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Posts posted by Mafiabigboy

  1. World in Conflict is a great game for a group of ppl that wanting to play and work together as a team.For team tactics this game is really good, having all of the team members working together to provide tacticle support, front men for the grinding, armour for the back up, all in all if your team doesnt work together then you get run over like a bug infront of a giant shoe.While its still got a rush component i find that it lacks the micro management of supreme commander

  2. Spirited Away was a good movie.Recently got the new Chibi movie Tales from Earth Sea, Was a good movie.I have Dragon ball Z, All the series and also Dragon ball GT Pity i dont to many of the movies, i like the series.sometimes it can get a little tedious during the series but they keep a good story line

  3. I enjoyed Die Hard 4.0 alot.Though it didnt have the zazz of the originals it was very true to the Die Hard series, only one of the stunts annoyed me a little in the fact that i dont think anyone could of pulled it off in real life,(the Plane scene where it flies around trying to Kill our hero under a series of Highways.But apart from that the movie was entertaining and thoroughly enjoyable.

  4. Total Annihilation was made designed and made by chris taylor was a awesome and still is a awesome strategy game.I used to play on the Boneyards multiplayer competiton which was awesome!!Supreme Commander is developed by Gas Powered Games, designed by none other than Chris Taylor!! he says that Supreme Commander is the spirtual succesor to Total Annhihilation.I still have Total Annihilatio+Battle Tactics+Core Contigency Expansion packs plus 3 dvds of Extra Units and maps made by other groups that were fanatic about the game:D I still reckon it beats starcraft even tho they rate starcraft better in the multiplayer replayability.

  5. I have never been a big fan of Wireless, infact i almost never recommend it. But the sad fact is nowdays, if your not in the position to have a wired network wireless is the only way.When we only had 54G i had issues running a network game of UT over a wireless network, but now on the new N Hardware its possible,As it goes i suppose its about what you can afford cables are cheaper and todays switches are reasonably prices, compared to wireless speeds, you loose reliability and speed for the freedom. Everything comes at a cost

  6. That optimus OLED Keyboard while a wicked idea for a keyboard, to me it just doesnt scream practical.I use my G15 keyboard alot to the point of i start wearing the finish on the keys within the first month.Imagine accidentally knocking a key off it, or scratching the keys a keyboard that expensive u wouldnt want to use.

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