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  1. Firewire has a wider throughput to negotiate and sync audio and video in capturing the DV tape from camera to computer. It is common mistake for newbies to use the USB port in the DV camera to get their video clips via USB onto the computer. It is like pushing a monster truck onto an alley. USB is 480 mbps as opposed to Firewire 400 mbps; it is faster but with a narrow throughput. Usually non-linear video editing softwares like the old Ulead and Pinnacle systems would crash or hang while capturing video via USB. Take my word for it. Just add a firewire card for less headache. I have yet to hear how to use firewire port to connect to the internet for FREE!? And never having to pay for your ISP? I wonder what medication djstarskream is using to get an idea? Is that possible? Wow!
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