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Posts posted by acratings

  1. Some people with special forms of mental retardation have the ability to remember everything that they have ever done. A while ago I was reading a story in National Geographic about this person who remembered everything that happened on any date in the past. If I remember correctly, this phenomenon happened after the person got a concussion, so it's possible that people have the potential to retain all of their memories, but the brain just filters out what's important.There are just so many strange things we don't know about the brain. I remember reading a story about someone ho had been learning English for about a year, and had very bad English, and got into a car accident and had slight brain injury. For a couple hours after the accident, the person was able to speak English perfectly to the EMTs, but after a while was back to normal.

  2. This all comes down to the simple question, what is intelligence. Is our ability to think based on certain reactions between atoms in our brains, or is there something else (a soul) that actually makes decisions. If all of our actions are predetermined, then what gives the feeling that we are controlling ourselves? If everything is just based on chemical bonds, then I guess simply moving someone from one location to another instantly would keep the person's previous thoughts, even if it was not 'the same person'. In fact, how do we know that we are living at all? For all you know, you mind could be fabricated to make you think that you have already lived that many years of your life, but you could have in reality been born only seconds ago.

  3. I have personally used both Windows XP, and Linux, and I am split between the two. I think that Linux is the better operating system, but right now it does not support enough hardware/software to become a true competitor. If/When Linux gets to the point that it is pre-installed on computer and software companies start to develop for it, then I think it will get to the same usability as Windows. I don't like XP as much, but at least I know it is guaranteed to work with 80% of software. I haven't really tried using Mac OS X, so I can't comment on it.

  4. If the universe is infinite and we assume there are an infinite number of galaxies. Since these galaxies are so far apart, we can essentially assume independence, and assume that these galaxies develop alone, and in a random manor. If there are an infinite number of galaxies developing randomly, then couldn't we assume that a portion of these infinite galaxies support life like we do. If a portion of infinity is infinity, then an infinite number of galaxies should support life. Since there are also an infinite number of these galaxies with life, we could assume that a portion of the infinite, i.e. an infinite amount of galaxies support life as complex as we do. We can also assume that an infinite number of these galaxies would have technology far greater than up, with the potential to travel around the entire universe. Even if these other life forms travel randomly, an infinite number of randomly traveling life forms should cover everywhere in the galaxy at the same time. If there truly are an infinite number of galaxies, then why have we not intersected with other life forms?

  5. Is this browser actually faster, or does it just feel faster because you expect it to be (i.e. has anyone actually done test comparing its speed to Firefox's?) If this is considerably faster, I may look into it as I don't have very many extensions that I use on Firefox.

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