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Posts posted by CorranHalcyon

  1. A gallon's a little under 4 liters right? Well last I heard gasoline prices overseas make even US prices seem affordable; in Great Britain, for example, the average price of gallon of gas was $5.79/gallon last week. In Holland, gas went for 1.25 ($1.53) euros per liter. Prices in Belgium, France, and Italy were a bit lower, but still over $5/gallon.And here in the U.S. we average around 2 dollars. But this doesn't take into effect that the geography of the US is such that we have to drive to get most places. Our population centers are so sprawled out that subways and the bus systems' resources are taxed to the extreme to get people everywhere they want to go. Add to that the fact that we have nothing in the way of advanced train system (we use ancient technology) and the entire world is in equally bad shape.Sure drilling in ANWR would give us 2 years more (in the US, only 6 months internationally) but in exchange for a few cents saved and a few more months with fossil fuels (we're due to run out at the rate we're going in 2050) we would destroy a beautiful natural place.Personally, I think if we started pulling out of our international military ventures (which is kind of hard to do) and put that hundred billion dollars into alternate sources of energy, we could have a viable alternative in 5-10 years. Either that or we cover 100 square miles of nevada with solar cells, which would account for most of the energy we use also.It all comes down to the mentalities of the parties. To solve the problem the Democrats want to stretch what they've got and improve how they use it (which raises prices and then hopefully levels them out). The Republicans want to get more resources to solve the problem (the problem being prices will dip and then rise as we run out).I dunno, but I think civilian Hummers should really be outlawed.

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