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Posts posted by progenx

  1. This isn't that much of a hack job, but it works for me on every Mac I've tried.When your "System Administrator" blocks out for example, iTunes from playing, open up a terminal and typecd / --takes you to the root of the current drivecd App* --short for Applications (Case Sensitive)and then you will be in the Application Folder of your MacNow, in terminal typeopen -a iTunes.app or open -a iT* (For Short)This will open up iTunes and any other program you attempt to try.Also if you want to see whats currently in the directory you are in typelsand it will list everything inside of the directory.This also works when you've downloaded a program onto your Mac but running it is blocked.

  2. I'm still new to this as well. In this tutorial I'll teach you how to add Linux Ubuntu to your PS3.

    You can still use default PS3 operating system as well Linux, So don't worry about that it is very easy to switch back and forth.

    You will need to download Ubuntu 7.10 Gusty Gibbon.


    You will need-
    -USB Keyboard
    -USB Mouse
    -DVD Burner/1 DVD disc

    Download the file its around 600mb, Once downloaded you need to burn I used poweriso to burn mine.

    Now splitting your PS3 hdd.

    You can backup your PS3 files by the process below if not interested and don't care about saving music, documents, videos skip below.

    -To do a back up, you should go to PS3 > Settings > Systems Settings > Back Up. Now, you will need something big, like a external HDD or i Pod.

    Now to partition the HDD.

    To do a partition, you should go to PS3 > Settings > Systems Settings > Format Utility. Select format HDD and do the partition. You can select Give 10GB to Other Os or Give 10GB to PS3 OS.

    Install Ubuntu from Live CD:

    When you finish, you need to insert the Live CD. Now go to PS3 > System Settings > Install Other Os. It will search the K boot. When you installed it, go to PS3 > System Settings > Default System and select Other Os.

    Now, you will see some command lines in the k boot, be sure to have the CD inside. It will being loading stuffs, but if its not, just press [ENTER].

    The desktop will be loaded. Now, just select in the desktop and icon that say Install. You will see a Wizard installation guide.

    For Gusty Gibbon:

    1) Do the same instructions for feisty fawn, until you see the partition part. Just click automatic and there you go.

    2) After a while you might get the error message: Unable to install the selected kernel. Just keep pressing continue and select "Install the base system".

    It will rewrite the files, but eventually things should work out. When you get to the Kernel to install screen, select = linux-image-2.6.22-14-cell

    Due to your screen being low resolution on some screens of install you may need to just press enter on your keyboard, For some you may not even be able to see the bottom of the screen press tab will take you down to the next option so just kinda guess when you have the right button selected and press enter.

    I have installed, A messenger application call Pidgin. Just like AIM and other messengers.

    Applications> Add Remove> Search "pidgin" (Without quotes)> And install.

    Install Flash Player

    Go to System > Add/Remove Program. Now in the search, type Gnash and install it (note: Close Firefox to install Gnash correctly). Then open the terminal and type in.

    sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-gnash

    I am not sure on changing screen resolution I found some ideas but could get none to work I will be looking for that.

  3. i prefer bux.to and i'm still using it now. i just recently request for payout, hope they pays after 30days. hehebtw, i'm using the autoclick script for my firefox browser which it helps to auto <- snipped -> while i'm doing something else. i even hold up 20 referrals under me. hmm i think i will post a tutorial on how to use the auto click script and some exploits.

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