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Posts posted by zippy77

  1. Not all Intel processors are HT compatible. Only the Pentium 4 processors and not the Celeron ones. AMD however does not have any such technologies currently on the market. I personally have been partial to the AMD processors as they have mostly out performed the Intel variety on high end gaming. Now that the AMD 64 processors have been released before Intel was able to muster up their version of the 64 bit CPU, I am starting to believe that the Intel dominance of the CPU market is fading. In my opinion AMD is moving in for the kill and Intel will suffer some large losses. I know that Intel will never totaly be gone, but I think their day has come and will soon be gone. AMD is my choice. By the way, back in about '95-'96 I would have laughed my face off at anyone who thought AMD could ever even hold a candle to Intel. Hmmmm.... Just like when Billy Gates said "Nobody will ever need more than 640k memory"! :D

  2. I cannot say for sure if that site is a scam or not, but I have been around the PTR industry quite a bit and can say that no PTR site that pays $150 per email can possibly pay all thier members. I used to be an admin on my friends PTR site and I know how they work. We were paying 2 cents per email and within two months the site was almost $10000 in debt to the members. For obvious reasons the site had to be closed as there was no way that it could turn a profit. If this other site offers $150 per email they are 100% SCAM! :rolleyes: Please do not support these scammers. There are way better PTR sites out there that realy will pay you! If you want to know which sites really do pay, check out http://www.beenpaid.com/. Look around in thier forums and find out which sites realy will pay you. 150dollarsmail probably won't realy pay you, and anybody who claims to have been paid by them is probably either part of the scam or seriously mistaken! :lol:

  3. I have not been hosted here long, but if you look around the forum and notice the amount of time that some of the members have been here you will notice this is a pretty good host. From time to time you may have a small amount of down time due to errors on the server or whatever, but that is rare from what I have heard and the admins here seem to be very quick to fix any errors. For free I don't think you will find a better host.

  4. Hey everybody. I have been playing around in Photoshop alot recently and decided to come up with a new sig because my little army alliance thing never realy worked out.(Don't realy need an alliance now anyways :lol: )


    Anyways this is what I came up with, waddya think?


    Posted Image


    Don't bother trying to go to my site yet as my hosting account is going through some problems at the moment so you will only get the default Xisto page.

  5. Ok my hosting account has been upgraded a few days ago to package #2. In package 2 you are supposed to get 150MB storage and 5Gig transfer. Correct?After I upgraded the Cpanel was displaying 150MB storage and 5Gig transfer, but after I installed PHPnuke, the MAX storage listed in cpanel changed and now reads 20MB.I know that I upgraded sucessfully! Twice actually, because NilsC had reset my account and replenished the hosting credits so I could try again.Unfortunately it happened again. Same problem right after I install PHPnuke. I am installing PHPnuke using the Fantastico automatic installation. Could that be causing the problem? Please if NilsC or OpaQue can help me out with this I would really like to be able to get to work on my site. :lol: zippy77

  6. Welcome to Xisto locksofmemories. Also welcome to you lil cutie!Xisto is a great community online. I only signed up here on Apr. 7th and already have made more than 120 posts so that just goes to show you how much I love it! :lol: While you are here, check out the Army System on the top nav bar. But be careful it gets addictive! :P Hope you stay and become another cool Xisto junkie! :)

  7. I don't like the idea of having a nazi as the pope. I'm not religious but I still don't think it's a good idea to have a nazi as a world leader, even if he says that he was forced into it. It just doesn't seem right.


    Well maybe that was part of the reason he was chosen. The western half of the world has all but forgotten about the pope. We only hear about when he is sick or when he makes an appearance in front of thousands.(usually a 10 second news blurb) We westerners really don't much care about it. But now to hear he is a nazi? Well just the name"Nazi" peaks the attention of most of the world including us westerners. I think he was named pope for that very reason. To shake things up a little and to prove a point to all of us. The point being that if we have problems with him being an ex nazi, that means we do not forgive him. If we cannot forgive him for his past, how can we expect god to forgive us in the end?


    I'm not actually religious, but this is my opinion.

  8. HI:


    Hey thanks!! That works.  Now when you type my URL, you see my homepage.


    Any problem with leaving a homepage directory set up?  That way, if somebody clicks on "home" from within my site, they are direction to homepage/homepage.htm.


    Saves me having to change all the links throughout my site.


    Let me know if you think that there is a problem with doing it that way.  Only problem I forsee is it wastes a little bit of space.


    That would work fine, but every time you update your index.htm you will have to also upload a copy of it re-named to homepage.htm and make sure you upload it to your /homepage directory.


    It may seem like a pain, but changing the links is probably better. :lol:

  9. Ok Abazzams. You make a good point. The problem is that suicide can never really be understood by the NON suicidal population. Those who have no thoughts of suicide always say "don't be stupid" or similar comments. Which only drags the individual down more.The only NON suicidal people who can TRULY understand the reasons for it are those directly affected by suicide. (like in your example) I have. And you have. Yet we still have somewhat different opinions.This has been debated by governments, religious groups, and philosophers through out history. I really doubt we will come across any revelation here that could stop it from happening to others, but at least our opinions written here might help someone should any of our awesome members at Xisto feel suicide might be the right way to go.

  10. na.. it's just cpanel problems... i haven't used that amount of mb space.. but it still shows that much and wont go down when i delete things..


    Ya thats how it started for me too, but now the Max space says 20MB which used to say 150MB.


    My bandwidth is still 5120MB so this shows that my account has been upgraded to package #2 but somehow it seems as if cpanel has made a hybrid package#1/package#2 account. :lol:

  11. I think you should give yourself more credit. They look very clean and smooth. I like them. Perhaps a different font and maybe drop shadow off the logo and the text in the upper left. Other than that, B-E-A-utiful! :lol:Next time if you want to make sure the GFX will show up you can use Preview Post before you press Add Reply or Add Topic. :)

  12. I think the most important variables to consider in a P&P RPG are the combat system and character class limitations.A combat system must be advanced enough to add some depth to the encounters, yet still be simple enough to teach new players within an hour or two. There is nothing I hate more than playing a game I am new to, and spending the first three gaming sessions just learning the combat system. A simple d6 system similar to the Star Wars system is easy to learn and easy to use. In my opinion it is the easiest system to learn that I have encountered thus far.Other than the combat system, a good RPG should focus heavily on the character classes. It is very annoying to be playing (d&d example) a fighter class character who should be the strongest of the party who gets beat up by a thief or mage or cleric just because the DM or the system allows these character classes to have a strength stat that is equal to or better than the fighter. Make sure each class really does specialize in one field only. And never EVER allow dual class or triple class characters. That just makes it possible to have GOD type characters with skills for anything which eventually causes you to get bored with the gaming system.Just my ideas.Hopefully this helps you :lol:

  13. I would go so far as to say the bravest people in this world are the ones who aren't here anymore.


    So you think that those who commit suicide should be praised for bravery? I think that is backwards. It takes much more bravery to stand up to the problems in your life and take control of your emotions.


    For example, if I was a million dollars in debt, my wife was murdered, bla bla bla...

    It would take far more bravery to hold my head high, face my debts, and heal enough emotionally to maybe once again get married. That would take bravery every day for the rest of my life right?


    Or I could be brave for only one moment and blow my brains out!

  14. The Nigerian scam has been running for years and st**id as that email sounds, they still manage to fool a lot of people. I belong to a large yahoogroup (10k members) that occasionally receives this type of email. You won't believe the number of people actually replying and asking for more information!


    I once found a website fighting this scam with another scam. They reply to this email pretending to be interested and naive. Once the scammer believes he's got a potential prey, this group turns the table around and scams the scammer. Ha ha ha. And they post every story of their exploits online. Very funny site. Good stories. I just can't find a link to it right now. I'll post it later once I find the link.


    Scamming the scammers.... Looks good on them!


    The question I have about all this is, can't you open a brand new bank account, withdraw any money you deposited to open it, get a hold of these scammers and try to set the scam up so you get the address and bank info for the bank they want your money to go into, then report all this info to INTERPOL or FBI or something?


    I don't see how they can get away with this. Someone else has surley thought of this. So why haven't they been caught? :lol:

  15. I have been using PayPal for over a year now and have had ZERO problems. Most of the poeple who are having their accounts deleted/frozen are people who 1) don't verify their PayPal account by registering a credit card or 2) they deal with online companies known to have been involved in fraudulent activity or 3) they deal with alot of unverified PayPal users.PayPal is really a good company from my experience. They don't just take people's money and screw them over. Really if you do have problems with PayPal freezing your account or whatever, it is probably because you weren't careful enough.NEVER accept a PayPal payment from an unverified PayPal member. NEVER pay an unverified PayPal member, and never disclose your PayPal payment information to anyone who does not have a site security seal of approval like from VeriSign.Hope this helps. :lol:

  16. I used to believe that suicide was a persons way of cheating at life. A person has to live from birth to death and face all obstacles that happen to get in their way in order to progress to the next level of spirituality which depending on religious beliefs could be heaven, hell, another incarnation or whatever. Its like a race only that who finishes first is unimportant, only the race itself matters. When someone commits suicide they are cheating by taking a "short cut" to the finish line. I developed this belief after someone close to me committed suicide in my youth. I have since changed my point of view.I now know that suicide is a result of depression which is now known to be a medically treatable condition. When someone goes through a physical or emotional trauma, certain chemical changes occur in their brain. I do not remember the exact chemical the brain produces, but the brain depends on a very delicate balance of shall we say "happy" chemicals and "sad" chemicals. When this balance is disrupted it causes the person to act irrationally. This applies to a high amount of "happy" chemicals as much as it does "sad" chemicals. When a person has a high amount of "happy" chemicals they will usually act very hyper and usually somewhat annoying. (this may be bad for your social life but typically not dangerous) On the other hand, when a person has too much "sad" chemical, they begin to feel tired and lazy. They often feel physically sick or have body aches. The longer this "sad" chemical is in high concentration the more it will affect the individual causing them to stop performing their normal daily routine. The may stop showering, stop going to work, disassociate themselves from their friends and family. And ultimately they may begin to think about suicide.So if you ever feel suicidal, or know someone who is, don't go giving them a pep talk thinking it will save them. (although it might help temporarily) As I said before depression causes suicide and depression is a medically treatable condition. The best thing you could do is bring them to a doctor. The doctor can prescribe medication that will help to restore the balance of chemicals in the brain. It may take a few weeks for the medications to work however so keeping a close eye on the suicidal person would be recommended until they have recovered.Unfortunately I have spent far too many hours in my life trying to understand this, but maybe the viewpoint I have shared here might help any of you who are considering suicide, of have lost someone to it. Life is precious please don't waste it. :lol: zippy77

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