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Posts posted by karlosvalencia

  1. If you still don't want to lay down that much money, you can go with some alternatives. Even though Adobe Flash is the "official" program, but there are plenty of others out there that can make swf files, but not nearly as powerful as Adobe Flash.

    Could you mention the other programs that can make swf files?

  2. Thanks for the tip. Pretty useful indeed. I'm totally new to flash, just have written a few little animations myself.

    I was wondering, how can one have that form of slideshow with the little pictures on the right side? That's something I'd like to do myself on my site. Thanks in advance,

    Nevermind, just found the answer myself. It's called simple viewer, and it's a freebie!! cool stuff!!! Link is here:


  3. Hi Guys,
    I am trying to make a flash based web site. The idea is to have a flv video streaming which has people moving around and the people need to be clickable objects.

    I tried tracing the video by importing the flv to the flash time line and creating a button that follows a person in each frame. I then remove the flv video from the timeline and stream it using actionscript. This leads to synchronization issues.

    Does anyone know if this combination of swf and flv has ever been implemented? If so could you please refer me to the source or post a link to an example, it would be much appreciated.

    Can anybody comment on the difference between flv and swf? I'm not a flash expert by any chance but so far I've only embeded swf objects into my webpages.

  4. Where do you live and what kind of modem did you get?I have had great service with my VIOP package. I live in Gatineau, Quebec and I took great pleasure in dumping BELL and Videotron to get my phone rolled into one package with internet access. I recently had my free cable disconnected and that is one of the reasons I went with a new service. I wasn't going to pay almost 100 dollars for phone, TV and internet. Now I get better internet service with much higher speeds than Videotron plus a Canada wide free unlimited long distance with 2 lines, call waiting, call display and all the "*" services for free. For TV, I have found quite a few places on the internet to get free TV and movies on demand, no commercials, no stupid little logos or PIPs flying all over my screen anymore and I can pause M.A.S.H. or whatever I'm watching while I go get a beer or other attitude adjustments. To quote Bill Gates talking about availability of traditionaly broadcast media, "we will laugh at what we had". ...I think I'll go watch some Pink Panther" cartoons, maybe the one where he cuts everything in half with the power saw.

    Just curious. Who did you go with who wasn't Bell or Videotron? on the other hand,talking about freebies. What IP TV sites would you recommend?

  5. Hello,Searched through the forum but didn't find any hits on how to do this.I've designed a page that has an embeded flash movie (*.swf format). The page works great when I test it on my local server but when I post it on the net the movie (about 2 megs in size) takes a while to load. Is there any way to stream the movie as opposed to have the browser download it all at once? Any other suggestions to speed the loading of the page? Thanks in advance.

  6. Lots of interesting replies. All technical ppl though. I would love to hear about those odd jobs like the guy who dig the wholes on the cheese or that fat guy porn star. Would be interesting to know how they got where they are :) In my case I'm a telecom engineer working as a 3rd level support and trial guy. It's interesting most of the time as I get to travel around the world demostrating our product but it's also a lot of hard work. Recently I've evaluated if whether or not I'd like to move to a different position, like sales engineering or something totally out of the scope of technology, like opening a bed and breakfast or something like that. How I got here? Well, graduated in computer science, so I knew more about SQL and programming than about modems but I wanted to explore that side so I did my coop at mastercard on the telecom deparment and then later on moved to a company reselling telecom products. After that I moved to north america and found a job precisely with the vendor we used to resell on.

  7. Where do i install perl scripts?I couldn't find the path (usr/bin/perl/) and i tried to put one script on /home/<my user>/public_html and execute it from a php script, but, nothing happened, the script was not working, and yes, the script works properly.
    The reason for not working is the wrong path i suppose.

    Not sure what you're trying but something you could do to understand how it works is getting the apache distribution for Linux or Windows (depending on which OS you're running) installed on your home PC. I've got it installed on a windows xp machine and also installed perl.

    Assuming you're running on an Apache server, the scripts go on the cgi-bin directory. If you have apache installed there should be a ScriptAlias entry like so on the Apache\conf\httpd.conf file:

    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/cgi-bin/"

    Of course perl should already be installed on the server. On the same file httpd.conf there should be an entry like so at the end:

    PHPIniDir "C:/Program Files/PHP/"
    LoadModule php5_module "C:/Program Files/PHP/php5apache2_2.dll"
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

    Not sure if this helps. E-mail me or reply to my post with more details on what you're trying to acomplish and some other members might be able to help.

  8. Hello,I'm new to PHP myself and have what I hope is a basic question. I'd like to have password protected pages on my site. Simple have no more than 10 pages, each one with its own password. Is this doable with PHP, do I need MySQL installed for that? Furthermore, if I see a server like the one provided by Xisto.com how can I install my PHP script on it?

  9. anish2000......I would wanna understand wat your post is all about. Ok, Windows Vista rocks. But what really makes it rock? What are the features you find sooo rocking in Windows Vista? All these you would have to explain to us in here and not just telling us that Windows Vista rocks just like that.


    And judging from your post count, I understand that you are still a newbie. You have to try to make very meaningful post man and not just short phrases. Your post should contain some meaning and sense of direction in it.

    Agree with the more substance portion. So far what I've seen from Vista:


    - TCP/IP performance parameters are auto-tuned on a per-connection basis, as opposed to on an interface basis as on XP. This is a great improvement specially for laptops that can change from a high speed reliable network to a crappy one and back. All those parameter that we used to tweak for one situation or another will be automatically adjusted.

    More details here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    - The video editing portion is pretty good and user friendly. I've used Adobe Premiere Elements (the scaled down version of Adobe Premiere) to do some video editing on my own, and even though I've never been a windows fan, they've really done a good job at making basic tasks pretty much automatic, which makes windows movie maker a great competitor or adobe premiere elements.

  10. Okay i recently bought a godaddy hosting account. Now my question is whats the difference between the Linux OS hosting, and the Windows OS hosting?

    Kind of self explanatory. On the 1st one the server runs on a Linux OS and a webserver like apache while on the other one will run on windows-based technology like Advanced server 2003 or something like that.

  11. Hello,I'm starting to play with web design and stuff and would like a recommendation from this knowlegeable forum on what is a good server side programming language. I've got some experience in Java running PC-based applications but that's pretty much it, never done applets or anything else. Also have been playing with perl and php. My use will be primarily creating records that will be accesible by only using a password, what would be the best way to accomodate that?Thanks in advance,

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