have read up on the documentation of Joomla. I have a question.
    There is index.php to handle the main page, but how about sub pages? I would appreciate it if someone can give me a brief introduction of how the CMS works in layman terms.

    Also can you advise where I can learn how to integrate Joomla into my site's template?

    Thanks in advance

    Well, I am not realy sure about this, but I think that you must do it the other way arround... You can integrate the already present content from your website into Joomla! website. Joomla have very flexible layout system, that is mostly given with the template used... each template have the main module positions, so you can rearrange the looks to your pleasure. The subcontent is created from the database so the main index.php is always used. You have to create sections, categories, content items and then to create mainmenu items that will call certain section/category/item.

    There is also the other option to create subdomain (where appliable) from where you can call content rendered by Joomla, but you still need to link it or integrate it inside your web site via some kind of wrapper.

  2. It is not realy a dilemma. In the age of Internet 1.x you had the option, or were constrained to hard code the design with the content. With the Internet 2.0 you are practicaly forced to separate looks from content. New terms are: skinning, tableless, CSS, modularity and so on. The main objective is to have the content that is easy to manage: insert-edit-update, and the content system will think of the rest.
    I suggest you to have a look at Joomla Content Management System and it's skinning abilities... It will let you do almost everything without coding. There is also a larg number of modules and components, but in the end you will see that you have to code in order to achieve some extra effects... Anyway, there is a site, in your own language: http://www.crojoomla.com/ where you can find more details. You will see that with Joomla! many coding is done long ago. Many free template let you experiment, find the looks and layout you like, then when you get down on it it's inevitable that you will bump into some coding.

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