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Posts posted by eldias

  1. I heard since I was child, "saci-perer?" is a mythic character from the forest. He is very chip, and live inside small hurricane. He makes many jokes for people of the forest, hiding stuffs, making traps and telling liars. In brazillian literature, is in include on Monteiro Lobato's books, called "S?tio do Pica-pau Amarelo" (Yellow Woodpicker Farm).

  2. chupacabra sometimes is associated with UFO ocorrences. Many regions of Latin America (including here in Brazil) and Mexico had reports about it. It described like a beast, always attacking in farms and jungle areas. the ocorrences of this beast leave a lot of animals corpses, like cows, dogs and chickens. I dont believe this thing, but around 1998-2002 many reports about chupacabras happened in Brazil (Pantanal and Amazon forest regions), covered by many TV stations. Today is very rare heard about chupacabra here. They disapears.

  3. I'm a Brazillian guy (sorry for my english! :) ), this is my opinion about the best soccer player over the world:when I think about a best player today, I think the player should be a man that make goals for your team, helps the midfield and defense too. I think this player should be contribute for all zones of the team, and make difference to decisive matches too.I think Kak? is the best player today. He fills all top of this skills since 3 years ago (playing in S?o Paulo and Milan), he had a stable career in Europe, actually is the best of National Brazillian Team. Player like Ronaldo, Ronaldinho an Robinho are very impressible foward players, but are very instables players, and in the national team not act same the owns team in Europe. Kak? is the exception. See Robinho, now is increasing your skill on Real Madrid, but he stayed here a lot of time, he came from Brazil (Santos Team) like a promise (called for any soccer experts like "new Pel?"), but he only now is showing a good presentations. Ronaldinho of Barcelona is a incredible, but now have many injuries and maybe will quit Barcelona until end of '08 season, because your average is decreasing in Camp Nou.Ronaldo (of Milan), well.... Rumors here in Brazil press is mention of he return until July back to Brazil, for defend Flamengo team, the same of Past soccer star Zico. Its means to me: end of career....I like Zidane, but he retired in 2007, one of the masters of technic of control the ball. But my vote definitly is for Kak?.

  4. Hello buddy!I live in Brazil, commonly, when I see in TV News about a bank robbery here, always the thiefs run out without a trace, and the police never catch a bank robber. A few months ago, some thiefes reach a "amazing" act over a bank security money transport (this is a number one in Brazil), called "PROTEGE"; They blow up a bomb on this headquarter and get a lot of money, with no prison by police. Its incredible, every time I watch a bank robber, the suspect of police cover to robbers is mentioned...

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