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Posts posted by ohs

  1. I have to say that the PS3 *could* be way better than all other gaming systems (excluding portablility, in which case the DS takes the cake :D), IF games would use the full capability/capacity of the system. The visual/audio output is (or not(per game)) higher than the 360, IS faster than the 360, has more memory capacity than other systems (except pc, but can be replaced/added to), built-in bluray drive, bluetooth everything, and, of course, FREE*** online access(with ISP, of course :o )!


    The Xbox360 is VERY user-friendly, has more games(than PS3), a lot of active players (especially on halo2 :D ). The graphics are, as of now, close if not on-level with the PS3. Unfortunately, what ultimately made me choose to buy a PS3 instead of 360 is the lack of most features the PS3 has. Oh, and... the PS3 and XBOX360 are BOTH* grills! circulation is very important.


    I LOVE playing the Wii... until i'm too exhausted to play anymore (being out of shape plays a factor). It may have the same genres as all other systems, but the group fun and innovative play style(s) are unmatched. Graphics - 6/10, but a lot of the Wii is new features not used before, at least not as well, and graphics should not be expected to be perfect.


    Since computers can be near infinitly upgraded, they of course, are the better investment (which only lasts about 2 years before you feel the need to upgrade everything).


    As far as overall gaming, my favorite system is the 360.

    For better investment for whats to come (and not cost >$4000), PS3

    For better investment, but costs half a year's salary (exaggeration, maybe), AND more versatility in gameplay, etc., PC

    Portable fun, DS (PSP is WAY*** too s l o w, although i do like it, but not for the gaming purposes)

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