<!-- Pop Up Script --><script language="JavaScript"> function openDir( form ) { var newIndex = form.fieldname.selectedIndex; if ( newIndex == 0 ) { alert( "Please select a Windows tweak!" ); } else { cururl = form.fieldname.options[ newIndex ].value; openRequestedPopup(cururl); } } function openRequestedPopup(yoururl){ win = window.open(yoururl,"DescriptiveWindowName", "resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no"); //edit properties as you need} </script> <!-- Pop Up Script End -->Please check also value of variable cururl is coming properly or not.Just check it using
If the alert is coming with proper value then comment it and run again.
Notice from rvalkass:
Please remember to use the correct BBCodes in your posts. Code goes in [ code ] tags (without the spaces). Also, please avoid making double posts. You can use the edit button to add to your post if no-one else has replied.