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Posts posted by Thyta

  1. Very true. And here's your big text for ya. ;)


    Yes, cats are easier to tend to than dogs. I've tended to kittens before in an animal shelter.. Just take out the litter box, cover your nose while you dump it, and a bunch of other stuff. AND cats don't bark loudly! They hiss! Yay!


    ..Ahem. Anyways, horses are nice. Horseback riding is fun! Though, many times, I'd hear a thump on the ground behind me as I am riding.. And also some hisses of liquid hitting the ground. I won't go into it anymore. I think you know what I mean.. :rolleyes:

  2. Oh, I see. Well, Dixie's really energetic, and I guess, in his own way, protective of his masters. As a matter of fact, he probably IS barking for attention. Yeah, we have a big backyard, and he loves to run around and play in it. Occasionally, we'll take him for a walk. And we've had him for a bit more than 2 years.


    Alright, thank you for all the help! This gives me ideas.. Heh heh..


    Just kidding. Thank you again!!!!!

  3. At school, we have a garden plot that we tend to with a Garden Group. One day, during class, we walk to our plot, and we see huge holes in our plot. There was a gopher in the garden, and it attacked our plot! It ate all of our lobelia, parsley, marigolds, and more! Grr.. Luckily, our teacher had extras. So we planted more.



    Another time, we raced out to the garden. And there was another big hole in the middle of our plot. This time, it ate our growing sunflowers. At the time, there were two high school students who jumped the garden fence and kicked all the irrigation lines, as well as stomped a TON of plants. We thought it was them. Then we realized the gopher had attacked our plot again. Now, we have a big hole in the middle of our plot. No sunflowers. Sigh.



    Can you see why I hate gophers now? Sure, I may be a fanatic about gardens and plants, but still, I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT GOPHER ATE OUR PLANTS!

  4. I hope it's okay for a poll on which you PREFER: Cats, dogs, or both? And emphasis on the PREFER. These are people's OPINIONS, like I said before in the title. So please, don't say one's better than the other. They're both equal in some people's point of view, dogs are better in some people's point of view, or cats are better in other people's point of view. TONS of points of view. So don't sulk because people don't like the same things you do! Not that I'm saying you WOULD sulk..



    Ahem. Anyways, I'd prefer dogs, because I'm more familiar with them. Despite their eagerness to lick you and drool on you, they're really loving. I'm not saying cats aren't that way, however. They just portray their affection differently.

  5. Eh. What would happen to Voldemort and Malfoy and everybody else? Hogwarts? Snape? Just wondering.. Because personally, I like Severus Snape.. Especially after the ending. The ACTUAL ending.. :rolleyes:


    I love the way about Snape's past.. All ties in together.. One thing I don't get though, is why-



    -Lily married James Potter if she hated him.. Of course, James let go of a lot of his pride later.. But still. Snape is cool!



    Not sure if that was a spoiler, but couldn't hurt. ;)

  6. I was wondering, can this be a discussion for the seventh and final book of the Harry Potter series? Because I really want to talk about it. Great book!



    Do you think that the ending is a bit.. predictable?



    I mean, it was kind of obvious (to me) that Hermione and Ron would eventually.. Marry each other? As with Harry and Ginny. But I like Harry's kid the best, the one that looks like him. Albus Severus, right? Or was it Albus Snape? Hmm.. I remember it was Albus _______..

  7. Out of curiosity, is there something wrong with my dog, Dixie..? Everytime he hears the littlest sound, he jumps up, and starts barking. And then it takes at least 10 minutes to stop him. And then he hears someone pull up the driveway, and it starts all over again. It gets really annoying, because many times during the day, there are many sounds in the neighborhood. Is he just wanting attention? Or does he feel like disturbing the somehow peaceful quiet of the neighborhood? Because we always have to discipline him, and we don't like that! What should I do?



    Sorry if that sounded ignorant, but I AM ignorant to the ways of pets. Though I don't love them any less.

  8. I would have to say my dog dreams. Here are my reasons:




    1) Once, I was watching TV in the evening with my family. Jack, one of my dogs, was sleeping, as usual. He was lying on the floor next to me against my feet. So he suddenly starts kicking with his hind feet. So, he's kicking me. I'm like, "What the.." Jack's eyes were closed, and he was breathing peacefully. And he was kicking me.


    2) Another time, my other dog, Dixie, was sleeping. Again, against my feet. But he didn't kick me. Instead, he just began giving little "woofs". Eyes closed, peaceful breathing, the whole thing. And yet, he was "woofing".


    3) Yet another time, my dog Jack was again against my feet. He kicked me, as you have probably guessed. But it was like he was racing, like he was sideways on a racing track. His legs started moving like he was running.. It hurt.




    That's why I think so. And also, dogs are human beings, right? All living things have dreams.. I think. Anyways, that's my vote!

  9. Fave house pet? Well, it's obvious for me. Dogs! :rolleyes: So cute!


    I have two dogs that are not pure breeds, so I can't really name all the breeds they're a mixes of. I'll do my best, though!


    Dixie ~ A boy. Sounds like a girl name, but he's a boy. Anyways, he's a mix of Border Collie, Australian Sheperd, and.. A bunch of other breeds. He has black fur on his back, but on his fat stomach, he has pure white fur. You know that Beagle brownish color? He has some of that on the back of his legs. Very energetic dog, loves licking people and drooling on people.


    Jack ~ A boy. Duh. Mix of black Labrador Retriever in his age. Past his prime. He has some white "paint" spots on his back, and is smaller than the average Labrador Retriever. I don't know what else he's part of, however..


    Sorry, don't have any pics..

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