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Posts posted by muji

  1. I generally test scripts locally, but I use linux, so it's easy to do that. A few years ago, when I was still using windows I used something like http://www.wampserver.com/ to setup a server and again tested locally. For basic scripts there's unlikely to be any issues with then uploading to your web-host. However, if you get more complex, for example sending mail or the like, then you may need to match your settings locally.
    I suspect the main issue is to make sure you work with globals OFF.

  2. There are a number of newer strategy games out there now - like 'settlers of catan' and all it's variations. The good thing about real board games, rather than computer games, is that you actually get to interact with other people, even have a meal together. The bad thing is that it's a lot harder to get everyone together. Probably because they're at home playing computer games.

  3. The GIMP is a graphic program that's freely available and runs on Linux or Windows (probably Mac too). I've been using The GIMP on and off for a few years now. Found it particularly good for manipulating pictures, and adding text to pictures. For example it's handy to add text to a photo of the kids and make it into an invitation to one of their parties. Then it's just a matter of getting a few printed at the local photo-shop, or print them at home.


    Of course you can do much more with the GIMP, particularly once you work out how to use 'layers' properly and how to set the .dpi for your image. I have made up fliers etc using the GIMP. I even designed some stationary at one point. However, the fun comes if you want to get something commercially printed. Digital printing seems to be easy enough. But spot colors are just not compatible. Some printers will give it a go, but there's issues with colors not 'matching' and so on.


    I'm wondering

    a. what ways there are to work around the spot color issue while still using the GIMP. ie how to save to an appropriate file format etc

    b. what alternatives programs are out there commercial or otherwise that would do a similar job to the GIMP, but produce files that can be commercially printed.


    What do you know?

  4. its handy how you can host your domain name with google aps and link in google mail so you can have yourname@yourdomainname.net for example as you email address.But with gmail being so popular it's got me wondering how big the thing can get before it starts coming un-stuck and mail slooooows down. Plus there'd have to be an every increasing risk with hackers.But yes, I'd still go Gmail over hotmail.

  5. Log-in to your gmail account, Goto Setting, Go to Forwarding and pop, and click this option :
    Enable POP for all mail (even mail that's already been downloaded) :)

    If you already have POP enabled you may have to disable it, save settings. Then enable again, making sure you select all mail, not mail from now on.
    When you point Thunderbird at the gmail pop server it should fill you inbox with all your mail. Sent and received.
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