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Posts posted by Sandokan

  1. Well it was pretty easy for me, I allready had a gmail account so I went to "Webmasterapplications" or something like that and added my website.I had to follow a few steps to make sure that the website was my own, and when it was verified and added I just had to wait till the "Google bot"would pass by sometime. And after a while it found me! I found out pretty soon I had to change some things to get the right traffic to my website but it was on google! Greetzz

  2. Well I use Opera at the moment but I have had them all for quit some time. I started with IE 6.0 like allmost everyone because it came with XP. After a while I found out it wasn't the only internet browser available (don't laugh, some time ago now...) I wanted 7.0. I installed and liked the "tab" concept. After a while I got sick of that one too and though, what the heck! I heard some much about Mozilla, I downloaded installed it and though it was great! Nothing too complain, everything worked fine and looked pretty good with my XP with Vista look :) Then I say Opera, the way you could change it's looks etc. I had to try it! It worked great for some time but all of the functions are getting pretty annoying now, and sometimes some things break down. But these problems could just be my computer since it's really toasted :P I really download way too much!!! :)Greetzz

  3. Well I played it for a long time and I was alliance from the start so I voted that. It's a great game and yes I recommend it but I don't play it any more. After a while I got sick of doing the same over and over again, and if you think about it you don't really get happy. If you hide yourself in a fictional world on your PC to meet people you become a kind of "noob" very fast. I could have voted for Horde too since in the end I kind of wanted to keep playing but was sick of this elf! I wanted a blood elf.... But I never got that far........For all the people how really wanna play it but can't since it costs too much money every month (I can imagine) try to find a good Private server, they are really good and some even let you level sooner and everything :)Greetzz

  4. He really asks for that? Well then you're probably right, there can't be any good reason why you should be giving you Paypal password...If you are right I recommend to everyone not to do that, if you do, don't be suprised if the next day your complete amount of money onyou account is gone, well.... At least you know where it went XDGreetzz

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