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Posts posted by sanjay0828

  1. Nice. But change the user interface. Change the home page first. Make it interesting. Its just looking like a simple page, we test on our computers when we learn. And, since the back button won't work, highlight "back to results" and forward and backward options to navigate through results easily. Anyway, nice idea...and nice site.

    I am going to do something for the back button

    There is a tendency for people to click it.

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    - Sanjay

  2. Thanks for having a look

    It is certainly interesting, however it isn't much yet, it's google with an ad on top and a slightly less intuitive user interface, however if you start adding new features I think you might have something there. Keep us posted as to what updates you make and what features you add.

    I am planning the following features
    zoom, crop, rotate, making the image grayscale etc.

    These features should be out before the end of the week.

    I am also planning to add a slideshow - so that you can see all the images you have opened without any user intervention

    What I've always wanted to see in google images is some sort of preview, so you can view the full sized image without going to the website itself. For example, some sort of "preview" link below each image that when clicking on it it opens a div layer with the full sized image in it.

    This is the same reason I created the site :lol:

    Here, you get to see the full-size image without actually actually going to the site.

    My initial design had a preview link under the image, but the problem was some images took a while to load.
    I didn't want the user to keep waiting for the image to load.

    So, I opened these images in a tab


  3. Hi all,

    I have just finished adding the final touches to my new website - a more user-friendly image search engine.

    Here is the link

    It is not exactly a search engine, but rather an interface over an existing engine (Google Image search).

    Please give it a try and let me know what you think.

    I am planning to add more features like zoom, crop, flip etc.
    If you have any suggestions, please do post it.


  4. The biggest disadvantage of Yahoo! is its cluttered home page
    A big turn - away

    Years back, when Yahoo! was just a toddler, there was this article in some computer magazine (I don't remember the name)
    It read - 'the biggest advantage of Yahoo! is its uncluttered interface'

    and then they started providing mail, groups, news etc. etc.

    Check out how they looked then here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Later, Google came

    Google beat Yahoo! at all of it's games
    Of course, not Yahoo! Answers though

    Did you know that Yahoo! was instrumental in the founding of Google?

    All things said, Yahoo! is still the pioneer of these technologies
    Yahoo! popularized search, mail and more
    It brought the net to our fingertips

    and now companies are trying to buy Yahoo!

  5. Yes, your page will get a lot of hits because of this, but the people will not read your content. They will just skim it and move on, realizing the site is bogus. They would not click any adverts that you have on your pages.

    You have got me wrong again

    I write the content based on the keywords I have chosen
    In my case, the page will be centered around 'The Mist'.

    As I posted before,
    The content is not my focus.
    The keywords are.
    I change the content based on the keywords.

  6. i know perpetual motion is not possible........ YET.....


    but let's just look at the various factors hindering this possibilty


    assume, we are trying to trap the kinetic energy of a body that is moving forever


    now, the most powerful opposing force is friction


    if the body is rotating on an axle or something, there is sliding friction (or rotating friction)

    also, there is friction from contact with air (or any medium)



    what if...


    the object was falling in vacuum - pure vacuum - touching nothing?????


    the object i m referring to is a spacecraft - high above the earth's atmosphere - falling without any opposing force


    so how do you get energy from this????


    any object moving in a magnetic field (the earth's magnetic field in this case) generates an electric current

    the current thus generated could be converted into radio waves or something and send back to earth or it could be used to power equipments on board the craft


    i like this idea... but i have this nagging feeling - i missed some point here


    can you spot it????

  7. How to increase traffic on one's site????


    I have this site running Google Ads

    Ya... thought of making some quick bucks


    But sadly, there weren't much visitors to my site


    I asked my all-knowing-oracle-friend what was the solution?

    His answer was quite simple - search engines


    Was he kidding?


    I couldn't possibly compete against those monoliths having thousands of referring links


    At about that same time, I felt a light bulb starting to glow in my mind


    No... this has nothing to do with SEO's

    Those thing are for those technically-sound-people


    My solution was pretty simple (WORKED FOR ME)

    Why try to compete in areas where there is too much competition???


    First, think of some area (read as keyword) which currently wouldn't have too much crowding, but quite possible in the future

    For e.g. movies that are not yet released


    Here is what I did

    I created a page offering download links for 'The Mist' (way before the movie was released)


    Anyone searching for the mist download would come across my site's listing on the first page of the results

    Yes.. there were people out there that actually searched for this


    I got a decent 800+ unique hits during the fortnight before the movie's release


    After the movie's release, I cudn't find my site listed even in the top 100!!!


    BTW, the links weren't dead.. it pointed to the movie trailer :)

  8. One of the way to cheat Adsense, which is used by many is to click on own ads (if you won't use static IP).

    This technique used to work, but not any more

    Changing the IP (i.e. by logging in and out of ISP) will fool Adsense if this is done once or twice
    But on repeating this, Adsense will detect a pattern and block them all (Each ISP's IPs follow a pattern)

    I have been using this for sometime now and yesterday, I discovered a bug.

    The technique described above CURRENTLY cannot be detected by Adsense
    But it is only a matter of time before they get smart and block this too

  9. Ive just been reading about the "projector keyboard" its so sweet! it sines a light on ur desk, and u just touch the light and the keys work!!!

    Sounds nice, but..

    What if I need to use the keyboard in the open i.e. where there is bright sunlight

    The light coming from the device doesn't seem to be bright enough... and I doubt that the image (of the keys) would be clearly visible

  10. I am sure many of you would have used Adsense for Search.


    You include Google Search in your site. Someone comes along and does a search for some XYZ. He finds an ad interesting among those results and he clicks. Voila!!! You get paid!!!


    Very convenient!!!


    I have been using this for sometime now and yesterday, I discovered a bug.


    Remember the code, that Google asks you to paste in your site in order to use Adsense Search


    <!-- Search Google --><center><form method="get" action="google.com/custom&%2334; target="_top"><table bgcolor="#ffffff"><tr><td nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" align="left" height="32"><a href="www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl;<img src="google.com/logos/Logo_25wht.gif&%2334; border="0" alt="Google" align="middle"></img></a><label for="sbi" style="display: none">Enter your search terms</label><input type="text" name="q" size="31" maxlength="255" value="" id="sbi"></input><label for="sbb" style="display: none">Submit search form</label><input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search" id="sbb"></input><input type="hidden" name="client" value="pub-0000000000000"></input><input type="hidden" name="forid" value="1"></input><input type="hidden" name="ie" value="ISO-8859-1"></input><input type="hidden" name="oe" value="ISO-8859-1"></input><input type="hidden" name="hl" value="en"></input></td></tr></table></form></center><!-- Search Google -->
    If you know HTML, the above code will be very easy to understand.

    If you don't, you better do.


    Ok. Let's leave that.

    This is what we do now.


    Substitute <form method="get" action="https://www.google.com/custom; target="_top">

    with <form method="get" action="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; target="_top">


    This code will work just the same and you will still earn money from those clicks


    Originally, the search results page would have had an URL starting with https://www.google.com/custom.....

    Now, the URL would start as http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.....


    NOTE: is an IP mapped to https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl i.e. both mean the same (almost)


    What is the bug here?


    Have you heard of Google cache?

    It is that nice little thing which maintains a copy of every page (almost) on Google's index.


    If your page (e.g. https://xyz.xyz/) is listed on Google, then the cached version of your page can, most probably, be accessed through http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    The best part - the cached version can include javascripts too.


    Now anyone knowing javascript will also know that two pages on the same domain (in our e.g. can access each other - e.g. one can click on the other's links etc.


    Our next step is to create a page which does the same.

    A little javascript knowledge can help you with this.


    Next step - wait till this page is cached by Google.


    Last step - your talent. How you can get people to visit both these pages (the cached site and the results page) simultaneously is up to you. Once that is done, the script on your cached site could <- snipped -> on the search results page.


    Remember:- the code given by Google is just HTML. Using javascript, you can control anything on a HTML page (for dummies - the viewer needn't actually search. with javascript, you could write a code that automatically submits the form)


    I am not sure how many understood what I wrote.

    Any doubts? Post 'em


    P.S. This is purely for educational purpose and I don't want anyone misusing it

  11. Ok.. here is a very simple solutionHave two pointers.Initially, let both the pointers point to the first node of the linked listNow move one of the pointers to the 5th node of the linked list.This can be done in O(1) complexity i.e. constant time.Example:-1-->2-->3-->4-->5-->6-->7-->8-->9-->10->11-->12Here, one pointer points to 5 while the other pointer points to 1Now keep moving each pointer i.e. current node to next node, until the first pointer reaches the end of the linked list i.e. 12The second pointer will now be pointing to the 5th last element i.e. 8

  12. There is another problem with your idea

    What if one of your users, instead of just <- snipped -> once, keeps on clicking the same ad again and again?


    Then, what would happen?


    Adsense would brand these clicks as invalid and one of your users would have his account banned.

    There is no way you can prevent something like this.


    One more problem

    Surely, the people at Google would come to know of this and then when they do, it is a simple task of posing as one of your users and banning each of the users, whose ads they come across through your engine.

  13. For as long as one can remember child marriage has been considered a social evil and did not even imagine that anyone from the modern world could think otherwise. But i was wrong or worse ignorant.


    A friend of mine, very much a part of the educated-fight for out rights-youthful mass still believes and agrees with the concept (evil is what i still call but we'' keep it for after this post) of child marriage. Of course thanks (many thanks) to Child Marriage Restraint Act of 1929 he cant practice it when he has children of his own.


    His (this educated-fighting for his rights-youth) argument is laying down conditions by parent on marriage at an early stage, before, emotions such as love and desire, and physical attraction sets in and thwart the process of selecting a life partner. Marriage should have nothing to do with physical characteristics of the boy and the girl. At a young and innocent age the couple will develop a genuine fondness for each other unhindered by adolescent objectives.


    I have to say when i heard this i was dumbfounded and i cannot say if its because i could not believe that this educated-fighting for his rights-youth-etc-etc was saying it or because i actually found meaning in his statements.Out of the blue, someone terming a long condemned social-evil as, not just "not so bad" but the "right thing to do!" was a little hard to digest.


    It took me a while, but i soon realised that his was a Utopian version of child marriage, where the parents who,as commonly said , know whats best , decide who their off springs should be betrothed to based on family background, culture and some other factors (which i can't recollect). But reality is far from it.

    The reality - child marriage is prevalent, mostly in the poorest countries (such as India, Malaysia and Africa) and among the poorest households. Reasons being in these areas only the men-folk are engaged in paid-work and parents of the girls worry for their daughters future and economic support. Marrying off the girls at a young age rids them of the economic burden. This step does not solve the poverty stricken situation that the girls are in and in most cases it gets worse (with abuses, prostitution etc). And yes in the current situation girls face most of the ill-effects of this custom.


    "The educated parents will be able to choose the right-partner and guide the children, such that adolescence will not confuse them and result in inter-caste marriages, inter marital affairs etc". Well like it or not the truth is love infatuation are all human tendencies and normal. Controlling these emotions is up to each individual and marrying a child off will not prevent those hormones from being secreted when the time comes! crudely put ... but that's the bitter truth.


    In India the situation is pretty much the same, except for a few cultural/religious reasons if believed in justify child-marriage. I have below an excerpt from a website which well is trying to bring back 'culture' into our modernised-cultureless society-

    "In childhood a girl does not ask questions. It is now that she will, out of her simple faith, look upon her husband as Paramesvara. This faith, formed in her innocence, will take firm root in her mind when she becomes older and begins to understand things. It is all the influence of our ages-old dharma of womanhood. A woman's devotion to her husband will now be enduring and she will always look upon him as Paramesvara. When a wife dedicates herself to her husband and does not nurse any feelings of honour or dishonour so far as she herself is concerned, her ego will become extinct. And that means cessation from wordly existence; in other words, liberation. Devotion, jnana, austerities, worship, sacrifices, yoga -- all these have for their goal the eradication of the ego. This a woman obtains naturally and with ease through devotion to her husband. "


    How long will this situation prevail? When will women be treated on par with men?

  14. Roses come in a variety of colors - predominantly, red and white

    Each color has its own meaning

    Red for love

    White for peace

    and so on


    But, history has it, that there is another color - black

    Tales have been written about it - "Black", signifying death, revenge...


    This is the holy grail of roses.


    Of course, many people claim to have seen the black rose


    But NO.


    What they are reffering to is a dark red rose - not pure black.


    A pure black rose has not been created so far.

    Horticulturists have tried for years to create a new strain of pure black roses...

    They haven't had success so far.


    Is the black rose a mere myth?

    It is possible considering the lack of physical evidence.

    But, tales have been written about such a rose - the meaning it signifies, the legend it carries


    Even today, we have video games and horror flicks carrying the black rose

    A NAS poster has him holding one in his hand (albeit a fake one)


    Ok... I know there is a question nagging in ur mind

    Why the hell am I rambling on about this???? What is the worth of a black rose??


    Ans: The last time I checked, a pure black rose could fetch you close to a thousand grand.

    It is not a joke. A trader from Singapore reportedly paid $800 to get his hands on one, only it proved to be a fake.

    It was a white rose, dyed with black ink. A nice technique - but it can easily be detected by squeezing the petals.


    The black rose has come to symbolize slavish devotion.

    A most fitting gift to one's lover

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