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Posts posted by Propeng

  1. Well... there's always the undying "Hello world." :(
    No, seriously, since you have knowledge of primitive classes, making GUI's and querying in SQL, you might wanna start with a tracker.

    My first actual project was an inventory manager; basically, it's no more than an interface to the database. If you buy some stuff, you click on "Buy Items" etc. If someone buys things off you, you click on "Sell Items" and, aside from updating the inventory, also prints out a receipt for the buying consumer.

    Well, you can do that or its variants, something like a project manager. I think I've also done one of these, only in PHP. Basically, you define projects and subdivide that projects into tasks, themselves capable of being subdivided into more specific tasks. Of course, for both projects, you'd need an authentication system and, for some inexplicable reason, uses tend to like having profiles in those applications. I mean, the application doesn't really need to know your position or what you look like but, I suppose, having a profile soothes any identity crisis the potential users may have :( I mean, maybe they'd think it harsh if the application told them, "Look, I just need your username and password, ok?"

    All kidding aside, what I'm saying is that if you're eager to get cracking, I suggest you try doing an interface to a database. I mean, yeah, it's simple and all that (No, it isn't. People like to change their minds and keep asking for more features as the project drags on :() but of course, we can't really expect non-IT people, like salespersons, admins or project managers to do queries themselves :)

    In any case, best of luck on your first program!

    Thanks! I'll try and develop a ToDo List, and when I finish it, be sure that I'll tell you!

  2. Please help me find a program idea! I'm anxious to write a program, but I'm out of app ideas! I'm a beginner, and I have a basic knowledge of the following:

    The basic statements.


    Creating classes.

    Creating methods, properties and variables.

    Data types: int, string, bool, double, enum, float.

    SQL and databases.

    Any ideas?! :)

  3. NOTE: Don't use a rich text editor* for writing HTML code! Use Notepad in Windows, SimpleText in Mac or TextEdit in OSX, but you must set the following preferences for the HTML code to work!

    • In the Format menu, select Plain Text.
    • Open the preferences window from the Text Edit menu, then select "Ignore rich text commands in HTML files."
    [hr=noshade]Start Creating Your Own HTML File

    You can either use HTM or HTML file extensions. For more information, visit: http://filext.com/file-extension/htm/ for HTM or http://filext.com/file-extension/html/ for HTML.

    Open your text editor, then type:

    <title> - My Test Page</title>
    This is a test <b>H</b> <i>T</i> <u>M</u> <s>L</s>!

    Save the HTML file as "test.html". In your browser, click "Open..." under the File menu. Select the file you've just saved, then click OK. The browser will display:

    This is a test H T M L!

    Firstly, the <html> tag tells your browser that this is the start of the page. The text between the <head> and the </head> tags is the header information that will be displayed in your browser. The text in the <title> and the </title> tags is the title of your page. The text between the <body> and the </body> tags is the main content of your web page. The rest of the tags are displayed in the next section.[/hr][hr=noshade]Basic Tags
    There are lots of tags in HTML, but we'll only cover the basic ones now.

    <b> - Bold
    <i> - Italic
    <u> - Underline
    <s> - Strikeout
    <br /> - HTML doesn't preserve line breaks in code, so this tag is used to insert a line break. There's no closing tag for it.
    <del> - Same as Strikeout. Old browsers will ignore this tag.
    <ins> - Same as Underline. Old browsers will ignore this tag.
    <hr /> - Displays a horizontal rule. There's no closing tag for it.
    <p> - A paragraph. (Usually put around a long block of text.)
    <font> Tag
    The <font> tag is used to set the font type and size of a text. It has two normal arguments which can be used all of them or one only. They are face="" and size="". The face argument is used to set the font type & the size argument is used to set the font size. The unset text is Times New Roman with font size 3.

    In HTML, there are some pre-configured headers to use. Use numbers from 1 to 6, for example:

    <h1>This is a header</h1>
    <b><font size="6">This is another header</font></b>

    There's no difference between the two lines. But in the first line, the <h1> tag is used. In the second line, the <font> and the <b> tag is used manually to set the size.[/hr]

    To be continued...

  4. Is this script correct?



    <?php	if (isset($_COOKIE["disp_name"]))		  $_GET['name'] = $_COOKIE['disp_name'];	else		setcookie("disp_name", Anonymous, date()+99);?><html>	<head>		<title>Display Name - DZN</title>		<!-- METAS -->		<meta name="verify-v1" content="oyEmG+TJ87xHGXl8NQS6GHJ8rcRDkFG4oXnYWtqddGk=" />	</head>	<body>		<div align="center">			<form action="proccess.php" method="get">				<?php if ($_GET["name"]=="") {$_GET['name']="Anonymous";} ?>				Dislpay Name: <input type="text" value=<?php echo $_GET['name']; ?> name="name" />				<input type="submit" value="Enter Website!" />			</form>		</div>		<?php $wn = "Download Zone Network"; $swn = "DZN"; ?>	</body></html>


    <head>	<title>Proccessing Request...</title>	<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="1; URL=main.php" />	<b>Please wait...</b></head><?php	setcookie("disp_name", $_GET['name'], date()+99);?>


    <?php	function customError($errno, $errstr) 	{  		echo "<div align='center'><b>Error:</b> [$errno] $errstr<br /></div>"; 		echo "<div align='center'>Ending Script</div>"; 		die(); 	}?><?php //Page Config.	//REQUIRE	  $_GET['name'] = $_COOKIE['disp_name'];	  /* do: echo (remember) */	  //		  echo $_GET['name']		  //	  if ($_COOKIE['disp_name']=="")	  {		$_GET['name'] = "Guest";	}	function currentlyOnline()	{		echo "";	} 	set_error_handler("customError"); 	function showCO ($showCO) 	{		echo "ddd";	}	while ($showCO=="true") 	{		showCO();	}?><?php	echo "<title>Welcome back, " . $_GET['name'] . "! - DZN</title>";	showCO ($showCO);	$showCO = "true";?>
    (Not all the file; just the piece that encounters the problem)


    Everything goes fine, but when i enter main.php, it displays:

    Error: [8]Undefined variable: showCO

    Ending Script

    Is this script wrong? If it has, please reply. I know that the problem is in the main.php only, but i copied all of them if you want to test it.

  5. Knowledge

    HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.

    You cannot create an HTML file using a rich-text editor, such as Microsoft Word or Wordpad.



    To write a basic HTML, you will need to start with this:

    The <html> tag tells the browser that this is an HTML page.


    To close any tag, the same tag will be repeted but with the "/" sign. For example,

    <html>  <head>	<title>Page title</title>  </head></html>
    Did you notice the </title>, </head> & </html> tags? That's how we close the tag.


    The <HEAD> Tag


    A <head> tag will include the <meta>, <title> and any other scripts that will NOT be viewed.


    First, we will write a <title> that tells the browser that "Example" (Inside the <HTML> & the <HEAD> tags):

    Without the / tag, the script will NOT work!


    Then we will write the <meta>s:

    <meta name="description" content="This is an example HTML script." /><meta name="keywords" content="example html tutorial learn" /><meta name="Other verification content, " content="such as Google Webmaster Tools verification meta.">
    The "description" meta is the description that will apear if your website is indexed by search engines.

    The "keywords" meta will be the keywords that if any one search for "learn html", your website will apear because the desc. meta contains on of the requested keywords.

    The <meta> tag will execute only if you put a "/" in before closing it. For example:

    <meta /> NOT <meta>.


    This page's result:

    <html>  <head>	<title>Example</title>	<meta name="description" content="This is an example HTML script." />	<meta name="keywords" content="example html tutorial learn" />	<meta name="Other verification content, " content="such as Google Webmaster Tools verification meta." />  </head><html>


    This page is still blank, because we haven't created the <body> tag.

    This tag is the basic tag, which contains all the contents that will apear on your page.


    To create a simple page with the title "Example" & the contents "This is a test page.":

    <html>  <head>	<title>Example</title>  </head>  <body>	This is a test page.  </body><html>

    Basic text formatting

    <b> Bold,

    <u> Underlined & finally...

    <i> Italic text


    These 3 tags are the most used, but not the all tags. To create a simple paragraph:

    <p>This is a sample paragraph.</p>
    To continue learning the HTML tags, scroll down.


    Using javascripts in HTML

    To use javascripts in an HTML file, use the following:

    <script type="text/javascript">document.write('Script Cotents');</script>

    To use an external .js file:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="myjsfile.js"></script>

    More HTML Tags


    To continue learning the HTML tags, scroll down.



    Using the <div align=""></div>

    <div align="center"> Centered Text </div><div align="left"> Left-Aligned Text </div><div align="right"> Right-Aligned Text </div>

    To create an image:

    <img src="http://mydomain.com/myimgfile.jpg" alt="Alternate text." />
    The src is the image location.

    alt is the alternate text.

    If you have created a stylesheet, you can add class="Class name.".


    |That's all i have, but the post can be updated!|



    Next post:

    How to create an SSL.

    More HTML tags.

    The <?php ?> tag.


    Using the <noscript> & the <noframes> tags.



  6. Heh, nice, but I agree with yordan. For the record, my current vote for Windows XP is only because I currently have it. I'm looking to make the switch to Linux. smile.gif
    Anyway, remember that certain combinations go well together. For example, if you buy a new PC odds are you'll end up with some 30 day trial of antivirus XYZ, which you use until it runs out. Remember that popularity doesn't mean too much about how good the product is (within reason). Also, thoughts on putting up the option for firewalls? I know I use a generally unconventional one. wink.gif

    Lucky strike, man !Of course, you can imagine, that, if you ask enough people, you will find the best solution.
    Unfortunately, I am personnally convinced that you will find the most popular solution, not obviously the one which is the most suitable for you.
    As a matter of fact, you are experiencing what is real life Democracy. Ask a lot of people what they are voting for, and you will probably obtain a solution with which you would not agree, but which is democratically elected.
    Let's wait and see, who know, I would be really curious to see what will emerge from this.
    For instance, if everybody votes for Linux, do you really need an antivirus ? Mc Afee says "yes, please buy one from us", of course, but some users think "no need".

    Thanks, everyone i will try to ask some more people, but i think that these poll results are enough.

  7. I have downloaded a trial version of TuneUp Utilities 2007, and was working fine after i completed the registration process. Next day, while using it, it dislpayed a pop up message:

    This copy is not genuine!

    You can't use TuneUp Utilities again unless you enter your registration key. You can enter it here.

    Everytime i enter it, it says that this was correct, and it requires rebooting. But again, it displayes the "Not genuine" message. What can i do to fix this problem? ;)
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