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Everything posted by Silent-Stranger
How To Win A Girls Heart...again A little help...
Silent-Stranger replied to Silent-Stranger's topic in General Discussion
Well...She emailed me back earlier today. Typical crap, "i don't want to talk" etc..I think i pushed a nerve. I thought about the treating her mean thing SG pointed out, so i said "emailing me won't exactly kill you, now will it?" Me typicall asking a rhetorical question. She then replies "It just might" I then reply with "How can it kill you, if you said, and i quote [i don't want to talk to you anymore (my name), I DON'T love you] So tell me (her name) how would emailing me kill you...? She has yet to reply, it has been about 2 hours. I think i hit a nerve on that one :S -
How To Win A Girls Heart...again A little help...
Silent-Stranger replied to Silent-Stranger's topic in General Discussion
Yes, we were going out...She wasn't cheating on me because we spent 90% of the time together, the only times we really had apart was nipping to the shops etc...She is alot like me, relationship wise.She doesn't like cheats or users or anything, but she's very self conscious about people...She always wants people to focus on her, not sure why...But when she gets the attention, she hates people focusing on her xDTreat her mean aye SG?As in you want me to go down there and give her a good spanking or what? xD -
Hey. New guy, just saying hi...Yeah that rhymes xD
Silent-Stranger replied to Silent-Stranger's topic in Introductions
Thank you.Haha, yeah...Everyone always thinks that Silent-Stranger means someone quite who hides all the time, well, yes...That is me, but not online.It is actually a reference to snipers xD Whom i find do a brilliant job. Lol.Yeah, i am a forum person, forums give me somewhere to just rant and moan at the stuff i don't moan at in real life...People you actually know are sooo judging, whereas people online whom you shall never meet, seem to care more about issues etc...I am currently working on a small game thing with a mate, we are not sure how we intend to make the game.we want something new, not the same old lame RPG's you get out there already.But we want it to be an evolution type thing, where everyone starts life as a cave man, and has to gradually evolve to modern times...And possibly further.We have no idea how to make it happen yet xD -
How To Win A Girls Heart...again A little help...
Silent-Stranger replied to Silent-Stranger's topic in General Discussion
Hehe yes, we are quite the pair...We have many similarities...Puzzles, Snakes, naughty interests etc...Anyway, thanks for the help...Not entirely what i was looking for, but it helped anyway xDPerhaps i should consider asking her what she wants from me, instead of me asking her what i can do? -
How To Win A Girls Heart...again A little help...
Silent-Stranger replied to Silent-Stranger's topic in General Discussion
Indeed.I just wish women would say what is in their heads...All they ever seem to do is enquire what the male wishes to do.Male: What would you like for Tea darling?Female: *tilts head from one side to the other* I dunno, what do you want for Tea ("you" being in a high pitced tone)Male: ARGH!!! Not this again *shoots sef*Life story, how do you like it? xDAnyway, back to reality...I know everything that she loves, everything she hates, but i can never bring myself to do either of them.When we were together, the things she loved were easy to do...Hugs, tickles that sort of thing.But when she broke up with me, you'd think it was easy to throw the terrible things about her back into her face, but i just can't do it =( -
How To Win A Girls Heart...again A little help...
Silent-Stranger replied to Silent-Stranger's topic in General Discussion
She is 19, only about 8 months younger then i.I don't really chase her persay....I more, keep in touch.I know that she likes to know i am okay, so send her an email once a week...Usual just updates on how my Snake is etc...We both have Corn Snakes and she loves mine as much as i love hers, so that's something in common again =D -
How To Win A Girls Heart...again A little help...
Silent-Stranger replied to Silent-Stranger's topic in General Discussion
Lol, i am stubborn like her too, she knows i won't beg her to come back, but she also knows i won't stop fighting for her...I'm a big softy like that, lol.And i am glad i can make you see things you otherwise hadn't seen xD -
How To Win A Girls Heart...again A little help...
Silent-Stranger replied to Silent-Stranger's topic in General Discussion
That is the odd thing, it was my idea to leave for a while, so we could have time on our own.I know that she found another guy after about 3 months after me, but we both still visit the games room we met in and she is always saying that she isn't happy with him.I know other people from that same room, they all say that she never says things like that when i am not there, she just asks for games, plays and leaves.On myspace, before she unfriended (sorry) me...Whenever i posted something, like meeting a girl i thought i liked etc...She always did the same, but for a guy...Obviously.She confuses the hell out of me xD -
Hey. New guy, just saying hi...Yeah that rhymes xD
Silent-Stranger replied to Silent-Stranger's topic in Introductions
Haha, one liners? Me? Never !Lol, they are annoying and take about as much effort as sleeping.I can't stop doing puzzles, it's actually quite annoying.I see life as one big puzzle and to sort out certain issues/events, i need to find the right pieces and put them in the right place, otherwise the puzzle is incomplete and the job doesn't get done, lol.And don't get me started on the txt msgin tlk....I can't understand a blooming word of it xD -
Hi and welcome Khileeq, i am also new so hope to see you around some time.I agree with old Mich up there, your range of interests is quite extensive...Perhaps i should try some of them to pass the time xD
Erm, i just signed up and was advised to nip in here and introduce myself.I am 20, from England...I tend to be a bit annoying at times, but aren't we all? xDI am kind of obsessed with puzzles and things that make me think.I like online RPG's, they pass the time i guess.I really suck at this talking about myself malarky, so hi =D
I have a bit of an issue, that i can't seem to sort out my self.I'd like some help on the matter. (all serious, please no annoying people looking for attention)Basically, this is the story.I met this girl on a game site (playing pool online) and we got talking, over many months we got to be very close, talked on the phone every day etc....After a while we decided to meet, so we fixed it that i go down to her house and stay with her for a while, her parents were okay with this as i've talked to them on the phone and via MSN too (i apologise if you are not allowed to mention messengers)So i go down to hers, stay there for a few months, she comes to mine for a few weeks while her parents sort her birthday plans out, then we go back to hers for a few days for her birthday and i return home.Well, while at hers we get on like true love, we do everything together, we be romantic, sensual, sexual...everything.The same when she comes to mine.Her parents and her sister tell me that she seems to be alot happier with me then they've ever seen her, and that when i leave (to go to the shops, town etc...) she seems sad, as i am not there.So, being the romantic that i am, i figure everything is going well, we hardly ever agrued (obviously 1 or 2, like every couple) and life was great.When i return home, we talk just like we used to, but i notice she starts to be a bit distant from me...A few nights later, i get a text from her saying that it's over and she can't be with me anymore.I am like, WTF....Since then she has deleted me and blocked me on everything we do together (MSN, MySpace, Games etc...( (again i apologise if this counts as advertising and i will remove if it does, please inform me as such)So i try contacting her, via emails, she completely ignores me for about 4 months, then suddenly she replies, she seems different, angry almost...I have no idea what happened to her.So, recently i can't sleep and have been getting weird feelings that something isn't right, this is a year on from the break up.She replies to an email i sent her a few days back, with me saying that i can't sleep because i worry something is wrong.Long story slightly short, I know that somewhere she still has feelings for me but she is as stubborn as hell.She lives over 140 miles away from me, so it's not like i can just nip round for a chat.Any help on what i can do to get her talking to me again, and getting the relationship started again.I know it sounds stupid, but this girl is mostly my world...It's not a stupid teenage crush or anything, i know she's my love because of the way she makes me feel compared to anyone else i've ever met/dated.Please help.Thanks x