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Posts posted by ximo

  1. Yeah I have to agree with pleno that for space travel to possible several factors have to come into play:


    1. Money


    And I mean a series load of it like in the hundreds of trillions of dollars to fund this project which includes mass producing ship parts, developing a energy source that can pull off star trek speeds, and some sort of hull that can take small objection without puncturing a giant hole from a meteorite or something.


    2. Space Ship


    Now if we have this huge source of money covered the next problem is the ship, basically you would have to make the space ships be like the Enterprise from star trek. Not only does it have to be fast it has to be huge so people can move around and sleep comfortably and not be in such a tight space. As for speed thats a given we need to be able to hit the speed of light or close to it ( the speed of light is 669,600,000 MPH), and I believe the current space shuttle can only do about 25,000 MPH. So we already know that either a nuclear engine or something more powerful would need to built in order to sustain that kind of power, even if its small burst just to get the motion going. As for the hull of the ship it needs to about 1000x more better then the current hull system as it needs to be able with stand objects the size of softballs from putting a hole into the ship and collapsing it. Thus you would need the most advance weapon, tracking, monitoring system in the known universe to be able keep tabs on all the objects in space.


    Like I said we would need to build a enterprise for that to be even possible.


    3. Water/Food


    We need food and water there is no doubt about that, and right now only the planet Earth has was we need to survive.


    4. Time


    Using this website to explain it, no human can live two hundred thousand years or if oyu read further down nine trillion years. So in order turn years into hours in space travel you need to pull off warp speed like speed to not have 360,000,000,000 generations (9 trillion number) of human bodies floating in space once they die. Lets not forget time is different in space as well, and if I remember correctly if you travel back and forth in a set number of years the actual age of the of the planet is double that. Not to sure how that works so if someone knows what I am referring to clear that situation up.

    5. Human race


    For this to work everyone has to stop the BS, but we all know peace on earth will never happen, and so in that conclusion after rereading these points I would think it would be impossible unless the hypothetical worm hole appears out of nowhere next to the planet earth traveling to outer space will only will happen to those who have deep pockets and the means to actually get out there and perform science experiments.


    Although I saw an article a couple of days ago that the Voyager spacecrafts are now reaching the point were our solar system ends and the universe begins, and that took 30 years for those 2 tiny satellites to get there. Of course during that time no contact has ever been made, and so it leads to my final point.


    6. Why Do it?


    If we are the only living things in this universe why bother risking the dangers of this unknown universe? Although we have about 5 Billion years left on this planet give or take a catastrophic event The human race only chance of survive would be find a planet that is a exact duplicate of this planet, and out of the 200+ planets found so far none have come close to earth like yet. Early 20th century had high hopes for the future such as by the year 2000 we have flying cars and stuff like that but its 2007 and we haven't done anything to cure disease, hunger, global warming, and so us as a race now in a period of time that all it takes is someone to press a button and that would be it.


    Could it be possible to leave this planet and travel the stars? Maybe will it happen in the generation-x life time, not likely. The 21st century children have to realize that we their parents and grandparents and great grandparents have done a lot of damage, and if the 21st century children cannot get past our mistakes it might never happen.

    even though I beleve that we still have the right technology for a colony on the moon or something. In fact it is quite possible. we have the technology to do it. we are in Antarctica arn't we? we use domes etc for buildings and other typs of structures to shelter out the cold.


    I You take a look at Star Trek for A Minute... The Hypospray: Remember that one?

    Star Trek:

    Posted Image



    Real Life:

    Posted Image



    There are probably other things aswell.who Knows!


    I think that NASA has a problem with priorities. if it's no NASA then it's the American Gouvernment or who ever gives them money. According to a Radio program that I listen to, Coast 2 Coast AM, an expert said that, by now, we could be on Mars and having Colonies on the Moon.


    Remember that Space Elevator? back in the 60's it was a joke, but now it looks like reallity.

  2. Thirty credits in an hours really isn't that bad. Some people takes a week or even longer to build up that many credits as they don't have as much time or they spend more time putting thought into a post. If you work at that rate you could have a domain name in about 8 hours of work which is really rather nice rather than having to put in credit card information on an actual site. Just look at it this way, 250 is better than 365

    just curious, how long will it take for an average person to make 30 credits? just wondering as I have just started. I think it is a great opertunity for us to work for a prize. anyway. 250/280 is a little much but hopfully i can start. somthing else on my mind. if we apply for lets say packedge#1 for 10 credits, would ten credits be deducted from our accound for hosting? :P
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