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Posts posted by FlameX

  1. Coda seems to be the best choice for almost any programming language file on the Mac OS. Coda is not an IDE but it is similar to notepadd++ and pspad. If you can get these editors then that will be also fine. I found netbeans and eclipse IDE for mac os. Why not try them ? On windows i know php designer 7 or 8 could be a good deal. You can ask if they have mac versions. If not then your choices are restricted to eclipse and netbeans for now. I think you can go with coda or other similar editor. Hope that helps you to get started.

    heyy thnxz Mahesh.. will definitely try out Coda.. :)

  2. Hello People, I want to connect my Desktop(Win XP) and a my laptop (Win 7). Both of them are having differect OS. Everytime its a pain copying the file into a pen drive and then transferring it. So instead y not connect each other through a ethernet cable.I have got a CAT5 cable.. the question is that, how do i achieve the connection between the two machines. ?> PLease help me out with it.

  3. HeLLo People, Well i soon got a interview and my topic is gonna be Active Directory Services.. Now the thing is that i have a BIBLE of Windows Server 2008, but i got to enter the core of Active Directory Services (ADS). ADS is used in Windows in Domain Controller. It is a file format. This is all i know on ADS..I wanna know more on ADS.. Give me some more basic and Advance knowledge on Active Directory Services, some interview point of view questions which u think could b important. Help me out guys ..

  4. heyaa guys,


    i recently have a project, in which i have a module in my Database Admin panel in which i need to BLOCK the existing users in my application..


    So i wanted to know what code could be applied in PHP to block an existing user..


    eg: if there is an email id called : jimmy@hotmal.com so if he abuses my rules and regulation then the Database Admin can block that particular user(email id) ie. he will be completely banned from my site or application. So next time if he tries to log in or even register into my website he wont b able to log in with the same email id(jimmy@hotmal.com he has earlier used.


    to sum up i wanted the code to block the users who are already present in my database.



  5. Heyaaa people.. in here after a long long time.. :)I have a friend of mine.. he has a made a website for L&T but these people do not want to host on the internet. Their main agenda is to use the website on LAN for the employee purpose. So his manager has asked him to host on a IIS server. So my question is how to host a website on LAN on IIS server.. Solutions needed asap..!!Thnxzz .. :)

  6. Hey people , I have a problem out here. I have a friend of mine rather a client of mine , his laptop got robbed at the airport . It was an Apple MacBook. What i wanna ask is how do i track down that laptop ?? is it possible to track the location of the laptop with the help of Serial Tag Number or any other requirements . I have the requirements with me . If we can track down the location of the laptop then how is it possible to do so ?? Please friends help me out, and give me some solutions . Thanks :D

  7. I have a project in my my hand of making a website for Web Designing Company .I want to add a Widget to one of page which checks for Domain Names available in the world. Most of the web hosting n domain registration companies do have them loaded on the web page so that they are able to check whether their website name is available or not . Reply asap

  8. Hey there... there in California are you? The Art Institute has a GREAT program in my opinion, however it is a bit on the pricey range and the government is usually slow to help out with funding for private schools. I received my secondary degree in post production from them and they are a great school. The instructors are all very friendly and more then happy to help you out any time you need it. They are even willing to stay and work with you after class hours to help further your education. You should definitely check it out and if you have any other questions, please feel free to shoot me a message.

    Heyyyyy there .... m not yet in California ... but m aiming to come there at USC (university of southern California) in 2011 .. i ll surely need ur help in future mate ... :angel:

  9. well, this is very interesting point of view. now here is my question, can i join classes for web designing and business and marketing that related to the web at the same time??i post that topic to see the options and collect information to be able to make my choice.
    the problem is i do have a bachelor degree in computer science, me and my husband thinking of traveling to USA but i made some researches and get that, if i want to work in USA as a web designing or developing or anything related to the computer or the net, then first i should get an equivalent degree to the bachelor degree that i have. to do that i should either taking more classes or study from the beginning. therefor i asked for the best college there so i can check it and see what are suitable to me. thank you all for your help and suggestions.

    Heyyyyy thnxzzz a lot ... may i kno ur name ?? n i will surely need ur help in future .. > :angel:

    i read ur previous post ..
    I stay in India , n i m doing my Computer Engineering .. I ll soon get my Bachelor Degree next year n even i m going to USA for MASTER course ..
    You dont need an equivalent degree to work there in USA .. u just need to be good to get the Job over there . To do further studies in US after ur bachelor studies you have to give GRE exam for that .. GRE exam is an entrance exam which everyone has to give who is not a citizen of USA. Even i hav to give GRE exam n i m preparing for it .
    When you reach there n get admission there in USA you get Campus jobs over there , so u get paid there .. and once u finish your masters you can get goood job over there .. Getting into USA universities is not a cake walk dear .. :P
    hey any more assistance do tell me , i m ready to help u out , i myself planning and preparing to go to USA next year .. :D

  10. Heyyy hiiii Web_Designer... well dis is actually out of the topic ... but i wanted to ask u dat ... How did u create this meinterest . Xisto .com > i mean what all hav u used .. well i m very much interested in Web designing but havnt got any guidance into it ..so i wanna make a start .. so will u please help me out how shud i go bout .. ? :P i know HTML CSS n Dhtml .. but dats nt enuf .. > so plzzz HELPPP :angel:

  11. I have been living with a man for three years , and have been seeing my x husband love both of them. Need help

    This is funny... U cant love both of them .. U got to choose any1 ..
    If u love ur x hubby more .. leave ur current man n go to him ..
    Else tell ur man about this .. if ur man is ok with ur TWO relations at a time .. den this is the best thing ... Enjoy with two .. :P
    Main decision is urs ... :angel:

    Take Care

  12. Heyaaa Trapsters...,


    I tried changing my email id here on Xisto but i m unsuccessful in this . Its giving me error ..

    There can b 2 possibilities :


    1. The password they asking me . : Do i have to put my Xisto password or the new email id's existing password !!

    2. The captcha : While entering the captcha ,there r two captcha separated by a blank space. So while entering the captcha do i have to enter a blank space or do i need to write it continuously without any space .

    Any more possibilities do let me know >


    Help me out yaaa ... once this issue is done i can start up with MyCent .

  13. Hello Modz ,
    I had applied application for my domain http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . My application got approved but i didnt do the needful as i was told to do.

    You may create/upgrade your Web Hosting Account at

    Mods now i desperately need it coz i have a project at my college and i need this website for testing purpose. Please help me out or give me some other solution for this . ;)

  14. Hey guys .. even i desperately wanna learn FLASH ... i check out flashkit.com ... there r juzz comments in der .. der r no free tuts available >> .. so where do i learn flash from .. plzzz help me .. i wanna learn Web Designin .. > !!

  15. a good example for search engine optimization is the google.

    when is comes to indian users,

    we type in https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl and by default the page takes us to https://www.google.co.in/?gws_rd=ssl

    welll .... when i type google.com n its gets directed to google.co.in because Google has its server placed in India thats why . This is what i think !! ..


    thanks iWorld ... :(

  16. heyaa .. @KasperRooney I still have to watch 99 man .. i m juzz done wid my engineering xams so i ll definitely watch it bro .. so Kasper ! how do u duplicate a sim card serial no.? n hw will u know come to know my serial no . ?? @ nitin Rs.35 is nothing .. few days back Reliance was selling its simcard for free of cost > evn Vodafone sim cards r cheap dude !! >

  17. Heya Trapsters .. After a very long time i m posting a topic out here !! :( ..My best friend uses a cell phone. Her bill was out . as soon as she saw her bill she called me and told me that her simcard number was hacked and her bill was Rs 37,000($750) ... This is too much .When she asked the customer service for an itemized bill she saw that her calls were made to EUROPE . She has no connections in Europe and then how is it possible ?? Wat i think is that her sim card serial no would have been hacked . Thats the only was to enter into some1's card . This is my assumption . So lets come up with assumptions and how it would have been done !! .. :angel:

  18. Hey Trapsters .. long time i have been here :) I have a doubt . i wanna connect 2 computers with a help of wire without using any other devices like HUB , SWITCH etc . so hows it possible to connect two computers with a help of wire . - do i need to have same OS in both the computers . - and wat kind of wire should i use CAT5 , RJ 45 which one ?? .

  19. Hey Moderaters,

    Some months back i had filled up the application form for getting hosted .. My Application was discarded due to non effective posts .

    Now i have some Points and even posts .. so when i again signed in to fill the application form then it gave me an error .

    the error is :

    Our records indicate that you have already submitted an application. Please wait until that application is approved or denied before submitting another one.

    Now when my application was not accepted then why am i getting this kind of error ..
    Moderators please look out for this issue of mine !
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