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Everything posted by cracks_of_my_tears

  1. Thanks for your advices day_armstrong and zerogravity. To administrators or moderators, could you kindly delete this thread asap.? Thanks.
  2. Hello der one and all. Well my problem is that me and my wife are always arguing about the same stuff over and over again. It mostly has something to do with her not paying attention to me. I am not trying to sound perfect or needy mind you, but even if I'm feeling down in the dumps or really excited about something, I always try my best to listen to her and converse with her even if it's all about the stuff she's interested in and NEVER about what I'm interested in, or even if I'm really in a hurry, or even if I'm feeling sick or whatever, I ALWAYS try my BEST to be attentive to her and be the best company that I can be. But lately, she's getting worse to communicate with. I often find myself asking her if she's falling out of love with me (she always says never and why do I even ask) , but somehow it doesn't feel comforting even if that's her answer. On the average, 8 out of 10 times we speak, she never bothers to listen to me and always says she has a migraine (which I let her off the hook for), or she's very tired, her foot hurts, and whatever ridiculous reason one can think of. That is the part that frustrates me because I can't fathom why she would do that to me. I wasn't the most popular guy in high school, but I wasn't an outcast neither. I had and still have lots of friends whom don't treat me that way and in fact treat me with respect and listen to me as I listen to them. The sad part is that I wouldn't mind half as much IF they did treat me that way (that would suck though) , just as long as my wife wouldn't treat me that way. It feels as though my chest is caving in every time she does that to me. I have thought of separation many times but I fear of losing custody of my kids and her telling them lies and bad things about me just to make them hate me. I love my kids very much and that's probably the biggest reason why I'm still in this predicament but I would never even think of making them the reason of my problems. It was all me who made the decisions and it is still me making the current decisions why I am still in this relationship. I also still love my wife very much but sometimes, I feel that I just can't take this treatment anymore. Anybody have any thoughts on this?
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