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Posts posted by HoboOnDrugs

  1. LOL!!!! that guy said he likes the ATOS....if anyone knows what that is, thats funny stuff. its more compact than a mini cooper, its got about 60 or less horsepower, and its completely useless. you can fit 4 people in it very uncomfortably. haha, thats ok though, my friend drives one and says its all he needs. but anyways, my favorite car would have to be a subaru impreza wrx sti, i love rally racing though, so that may just be me :lol: why dont people use sti's and evo's for drifting in the US?

  2. a reply to the last post....my processor is a pentium 4 3.33 gig with HT tech., thats definately not the problem guy, i'm not computer illiterate. and yes...i play loads of online games, so YES i need more memory. also, i'm ALWAYS multi-tasking, example: playing a game while playing music....so again, yes i need more memory. one more question and i only need a yes or no answer....would a single 1 gig memory stick (maybe along with one of the 256Mb's i already have) run faster then 2 512Mb's? i already found out what type of memory i need and how many pins and all that. my laptop is more like a desktop though, i dont have battery power saving parts such as a intel centrino processor....i dont see why you would want that? all it is, is a slower processor....why would you just buy a slower older processor for cheaper? but whatever, that has nothing to do with my question, maybe i'll make a new post about that later.....thank you all for your responses though, youve been greatly helpful.

  3. oh yeah, sorry i forgot to add this in....i'm not really sure what your budget is like or what your parents are willing to spend, but if you can get them to go expensive or you can throw in some of your own money....looke at Alien Ware laptops....they rox. i wanted one but i needed my laptop quick and it would take 2 to 3 months for me to get it because i live in the cayman islands.....http://www.alienware.com/ check it out

  4. Ok. At this point you've already made your coice apparently. But I'm going to say this anyways because I've just gone through the same situation. I chose laptop because the pros outway the cons. The pros are much more useful than the cons are hurtful. Take upgrading the hard drive for instance. What you can do is get an external. This is much more useful anyways because God forbid you MAY be downloading music and the sort, if you happen to get a virus or malware, everything would already be backed up and if you ran into the situation of reformatting, you wouldnt have to worry about losing any files. And also, I just got a Toshiba laptop, and the memory upgrade is so easy they give instructions in the manual on how to do it. All I have to do to add memory is turn it off, take the battery off, screw the memory expansion door off, pop out the old memory, and pop in the new one. Simple right? I think so. And another thing thats great about laptops is that alot of them now come with A/V plug ins or S-Video cables so you can plug them into a TV. Lets think about this wonderful scenario....plug your laptop into lets say...errrmm....a 60 inch plasma TV? How amazing would it be to use a TV of that size and quality of picture as a computer monitor? Thats just something I want to do if I could ever get my act together and save up enough money. But anyways, I'm off to college in a year or so and I have many friends in college and most of them have laptops and they do not regret it at all. I have very few friends with desktops but some of them wish they had laptops and there are a few that say they hate laptops....these are very stubborn people that are very into power and upgrade-ability? Is that even a word? You know what I mean, lol. But anyways, if you want something that will have ALL the power and functionality that you need and still be amazingly convinient, go with the laptop. But if you one of these stubborn people that must have his power and performance, go with that desktop. But in your situation I would definately recommend the laptop. Hope this helps. Hobo.

  5. Ok. I got rid of NAV(Norton Anti-Virus) and installed AntiVir. The only reason I did this is because I just bought this computer and NAV was all messed up. It refused to update so I got angry at it and threw it into the ocean. But anyways, AntiVir is just temporary while I'm away from home. But enough of that, so the first thing AntiVir did was tell me i had a trojan....I got a message about this a day or 2 ago and this is what it was:trojan.wn32.apropo.225280pro files>auto update>autoupdate.exeThat was what an anti-hack program warned me about from a Korean game called Gunbound. And now AntiVir has detected:C:\PROGRAM FILES\CXTPLS\CXTPLS.DLLIs the Trojan horse TR/Dldr.Apropo.RIt seems to be the same thing and I was wondering if anyone could help me to or direct me to a website that could help me to get rid of it, or if you think it may be more difficult than that I guess I could maybe wait till I get home in a month and have my dad's friend look at it. He generally does all the work on our PC's. Thank you for your time and effort and I would be really appreciative for your help.....BTW, I'm not really sure if this was the proper place to post this, but it seemed like it at the time. Thanks.

  6. Ok. I am using a Toshiba laptop with a Pentium 3.33 with HT and a 93 gig HDD and 512 Mb of memory....I would like to upgrade the memory. Would it be better if I were to get another 512 or a 1 gig? How do I figure out how many pins I need? And if i get another 512 should I get the exact same model that I already have? Thank you for your time and i look forward to reading your replies.

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