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Posts posted by analym

  1. I never bought game currency myself, I think that it is a waste of money, but I know alot of people who did.I was a guildleader of a hardcore raidingguild in WoW, we raided 6 days a week and 4+ hours a night. We needed alot of potions and buffs every night, which costs alot of gold. Since alot of people in the guild are 20+ and working, they dont have the time to farm, so they buy to gold to be able to raid. They say: i rather work and earn 20US$+ a day and buy enough gold to last a month then farm for hours a day to raid. It sounds logical..... And there are alot of people in other guilds on different realm who do the same. They buy game currency to be able to play the game that they are addicted to, so it doesnt sound so useless.In another MMORPG i played, people pay 100US$ to buy a weapon which has a 0.001% dropchance of some mob you spend 3-5 minutes killing, I thought they were crazy paying so much for pixels but else you need to be very lucky of very patient spending hours/days/weeks/months killing mobs.I think buying "pixels" ain't totaly useless, it depends on what people are willing to prioritize.

  2. Here are alot of different private servers listed:

    I played retail for 2 years of which 1.5 yrs i have raided hardcore. And yes that means you will hardly have a life besides WoW, since you are raiding 6 days a week 4+ hours a night :o
    so...I quitted for my own sake. I enjoyed the free time i had, but WoW is like poison and I had the urge to play it again. Because i was the guildleader of the top 2 raidingguild in the realm, I can't go back and be a casual player, but i also didnt want to lvl some unknown character with crappy gear, so i tried out private servers. This is what i ve learned:

    There are 3 kinds of private servers:
    Blizzlike/ Funserver/ High Rate
    Blizzlike: like normal Blizzard server, with quests and scripts working (bosses and instances are like what blizzard intended they to be like)
    Funserver: Instant or 1-kill lvl 70, you can buy epics, reagents (custom items) and tiers from vendors
    High Rate: fast lvl-ing till beyond lvl 70 till around lvl 255, custom instances/ items to fit the higher lvl (bosses and instances are most likely not scripted)

    Playing a private server wont make you lose you retailaccount, the only thing you have to do is to alter the realmlist. And most private servers update their servers within a week or 2 to the latest Blizpatch

    There are alot of weird private servers around, from where gm's .kill players for fun to servers where every horde/ally kill other faction on sight.

    How to find a good private server? Just try out different servers till one is at your liking. But watch out for servers where people can donate for gmpower, since alot of people like to abuse that power. And look how people behave in the general channel, that will most likely show what kind of people to expect.

    I have chosen for a highrate server myself, just to try out some things and solo some bosses for fun, it was fun for 1-2 weeks :D
    I think I ll play WoW again after an expansion, retail is still the best in my opinion, the difference is in the people playing (although the gm's on private servers can be better then in retail XD )

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