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Posts posted by shotgun_sonata

  1. i was hoping the african guy would win. maybe he'd help the catholics (who are well known for saying they accept everone but secretly hate anyone who isnt rich and white) finally start opening up to the idea of equality. plus it would stir things up a bit, for all the racists in my town, mostly catholic. i just think it could've changed the world as we know it. EQUALITY=never gonna happen. ands thats just sad. (to put it simply)

  2. the problem with suicide is that it solves all of your problems when everything is going wrong and when you hate yourself because of things you done or said. it seems like an easy solution...and it is. but only for those who are completely alone, abandoned by their parents, friends, and all other connections to the outside world, outside of yourself. if someone like that killed themselves, no one would know, most people wouldnt even care. when someone succesful wants to kill themselves, it causes controversy, (who gets the money). when someone loved wants to kill themselves, it causes deep sorrows in all who loved him (why, why, why, etc).i think i just went all over and mised my point.while I can't sit here and tell you suicide is wrong and immoral, I can tell you that anyone who does commit suicide ruins things for other people.i dont know how to put it, "lacking?" I have something really "enlightening" to say but I can't put it into words, I'm sorry. I tried. :lol:

  3. since there was only one banner in this folder, i thought i'd give it a shot and make my own.

    the results are less than pleasing to me, but i thought i'd put it up anyway.


    its way too basic, i think, it needs something else and the text needs to be changed but i dont have the time anymore and i gave up, but here it is anyway.



    Posted Image



    Posted Image


    excuse the links, i wasn't sure if the banners would show up or not. :lol:

  4. wait, no way, reading makes you a geek?!?!?!?and gaming makes you cool!?!?!?!i thought it was the other way around, i tought the geeks were the people who never leave their screen of choice, be it tv or pc. better get with the times and burn all my books!ps. i was just being sarcastic, most people have a geeky side, even if they hide it.

  5. i would buy neither, but from a business standpoint, Adidas tops Nike immensly. in terms of popularity, Nike went out in the 90's and never came back. Adidas had a hit with the three stripes shoes (yes, i had a pair too), and are still doing well. their new shoe with the computer in it is just plain idiotic, but i'm sure it's selling like (instert good analogy here).

  6. anyways, i think the indie term has to do with the sound more than with a simple description as independent.


    the term originally came from the idea of a band being independent, selling their own records, etc. but most of these bands sounded the same and major labels weren't signing anyone who had their sound.


    so eventually, indie bands grew large from touring and indie labels started popping up to help them out.

    but they had a problem, seeing as how all these independent bands had a record label, they couldn't really be "independent" anymore and hence the term indie gradually became the name of their specific music genre instead of their economical status.


    but who cares, if it sounds good, hell yeah, if it doesn't, screw it.


    we'd all rather listen to what we like than get caught up in trying to label our music



    ps. nice list

  7. I'm into art and photoshop and promoting (which uses art and photoshop).I dont like "1337", learn to spell with letters, that's what they're for.I'm currently building my site, but obviously, it's not hosted anywhere other than my desktop. but that's ok, because if you could have seen some of my early errors, you most likely would have killed me or done something of that matter.I'm trying to compile a portfolio of my art, but i hit a big wall when i realized i didn't have a scanner (oh yeah, duh stupid...) so everything that goes on my site will have to be photoshop creations, etc. I searched a long time to find Xisto, i hope everyone here is nice enough to make this whole thing worth while, but i dont doubt that.Am i rambling, or are you still reading.talk to you all later---shotgun_sonata

  8. I bought a Dell DJ 15Partially because the price was better,and partially because i didn't like the whole aesthetics of Apple and the way they seem to want to take over what is considered "hip".However, I have noticed that my Dell DJ is not constructed as well as it claims, I've had to use the manual reset feature quite often and there is something wrong with my headphone jack that I need to deal with before it becomes a problem. I don't know if I have a defected device or if the original models were just poorly constructed rip offs, but I still love it.

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