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Everything posted by mrbasharking

  1. Hi, first, I'd like to Thanks you for your useful informations second, I tried to suggest some softwares that I use for DIGITAL music, cause if you are going to record live one, of course you'll be in need for microphones, mixers, noise filters.... etc What I'm talking about is the cheapest way to compose and play veriety instruments using a musical keyboard with MIDI interface, so you can use UNLIMITED soundfonts. peace..
  2. Hi all, If you are a music composer and arranger, you need bunch of tools and equipments, like MIDI-cable, musical instruments and stuff, and some softwares, so you can make your basic studio, you can use multi-soundfonts and loops using VSAMPLER, and also, use AdobeAudition from Adobe WebSite to record your music into multi-tracks and mix them down all together. Need more soundfonts to download and share? good question huh? you can easily register a free account at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists// and share your SF2 files there, and download loads of SF2 files That's how I make my own music Thanks.
  3. Hi all, Princess, you can check my thread (Have you ever tried Soulseek?). it may help a lil bit
  4. Hi all, I was searching for a P2P good and fast P2P for downloading and sharing music files, and I found SoulSeek, and it fit my needs, easy, fast, groupable sharing (e.g. when you are searching for a song, you can download the whole folder that contain it). you can visit SOUL SEEK OFFICIAL WEBSITE for downloading freeware version of soul seek, and download your favorite songs Wish that help people who interests in downloading songs, music and soundtracks
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