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Posts posted by tariqrf

  1. hmmm.... quality is better than quantity... if you are like me and you cant keep up with regularity,,, then what i do is,, whenever i am on the net, free,, i am kinda active throughout the topics which interest me, and i try to keep the cushion until the next time i come around.. like, yeah,, its pretty good... Keeping active aint much of a big problem,, altho i was suspended once

  2. how much ever it increases, it is never going to make a big diff,, coz people are not going to use it up, yes, a hosting service would be cool, but that would be adsense sogged, so i dont think ther is a point, but yeah, and a reason they havent gone public, have you read the four letter word written under the gmail logo?? if you havent go try it... gmail is a great service, but it wont be the best until it give side-by-side services such as a messenger, sms, and better organization features, which i believe, sucks in gmail....... anyway,, google is capable of shocking everyone,, so dont be suprised if you see a product named "gmessenger" on their labs list.. would love it tho!!!!

  3. hmm.. invites??? there are various spoolers that do the job,, as in, they are pretty quick, and can be sent to a lot of people just in case you run out of invites, like they do the sending part, so, thats pretty much like unlimited invites,,cool huh... but for personalized invites, yeah, i prefer g-mail.... anyway, a spooler should normally do the job for you

    i think isnoop works pretty well for this,


  4. hmmm... it must be the problem with your site and not the host (no way the host has a prob with links!!).. so its obv is with you... first check your navigation buttons on your site and make sure that all your pointing url's are proper, since they are in the same folder, i suggest not using the whole url as it is... change "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; to "links.htm"... or html which ever way it is,, and then try out your site on your local folder in your computer and then upload it, if it works on your local computer, then the navigation pointing is correct, if it fails in the browser, i.e, Xisto, then its Xisto's fault, not sure, probably a link to your site should give a better picture,hope it helps,T

  5. hmmm.. somethings missing... hmmm.. wait.. i know.. i know.. hmmm... yes! its the problem!! wats yoru problem mate?? wats the point screaaaamin out loud in a thread for its own.. be a bit more specific next time round when replying

  6. these google services are fine, but these are jus icin on the cake, the real thing, still remains, is the search engine, altho i do think froogle and maps are the best two things google's ever come out with other than their legendary search engine, i am a big time google fan, life on the internet is just soooo not possible without google, but yes, their beta's are fun, but nothing eva... eva beats the search engine, remember, tats wat google is for!

  7. I will be getting a .com domain soon (whenever i am kinda free)... i would like to know certain stuff... like, i have parked domains in hosts before.. but not in a free one, so yea.. the .com coming pretty soon, but what i want to know is, does Xisto - Support it(which i guess it should), so this is what my domain registrar offers:


    URL forwarding

    Domain name parking


    now i know URL forwarding is going to take a while to get to my site... so i am avoiding that, but how do you guyz go about doing the parking thing??? so what are the steps i need to take after registering the domain?


    this is what the registrar says about parking (which i dint understand):


    "Even if you're not ready to post your Web site on the Internet, you can still register and reserve your Domain Name with Net4Domains Domain Parking facility free of charge.


    Your Domain Name without its associated web space is parked on a machine for as long as you do not decide to host a website with it."

  8. agree.. the site layout design (as far as sizei s concerned) is very bad... as in.. with what intention did you create a site that huge??? i run on 1280x1024 res... for me .. its fine... but for other normal visitors (800x600... 1024.768)... it must be a night mare.. and yes.. optimize and make that banner small, who would have such a big title bar?????anyway.. like the colors, but not the title image.. try to fix that up.. cheersT

  9. hmmmm.... i really dont get this... how can someone actually use up so much of webspace?? unless you are running some seroiusly huge message boards or using it as a harddriveo or somthing.... now c'mon...even if it said unlimited... it doesn't mean that you should blow up the servers... be a bit responsible as you obv know something is wrong, as no one announced the unlimited storage, and wait for it to be corrected, why bring up such a big fuss about the whole thing,, be a bit responsible.. PEOPLE!!

  10. i think its the ftp problem, not the ftp software, but the ftp access in my Xisto account. let me try using another ftp software..


    so i downloaded ws ftp and tried it out,

    ok.. there is nothing wrong on my side (i think)...

    when i connect using ws ftp,, it says:


    Finding Host ftp.tariq.trap17.com ...

    Connecting to

    Connect failure



    what does that mean...?



  11. I normally use a software called webdrive to access my folder on the Xisto servers, but apparently, since yesterday, i havent been able to acess it at all...so i used the filemanager in cpanel to get access... it am unable to go through the public_html folder... what could be wrong?.. is there something wrong with the server? because, i can access my site and all the files that are there inside public_html are acessible, but not through ftp... have i been barred or something?help,Tariq

  12. it could've been pratical... look, they give 2 gigs of space,, then why the 10 mb limit for uploading??(the whole point is, they are not comfortable with you using up their space.. then why offer such massive space?) see, so they dont want us to know how much space google actually has,, its nearly impossible to flood a 2 gig email account, and who on earth is goin to upload 10 megs 200 times?? as it is the upload speeds are bad... so only the people at gmail actually know the real space...but we can solve this problem.. we get a gmail account and we all share the password and we all upload files.. :D-_-

  13. ok, i fixed the problem, i used the split and join to change the \n to (br) and then another small change in the retreival script to change the (br) to <br> and voila it works!!!these are what i did to the script:The submit code:<?include ('Include.inc');mysql_connect($DBhost,$DBuser,$DBpass);@mysql_select_db("$DBName");$cartsend = str_replace("\r", "\n", "$cartsend");$query = "INSERT INTO orders (orderid, date, name, tel, address, comments, cart) VALUES ('$orderid', DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 2 HOUR) , '$name', '$tel', '$address', '$comments', '$cartsend')";$result = mysql_query($query);print "&status=DONE.";?>the retreival code: (HTML and PHP)<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><title>Untitled Document</title><style type="text/css"><!--.style1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #999999;}.style5 { font-size: 10px; color: #999999;}body { background-color: #FFFFFF; margin-top: 0px;}--></style></head><body><?include ('Include.inc');mysql_connect($DBhost,$DBuser,$DBpass);@mysql_select_db("$DBName");?><table width="980" border="1" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#999999"><tr><th width="71" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><span class="style1">orderid</span></th><th width="113" bgcolor="#f8f8f8"><span class="style1">name</span></th><th width="94" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><span class="style1">tel</span></th><th width="177" bgcolor="#F8f8f8"><span class="style1">address</span></th><th width="230" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><span class="style1">cart</span></th><th width="133" bgcolor="#f8f8f8"><span class="style1">comments</span></th><th width="65" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><span class="style1">bill value*</span></th><th width="63" bgcolor="#f8f8f8"></th></tr><?$res = mysql_query("select * from orders");while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)){ $cart = str_replace("(br)", "<br>", $row['cart'] );$address = str_replace("(br)", "<br>", $row['address'] );print "<tr><td valign=top>" . $row['orderid'] . "</td><td valign=top>" . $row['name'] . "</td><td valign=top>" . $row['tel'] . "</td><td valign=top>" . $address . "</td><td valign=top>" . $cart . "</td><td valign=top>" . $row['comments'] . "</td><td valign=top>" . $row['bill'] . "</td><td><a href=\"delete.php?id=" . $row['id'] . "\">delete</a></td></tr>";}?></table></body></html>now hopefully, no one else would stumble accross such a problem!cheers,Tariq

  14. ok... i got the newline thing solved,ok, i finally got things up and working, the database is fine, now there is another problem that i've stumbled accross.... how to detect live,, whenever there is a new entry in teh database.. hmm.... tricky.. but i am no good php and mysql as i am brand new to the whole concept, so i thought i could do this.. created a continous looped flash movie, and have a php code at the beggining.. which counts the no. of entries that are there in the database, and then every two minutes, it counts it again, if the new value is greater the previous no. of entries,, then it goes to another frame which has the message written and a button, which on clicking sets the current no of entries to the current highest value, and again falls into the loop... hmm.. i think its a good enuff idea but i dont know if there is any other method that is good for such purposes, as this has to happen live! so what are the neccessay querys that i need to get all the data i want from the database???? i donno.. i will have a lot of question till the day afta tomm, thats my deadline for finishing this site i am working on.. Cheers, Tariq

  15. "It's almost as if the school is forcing us to look at porn, seeing as we can hardly access anything else on the interenet there. "


    hmmmm... access nothin but porn... thats interesting,, is it a sex education school or something??

  16. "lets say if i add them up, still less than 5% for gmail. oh, maybe people use gmail as storage drive .... " -- very true.... very very very true, i use only hotmail and I use it up about 1.5 something megabytes of 2,, i dont even see the necessity of a 1 GIGABYTE!! mail drive, even if they would've said 10 i would've been happy, becoz as far as i have seen, its one of the fastest online mail services i've seeen..!!"remember gmail is still in Beta phrase? The devs could probably increase the inbox space to 3 gigs or something and say....we have decided to end gmail...or something...and if you want to continue on...you will have to pay a monthly or regular fee...just like any paid e-mail service......." -- no way, i dont think they can change this to a paid service, i totally think this is going to continue, but with some changes.. because this is like madness,, imagine the amount of money they could generate with adsense on EVERY page!!!!!!, they got something like 800,000 visitors a day or something, imagine, out of which, 100,000 use up adsense, and .. 0.50$ for each click,, thats like 50,000$.. gaaaaawd!!! and think how much they could generate with paid accounts,,, get it?" I bet they have got the fastest internet connection in the world. AND THATS FAST! " yeah!!! they have like unbeleivable traffic numbers on their sites, and as a result, yeah, they should run on super fast, super secure, super reliable servers... i have never seen google off the web for any down time!!!!!!!! and btw, google.com is SO SO SO SO SO LLLLIGHT , they can cut down bandwidth costs big time...."It is a marketing point that worked perfectly for them." marketing... thats wat these people are exxxxtreeeeemely good at... not that no other service is available, its just that they are extremely good marketers of extremely good products... unbeatable,,and btw,, rediffmail offers 1 gig and is superfast,,, but they have got shiatloads of ads on their site,,, but the navigtaion through thte mail is simply outstanding, but not good enuff to beat gmail -_-Cheers,Tariq

  17. there is a problem here, i tried everything, from line breaks to page breaks, i am using flash to process the variables and then send it here, this is for an online shopping cart, the data is sent from a flash movie into a php script(above posted).. so am i supposed to do some php code so that mysql detects the linebreaks given by flash????i use the following code for sending variables from flash to mySQL, pls let me know if there is somthing wrong with that:status = "LOADING";loadVariablesNum("http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, 0);gotoAndPlay("loop3");

  18. i really wanna know. this is like serious.. if 512 users sign up for gmail, then they use up a terabyte of space... now its more than like to have around hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people who would've signed up for gmail.. now this is getting a bit unbeleivable.. if a million people sign up... 2 million gigabytes... now where thats like nearly 2000 terabytes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!enough to store all the information that every human ever spoke since the dawn of time(k..k.. i am exxxxagerating) , now how does google store this much space????or is it just kidding... mayb they dont provide 2 gbs of space, they probably know that no person on earth can fill up 2 gigs... so actually the size might just be around 200 megs... so if you do use up 200 mb, the size increases to 300 .. etc etc.. just a marketing gimmick of sort... donnno. they might be true thoanyone who knows anybody in google?? and know the real truth?? or do they use the next generation in storage technology or something?????curious,Tariq

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