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Posts posted by bearsaj99

  1. The only problem is with religion but you can't pay too much attention to a book that was written before sexual ethics and understanding was developed so I feel if god does exist he will not dislike someone any more for being gay!

    Not trying to burst your bubble or anything, but in early times there were gay people. However they had to hide it with their lives. If they were caught they were heavily persecuted and put to death by stoning. In pre-colonial times these people were tried, most often lost, and were hanged. Today we saw an uprising in out coming "gays" because we are in a time where we can really understand each other and look into how the brain works.

    A second thing to say is once these people started coming out they stopped coming out because of the new prejudice against them. Many people use the word gay instead of things like *darn*, *I didn't like that* and more.

    However there is technically nothing wrong with being gay, but it is all about what you believe in. I believe soon the whole world will have to accept this and gay marriage will become legal.

  2. Hey everybody I am Bearsaj99. I am the leader and web manager for the Call Of Duty 4 clan Delta United. I am looking for a new host for the site, and Xisto sounded like the perfect one. I look forward to earning my credits in the forums and hope to see you all around. -Bearsaj99P.S. my current site is deltaunited.zzl.org

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