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Posts posted by adverbay

  1. Dear Members,


    We are planning to give out free domains for Xisto Members. This program will be in BETA as we are uncertain about the response.


    Any one of the following will be allowed for 250 credits.


    1 FREE DOMAIN per Member for 1 Year.

    1 Year Free Renewal.

    Free Transfer


    We deduct 250 Credits from every approved application. However, you must have 280 credits to apply. So that, after the deduction, you have 30 credits remaining in your account.


    The following are the general rules.

    User must have Quality Posts.

    Every member is eligible for only 1 domain.

    Approval is on Staff's discretion.

    Website will be hosted by Xisto.

    Credits Required to apply : 280 ( out of which only 250 would be deducted)



    To process the request as fast as possible, please follow the following steps :-

    Collect 280 Credits by making GENUINE QUALITY posts without copying. Spamming can lead to suspension of your account.

    Go to https://xisto.com/ and SEARCH for your domain name.

    If Domain name is available or (if you want to transfer):-

    Go ahead with registration until you are asked to PAY.

    Close your browser window.

    Put an application for Free Domain at Xisto. (click for Free Domain Name)

    FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions


    Do you have to be hosted first and then collect the credits to get the domain?

    Yes, it is necessary.


    Will the domain be a .com or .net .org or other?

    .com/.net/.org/.info allowed. More to be added soon.



    If the one year of having this domain is over, do you lose your hosting and have to apply for a new one, or it will be replaced by a subdomain?

    Members will have the opportunity to collect 250 credits again by the next year and apply for renewal before 1 month of expiry.

    Members also have the option to manually RENEW their domain by payment at https://xisto.com/



    Are we allowed to choose one of the three options? Which mean I have to get 250 credits to get a domain and another 250 if I wanted to transfer it etc...?

    No. 250 credits for REGISTRATION OR TRANSFER.



    If we got a domain and hosting, do we have to pay a credit per day like an ordinary hosting account? Or we will get a year with the hosting offer for no credits per day/month?

    Everything continues as before. You must have credits in your account to keep up your hosting.


    How long will this offer be available?

    This offer is in BETA stage. We cannot guarantee any date of expiry for this offer. Its under testing and depending on the response, We might change the rules in future.


    How many members can apply for free domain?

    1 Hosted Member => 1 Domain.

    So if you get 280 points year the domain is yours forever? Because that would be awesome. You guys rule. Regards!

  2. It is good that google is making M$ feel uneasy. M$ has been lagging behind for quite a long time on email and search functions. While google still cannot compete with M$ on the software side. M$ also owns a very popular instant messanger, something that google wants to take over, but still not very successful. I would be glad if google can come up with their own OS, so that we will have alternatives to M$ products. But the edge of google does not seem to be here.

    A google OS would be so cool. I could just imagine what the desktop would be like. It would be like the most convinent OS ever. They could take down M$ if they just made an OS.

  3. I found out these from some other site, but if you type inscrool down abit and look who you see.

    Typing in
    and see what the google calculator

    Another good one is when you type in
    And press i'm feeling lucky it comes up with,

    And the best of them all, is when you type in
    and the first option is george bush. That one made me laugh for weeks.

    Ha, ha i love this it's so funny. I especially love the one with the google calculator '42'. They sure have a sense of humor. Good ol' Google.

  4. when i was in 5th grade, which was 5 years ago, this was right when google first came out i think...
    anyways, i remember my 5th grade teacher telling me that the word google was the biggest number possible and that it was bigger than infinity. Back then i believed it but then you really think about it, how is a number even possibly bigger than infinity if infinity goes on FOREVER?

    and is googe EVEN a number?????

    anybody know?

    No its not bigger than infinity :) that's impossibble. I think the only way you could get it bigger than infinity it to say infinity+1 or something.

  5. Notice from NilsC:
    Warned member for bad language in this post and in the shoutbox. Reduced hosting credits and I'm moving this post

    aite .let me tell u. like 4 of my friends bought psp on the first day it came out! 3 bought it in the afternoon of that day...amrch some And oen waited til 12 something got a beany n tshirt for buying it at metreon (official playstationstore) https://www.shoppingmetreon.com/ ( if link dont work. search it san francisco metreon). so they were playing that in class n it was hella fun. i watched them play twisted metal multiplayer and damn it was tyte. okk ..so i didnt want one in the begining.....then iw anted one cuz i felt leftout. so on tuesday my parents an i went to metreon to buy it.. i bought twisted metal and world tour soccer. that stuff was fun in the beginging but on thursday it got boring... and i tried to keep my psp in good condition....and kept whiping the screen with the cleaning cloth. and it got scrathes over time.now its freakin boring n i want to return it...i even bought the madcatz case thingy 30 bucks... came with: psp plastic case 6 game disc holders car charger usb plug and 4 screen protecteors.


    my warning to u....wait for ps3 .no games for it too.... <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'> dont buy it...</span></span>

    Wow, really! I NEVER got bored with it. Games are so much fun. I would advise people to buy it. It's also good for trips cause it can play movies, music, and games.

  6. oh,
    When i saw the topic psp i either thought it was PSP ( Playstation portable ) or PsP ( Paint Shop Pro) Well i am too gming and graphic minded lol. Well anyway it sounds uberly good. Anyplace i can get some tutorials in this? I got many complaints of slow webpage opening in many ofmypast website Thanks for the help :)

    Well, I've never heard of PSP. Do you need a special server to run it's script. Or is it like javascript where it will run in any bowser? I'm guessing you need a special server but it would be great if it didn't! Regards.
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