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Posts posted by savgunz

  1. In a few years so many people will be using the internet that all the servers in the world will crash - but then again it's just a theory. My internet is supposed have a download rate of 2mb/s according to SpeedTest.Net, but I only have a max. download of 200kb/s... Very weird.

    The CIA probably already has that. They have like supercomputers and lots of other stuff the US government is hiding from everyone else in the world. Again - that's a theory. Except for the 30mb/s+ CIA internet download speed (their agents need to download pictures of the people they're spying on very, very quickly.)

    I stumbled upon this article where a 75-year-old woman has the fastest home internet speed at 40gbps. Even half that would be awesome if it was the standard.

    I don't believe that. 40GB/S? That is way too fast.

  2. The author of the "his dark materials"(which is story that the movie is based on); Phillip Pullman is a hardcore atheist and he hates god, in the third book, the kids kill an angel which claims he's "god"...the movie is a watered down version of the books and he tries to promote atheism to little kids and after they watch the movie, their parents might buy them the book and they will learn all about atheism(i am atheist and i'm proud of myself xD).

  3. GunZ: The Duel (don't get ijji - it's slow and well; crappy, takes forever to download, and you don't even use your browser to download it - they invented their own thing. It also gives you viruses.), Quake 3 (except graphic suck, but it's a fun small game), Unreal Tournament 2004, Windows Pinball and Minesweeper (they're adicting [Pinball - my high score is something like 5,000,000 so if you beat it come back and tell me. Minesweeper easy I swear I got a 1 second (it was on a really laggy 1995{B.C.?} laptop). Hearts is also fun if you know how to play. And adventure quest if you know how to hack it, neopets is my favourite because I know how to hack it.

    Onslaught2, Age of War (when you get to the age after the knights, get attacked and when you're really low hp (like 20 or so) use the special and then play it again. If you play it on easy after that, you will win just by using a dino rider because he can heal - even on hard. I think), Unreal Flash 2007 is fun too if you're bored, Indestructable Tank is very addictive but hard in the end.

    OH! And Mozilla Firefox is fun too! Especially if you use it to go to http://forums.xisto.com/

  4. OK... Mac or PC. :P


    Pros for Macs

    About 4x faster than a PC with the same processor, memory, etc.

    User-friendly (very easy to use and manage)

    Comes with lots of programs like iLife which includes iWeb, iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD and more

    You can run Windows or any other OS on it (program is parallel)

    No viruses

    Looks very modern

    Steve Jobs gets payed $1US per year (he gets lots of gifts), so he works hard


    Cons for Macs

    Very expensive (except for Mac-mini)

    Keyboard is hard to get used to

    Easy to steal


    PC - pros

    umm... once you're good at using it, it's very easy

    VERY cheap

    You can hack OSX Leopard and sort of run a mac on your pc without some key features

    Easy to hack computers, software, etc.

    Looks OK

    Hard to steal because it's so heavy


    PC - cons

    Slow, ones as good as Macs cost at least $3000US

    Everyone uses them - don't you want to be different?

    Hard to manage if you don't know how to use it

    So many viruses that it's not even funny.

    Anti-viruses cost money

    Vista is annoying - asks you whenever you do anything

    Vista blocks any programs that open other programs

    Bill Gates isn't writing software anymore and still getting payed alot

    Halo-idea stolen from Apple


    P.S. I got to go finish this later.

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