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Posts posted by Amiel

  1. Do you have downloads added into the game? I have about 4000Do have an males to get pregnant, been kidnap by a secret socity,or have an alien, vampire or werewolf families, ? No yet :P but I am trying :)

    So much to do. I am looking forward to it all.

    Whoa that's too many, good thing your computer did not break down because of that naughty downloads added in your game lol. ModTheSims2 is a good site, I also download mods and some guides there. I also learned how to recolor t-shirts and pants there. I'm very lazy in seaching McDonalds and other fast food chains, I'm very lazy in finding a Playstation 3, a Nintendo Wii and a Microsoft Xbox 360, I'm very lazy in seaching different and cool Televisions and some Audio thingy, I'm very lazy in searching for a good Residential lot or a Community lot and I wonder if they will create ModTheSims3? Lol... You may also visit The Sims Resource a mixed fansite [free/subscribe]

    Do have an males to get pregnant, been kidnap by a secret socity,or have an alien, vampire or werewolf families, ? No yet :P but I am trying :P

    Males do get pregnant if they we're abducted by the aliens. If your very curious what will happen then buy your Sim a telescope and then use the cheat: boolprop testingcheatsenabled true Tip: Make sure you entered that cheat before entering your Sims' house or else the cheat won't have effect if you typed it inside your Sims' house. [Got me?]

  2. I'm curious though... How much better/worse is Sims 2 and its expansions in comparison to the first one? Would you say the First one is better or the Second one?

    Well, The Sims is legendary game and The Sims 2 a good successor of The Sims. If I would compare the two games the obviously I'll choose The Sims 2. You see, it has the nice 3-D graphic effects, it has more The Sims feel while playing, it has the good gameplay and etc. What I don't like with The Sims 2 is that, there are so called glitches and bugs in the game.. Of course, a game would not survive without bugs or glitches :P. Another thing is the loading screen, I expected that The Sims 2 will be similar to Grand Theft Auto :) I have to wait for atleast 1 minute or even 5 minutes before reaching my designated destination. Probably my computer just suck because it's slow :P. Well, as I've said The Sims is a legendary game, without The Sims then there's no concept of The Sims 2 appeared. Without The Sims, maybe I'm bored now...

  3. PLeaze help me Nightlife problem


    Problem Installing Sims 2 Nightlife

    Hi all


    I installed the sims 2 nightlife before some time bit a problem happened and I had to unistall all of the sims 2 files.


    Then after some time I tried to install the sims 2 noghtlife again but it got stuck at 73%


    It says << A problem has occured when tying to transfer the file tsdata/res...Housemix from the media..>> then it says to retry the instalitation or to cansel it


    Please help me install the sims 2 nightlife it is onw of my favorite expansion packs


    I hope that I iwll get an answer...

    -question by Nickname

    Then you have a disk problem. Check your disk for any defects, problems, cracks and etc. Try to install it again. If it says: A problem has occured when tying to transfer the file tsdata/res, then manually install it. You can see the instructions here: Clicky I hope that helps!



  4. [still stucked? Tired of reading? Lol... It's an easy mission, I can accomplish it in just 1 mission attempt. Well I'm not boasting I'm just saying :)

    I usually watch video guides at YouTube, it helps me alot in sorting out my mission problems. Here, I think you should try to watch this video created by GTAmissions: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I hope that video link helps you out...


  5. I can't say it's a good or a bad Operating system...The Problems are:As others said, older programs do not work well or it does not really work with Windows Vista. I have some programs/Good Programs that I like which is not compatible with Windows Vista and I wonder why?Also, the system requirements gives many people a headache [including me :) ] I've upgraded my Computer two times and upgrading to Windows Vista? [Well, I should think of upgrading or to stay with Windows XP Professional]I'm hoping that next time with the upcoming Operating System, it would be greater, we all expect for the good. And I also hope that Microsoft is listening to our complaints, comments and suggestions for the sake of everyone...

  6. I cannot really say Windows Vista sucks because I'm not yet used to it. I'm using Windows XP Professional and would like to upgrade to Windows Vista but with the reviews, insights, gossips, complaints, opinions, comments and etc that I have read, it's seems like that I'm afraid of installing this Operating System. :D Well, the only thing that attracts me in this Operating System is the shiney Windows Org, shiney, Windows Taskbar and the Glamorous Windows Aero... :)Oh well...

  7. I use Windows Movie Maker until now. Windows Movie Maker is really good and it is just simple though there are some areas that needs to be improved. I have already produced 5 movies/videos by using Windows Movie Maker. Honestly, I'm not really satisfied with the features of the Windows Movie Maker so I find some resources that can add some twists with my movies/videos. I also tried Sony Vegas, it's very good but Windows Movie Maker is still Number. 1 for me. Maybe I can change my mind someday when I need some deep video editing software.-Amiel

  8. For 2009, I expect a little more, but the screenshots look pretty good. I can't wait to see that system requirements checklist though... :) Owners of The Sims 2 will know what I mean, especially if they installed a lot of expansion packs.

    Lol yeah, I would like to see the system requirements for The Sims 3. I think there will be a huge changes in the system requirements in The Sims 3 because the gameplay is actually big. Oh well it's part of the game... Let me just update and upgrade somethings in my Computer =D


    Oh well, more interesting screenshots has been released and I can't really wait to see more interesting screenshots in this game. Also, it's not all about the screenshots, but the sneak peak preview video of the game has been also released. It's actually wonderful but what I didn't liked in the sneak peak preview is the background music and I don't know why.... Lol

  9. Sims 3


    It's All About The Sims 3!

    I have always hoped you could roam around on the sims and it happened after 3 years of me playing the sims! I would keep pleasentview though as it was the most popular neighborhood! It would be a real drag if they took away pleasentview. Please bring back Bella because I know that many players missed her so much! I am so excited if they look at this and decide it is a good idea to use a gamer's wish of the sims 3!


    Can't wait :lol:


    -reply by Elisha

    Oh, I'm also playing The Sims, the great Simulation game ever for 3 years! As every Simmer, we all dream that Sims could roam around the neighborhood. And it's just pretty exciting what it looks like. Maybe it will be a total hit game on 2009. And about Bella, she could be already dead, old or the mysteries of her abduction has been solved in that time. For sure, since this is a new generation of Sims, we may see new faces, new families, new stories and etc.

  10. nightlife


    Problem Installing Sims 2 Nightlife

    I cant upload nightlife too stop s at 77.%

    Yet all my other sims games are on it fine


    I think thers a bug on nightlife ...Cd,

    Cos everyone having the same problem


    -reply by steph

    Not really, it's your disk problem. Some DVD/CD Roms can read disks properly but some are not. Try to search in the mighty Google so you can sort things out. Or, why don't you buy a new disk?

  11. But spore was scheduled to be out this month!!! and now september, I don't understand how games companies can be so off target. april - may release i could understand but september!!! Its obvious it's for marketing but I wish for once companies would say It will be finished then and finish it by then or very close too!

    Wow, really? I didnt knew that. All I'm focused is at The Sims 3!


    Hot News!

    Scans of PC Gamer magazine has been scanned and now it's being leaked through the whole wide word showing us how The Sims 3 is very realistic. Well, as I've read the article, I have seen many new features that has been added in The Sims 3. Well, one of them is that your Sims at The Sims 3 can be totally fat and fat and fat! As you may now know that Sims can roam around the neighborhood. 1 part there is that a camera has been focused in to a Sim while the Sim is doing something else, the presenters zoomed out the camera view and you may see the whole neighborhood. 1 thing to take note of that is your Sims lives in a town! Oooh, sounds interesting huh. The number of attribute bars has been reduced from eight to three, Sleep, Bathe and Eat, and Your Sims have traits now.

    Features Review:

    1. Sims can be totally fat.
    2. Sims can roam around the neighborhood
    3. Camera view has been improved
    4. You Sims Lives in a Town
    5. Reduced Needs
    6. Sims has Traits


    No more Pleasantview. Well, Pleaantview is one of the major neighborhoods in The Sims 2 as you may not know for some. But, the only thing that I saw there is that there is a neighborhood named: Pleasantville but according for GFW, it is Pleasant Vlley. Hmmm, is Pleasantville or Pleasant Valley and Pleasantview are the same? Well we'll see it soon!

  12. Just a bunch of things I know about GTA IV
    It has been confirmed that there no bicycles this time.
    There are a series of jumps, just like in San Andreas.
    Vehicles being more realistic than ever take a lot of deft handling, especially at high speeds.
    There are no seasons, so no snow. :(
    It is not possible to get thin or fat, like in SA, but a variety of clothes are available.
    There is a separate internet inside the game, with its 100 or so sites.
    The days are more important now, eg. Missions that can only be done on Sundays.
    There are 14 radio stations.
    You can listen to the radio from your cell ( yes, there is a cell phone <_< ) anytime you want.
    The hand 2 hand combat has been completely revamped.
    You can throw molotovs or grenades from the car window.
    Pool, bowling, darts are playable inside the game.
    The car trunk can hold items.
    Niko's cousin Roman owns a taxi co., so you can call him to drive and earn from a Taxi of your own.

    I'll post the rest later...


    1. Owww, no more bicycles in Grand Theft Auto: 4? Wow... Well it's Liberty City a busy city like New York and I have not seen any people taking bicycles there... Lol...

    2. What! No seasons again? It's seemed that Rockstar does not like snow! It's not realistic now. I was expecting for seasons and my wish did not came true! That's sad. That is one of my turn offs in buying this game.

    3. It is not possible to Niko to be fat or thin? Owww, that's so sad. It is not really realistic if that weird thing happened. Sigh should I buy this game? Well...

    4. There is a separate internet inside the game, with its 100 or so sites! Wow, that's so cool, I want to see that feature right away. I hope this thing is confirmed.


    I want a realistic game but the numbers 2 and 3 makes me sad and now, I'm thinking if I should buy the game or not? Should I... Well...

  13. The Sims 2 is the greatest game of all my games installed in my computer. I really love it especially I take control of everything like God. But Sims is not like us, because in The Sims 2, your Sims' god is you, the player and you take control of them what to do and do and do and do. But opposite here in real life, we are the ones who control our lives and we have a god the source of everything and strength. It's a very looong game because it is an open ended game and it doesn't end right away. Unlike in other games after you've finished your missions and you have accomplished them successfully then after that it's all the end. You cannot play the game anymore but you may start at the back to rejoice your enjoyment again. But it's not like that in The Sims 2, Sims are born and Sims dies, then a new generation has come and that generation will die and then new generation has come and then that generation will die and that cycle will keep on repeating again and again unless it stops when all of your Sims die.I usually re mince the days when I was playing that great The Sims 2 game. I usually create Sims create them lots, buy things that they need, and controlling them. I don't use any cheats, modifications, trainers, and others that would make my game easier. What's the purpose of the game if you would just cheat and cheat then your Sims lives would be easier. I would love to live in a simple lives, living with an exact money letting them have jobs, waiting them to promote, and waiting them to earn money. So my game has rosed and it's very wonderful now. It's great to boast tp your friends saying that you didn't use an cheats, modifications, trainers and I have worked hard for it hardly and clean.Simming is the Best!

  14. hello every body i've only just joined and was woundering if any of you could help me with nighlife. My problem is that when i put in th disc it make the sound when you are about to install something but hen the sound stops and nothing happens. if read all the thing like the setup.exe file but there isn't one so please help me it's really hacking me offthanks

    Make sure also that you have The Sims 2 you can not install The Sims 2: Nightlife if you dont have The Sims 2 because The Sims 2: Nightlife is just an Expansion Pack. It expands The Sims 2's basic feature such as new Downtown District, the ability to have cars, the ability to experience more things about dating, and such more things about Nightlife. Make sure also that you both The Sims 2 and The Sims 2: Nightlife are original. Original CD's are the best rather than pirated CD's. Original CD's can have a beneficial support from their retailers and Fake CD's can have also a beneficial support but it's not may be guaranteed because it's a pirated CD. Or if it's not it, check your CD/DVD Rom if it is fixed. I also remember when I was to install my The Sims 2, my CD rom doesn't detect a problem neither no errors at all. I uninstall my game and I tried it to install to my DVD rom, it detects such problems / errors that like stop my game from installing it. So take care of your CD's because you don't know it's already wrecked!

    Best Wishes,

  15. I liked all 3 Grand Theft Autos that I've played for different reasons (3, Vice city, and San Andreas).
    GTA 3: Awesome storyline. For GTA stories, it sets the bar pretty high. Even though the others were great, I don't think their overall stories could get as high as this one. My only complaint is the lack of rock stations.

    GTA VC: I liked the map, even though it was only 2 islands. The music was THE BEST. Vrock was one hell of a station. Slayer, Judas Priest, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Ozzy, Anthrax....barely gets better than that, though I saw the playlist for VC stories. It wasn't too bad....I mean, it had freaking Dio, which is always a win. Back on VC, though, I found the storyline was very similar to Scarface (as 3 was to the Godfather (which I STILL have yet to see)). I mean, there's even a cool little easter egg on one of the islands. If you've seen Scarface and remember the opening, you'd know about the whole chainsaw incident. Well if you see apartments similar tot he ones in that scene, keep an eye out. One of them has an open door and you can see the gory mess for yourself....it even has a chainsaw. <_<

    GTA SA: I LOVE LONG ****ING GAMES!!! (such as Final Fantasy.) Though I'm not a big fan of the whole content of the story, the length of it kept me very happy. The stations were pretty decent, switching between Kdst and Radio X (or whatever the "modern" (1992) rock station name was). But the best part about the game was the gameplay. If I were to base a game solely on gameplay and replay value, this is #1. There was so much to do...hell even driving around on this game for hours is fun and relaxing. It definitely had the best gameplay in a GTA game (dunno about GTA 4). The maps were just epic. You had deserts (desserts? I get confused on the proper spelling, but you know what I mean. :( ), forest, suburbs, cities with tall towers...all of it was just amazing. My only complaint is the Rhino. I hated how the camera followed the turret. In the other games, I'd spawn or steal a tank, reverse the turret, and use it to propel myself while blasting whatever was behind me....I couldn't do that in this game....oh well, ya win some and ya lose some.

    And I'd like to state for the record that I beat all GTA story lines and completed most of the car lists....I just can't find the Mr. Whoopie in 3 (If anyone has help with that, please PM me).

    Oooh, I saw that Scarface thingy in one of the apartments there in Vice City and it's really scary!

    I cant also find Mr. Whoopie in Grand Theft Auto: 3, it appeared 1 time in one of missions but after that it didnt appear anymore :(
    My Favorite Stations:

    Grand Theft Auto: 3 - All Radio Stations And They Are: Head Radio, Double Clef FM, K-Jah, Rise FM, Lips 106, Game Radio FM, MSX FM, Flashback FM, and Chatterbox FM.

    Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: 3 Radio Stations And They Are: Wildstyle, K-Chat, and Vice City Public Radio or also known as, VCPR.

    Grand Theft Auto San Andreas: 4 Radio Stations And They Are: Radio Los Santos, KDST, K-JAH West, and SF- UR

  16. I want to compare these games.1st: Grand Theft Auto: 3. Grand Theft Auto: 3 is the first 3D game ever in the Grand Theft Auto Franchise. In Grand Theft Auto: 3, I didnt experience too much violence, harsh words, but I experience riding a train in Grand Theft Auto for the first time. Lol. I thought if I would compare Grand Theft Auto: Vice City to Grand Theft Auto: 3, Grand Theft Auto: 3 is bigger than Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. But, I'm wrong Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is two times bigger! Grand Theft Auto: 3's gameplay is very good, but I'm not satisfied with this game.2nd: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. As I've said, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is 2 times bigger than Grand Theft Auto: 3 and as a sequel of Grand Theft Auto: 3, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City has introduced more exciting features than we, players dont expect. In this game, there is more violence and more harsh words. And for the first time, there is now Big Bikes, Helicopters, Speaplanes, and new great cars. What I didnt like in this game is it's few Missions, if I would compare this game to Grand Theft Auto: 3, then Grand theft Auto: 3 has more missions than this game.3rd: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas changed my life. It is the greatest Grand Theft Auto franchise than ther others. More cars, more characters, more violence, more harsh words, and a big state and not city to explore with. In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, they introduced changing clothes, riding jet packs, rinding aeroplanes, joining in schools, more cars, and more! I really love this game.Missions Compare: Grand Theft Auto 3: 73 Missions, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: 53 Missions, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas: 103 Missions!

  17. The Sims 2 Bodyshop is a great tool for The Sims 2. Especially, I'm a former webmaster, and I'm also a downloads contributor. I use Bodyshop as my clothing creator. But Bodyshop wouldnt be complete if there is no image editing tool, for me, I use The Gimp since I dont have the expensive Photoshop. The Gimp is easy and fast to use, I've released many downloads because of that. The Gimp plus + The Sims 2 Bodyshop = Great Products of Downloads.

    Hi all I was just wondering how do you make a NEW OUTFIT no not just recoloring actually GETTING A NEW OUTFIT! using photoshop and bodyshop? I'm like, so sick of the same old look for every sim!! Can any1 help?
    -question by KHR1996

    Well, it's all about recoloring. In creating a clothes, you should choose a clothing as the clothing that you will recolor. You will recolor the clothing layer by layer and the result is a new clothing. If you did not understand me because of my english then you may want to visit this great website out: http://www.modthesims.info/wiki.php?title=MTS2:Create I hope that helped you out.


  18. Zoning in OFB


    The Sims 2 University!

    Hello! <_<


    I hope someone can help me with this. I'm trying to make a home business that my Sims can visit when I'm playing them. In other words, Sim A owns a restaurant and also lives there, Sim B is the sim I'm playing and s/he would like to go on a date at sim A's restaurant. If the lot is residential, there's no way for sim B to get there, and if it's community, sim A can't live there. I really can't figure out how to make this work as home businesses don't show up in the list of possible destinations. I really appreciate any help you all can give!







    This is all about The Sims 2: Open for Business and not The Sims 2: University. But I would love to help you out. First of, you cant really go to a residential business lot because The Sims 2: Open for Business did not introduce any thing saying that you may visit residential business lots. Besides, if you will create a business in a residential lot, then you are not allowed to create a restaurant. Restaurant businesses are only allowed at the commercial community lots. And for the last thing, you should have The Sims 2 Nightlife so you can have the more satisfaction when it comes to dating. I hope I helped you out.


    Happy Simming,


  19. The Sims 2 Delux


    Problem Installing Sims 2 Nightlife

    I bought the delux night life package, and I lost the code that allows it to down load onto my computer so how do I download the game?


    Or how do I find out the code?


    Is there some one I can call who has it?


    -reply by natosha

    Question: Where did you buy that The Sims 2: Deluxe? Is it from the Internet and you download it using EA LINK? or you bought it by yourself in a store. If you bought The Sims 2: Deluxe at EA using their EA LINK, then you may ask a help from their authorities so their would be a guaranteed assistance. Or, if you bought the game by yourself, then go to the retailer, ask the code, or contact Electronic Arts and tell them you lost the code.


    Make sure your The Sims 2: Deluxe is original, so Electronic Arts would help you out. If you cant understand me, maybe you should go these site it may help you out: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/



    Sims 2 Nightlife Troubles


    Problem Installing Sims 2 Nightlife

    I have the sims 2, and I'm now trying to install sims 2 Nightlife. The thing is, I bought the Sims 2 Nightlife at Wal-Mart, and when it gets to the part where I need a code for the game, I can't find it!

    I've looked on the back of the case; the CD's, the help book, anywhere on the case or the CD's. I simply can't find that code.


    Has anyone else had this problem, or can you help me?


    -question by Jane

    Well, you should do is that first you contact Electronic Arts for a guaranteed assistance. Ask them what to do and follow them. The other thing is you should contact Wal-Mart and inform them what happen, they may help you out. For sure there is a warranty thingy in that Nightlife.

  20. I'm not that pleased I wish maxis would concentrate there efforts on spore and finally after 2 years of waiting release it!!!

    Oh for sure Maxis is also giving their 100% efforts in Spore. Besides, Spore will launch this year! The only problem is the promotions. It is not that much popular. Unlike in The Sims 2, The The Sims 2 team will announce a new expansion pack for The Sims 2, and the announcement spreads like a wildfire!

  21. It's very hard to leave video games especially I'm a teen, well, for me video games is a waste of time but, they give me entertainment and my mind is working solving how can I solve the missions. My mom and my grandma always scold me because of video games, they are telling me... My son, video games is just a waste of time. At first I didnt like it. But I've realized that they are true. I'm now experiencing some problems with my friends because I'm not joining them if there is an occasion. I realized that I should not waste my time playing video games because time is running, there are more things to do than playing.Why dont entertain people? Entertain them, if you did that, both of you will be Entertained, Talk and explore things with you friends, serve the church, do your homeworks, do your job, clean your house, and more! There are more things to do than just playing huh,,,,

  22. Oh, last last last week, I've encountered a Blue Screen Of Death and that week, I've encountered it numerous times saying that the problem is Kernel_Inpage_Error but I dont about it. I've tried to search in the might Google but It didnt help me much. I bring my computer to my neighbor so hacn fix it. He reformat my computer and he said it to us that our computer has a virus. OWS!!!?Well, after 1 week, my computer encountered a Blue Screen of Death again with the same error again, so my Mother and I decided to go to our computer supplier. They told us that our computer is overheating. My goodness, I dont know if I would believe it or not. But well, he cleaned my computer and it's full of dusts. Wow....The Possible Symptoms that I suspect: 1. Whenever my DVD or CD Rom reboots, my PC froze and will freeze then I will reboot my PC and it will say, Boot Disk Failure over and over again.2. There is a tool problem which I dont knowor 3. My Computer is too old and I need to trash it now.... lolCheers,Amiel

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