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Posts posted by abivelj

  1. what i am saying is an online business is just like an offline business. you need determination, time, and lots of patience.
    what i am saying is yes, wait 6 months to a year for the results you wanted to see. you see, most people quit after less than a month. they don't have the determination or patience thus, they don't see the results quick enough. don't go in to it thinking you will see results right away because when you don't(and you probably wont if your like most people), you will quit! you CANT QUIT if you want to succeed. that's what i mean by needing determination.

    i don't have the link off hand, but read the post from opaque in what he had to go through in creating Xisto when it was NOTHING. well, he made it SOMETHING and that something didn't happen in a month or two.

    so yes, advertise it.....not like crazy, but spend an hour a day to market yourself and your site. i talk about yourself too and not just your site....well...i'm going to give you something now i rarely talk about :)

    you can just market your site and be successfull, but you also want to market yourself. build your reputation. write quality posts to BUILD your own reputation. the bigger your reputation, the more people you will have that will follow your advice. build trust. get known. post some quality content in the areas you know. if people don't know you, they are less likely to follow you to your site. this has been RARELY talked about on Xisto(and i read most of the internet marketing posts) so i offer this to ya as STRONG advice. why? because i am catching a couple of your errors already in your posts.

    so post quality content. get your name out there. build trust with solid information and advice. then incorporate that with your website and you will have more success than the average joe blow that you are obviously competing with.

    also, make sure you build that good reputation because if it ever turns bad, i gaurantee that nobody will be visiting your site if they know who you are and your bad reputation.

    while you are building your reputation, make some friends and contacts along the way. that never hurts. it helps and when you can build friendships along the way with your communications through your posts, it makes what you are doing more fun and you are less likely to quit if you can make what your doing more fun than work or just a tediuous job.

    don't just join 1 forum, join 100 forums. post once a day to each forum and get known out there. it takes time and patience. it's not easy. that's why you need the dedication to have that winners attitude.....and whatever you do.....if this is what you want to do.....DONT QUIT!

    Thank you for the information. I knew about the building reputation... outsite of online business... my parents own a business and I pretty much learned everything about business like that plus I am about to finish school for business. Never really thought I had to be popular online to have a good business online too... hmmm.. kinda makes more sense now.

    I have to treat online as if it were offline.... Thank you for your information.... hmmm...let's try and start to build my reputation now... you tell me if I am doing good so far.

    I am 20 years old and for a few years I was searching how to get rich quick online. I found a lot of these quick schemes, but they all seemed false to me. So I quit on the get rich quick thing. Instead I started to focus on something else. For me to get paid at all I have to offer a service or product. Product... I really didn't have anything to offer. Only 20 you know.

    Service?... I do know how to create websites. And I then just started to create websites just for fun and adding adsense to every page possible lol. That didn't do no good, the sites weren't visited lol. Then I found our about affiliate marketing. Thought to myself this is the perfect service.
    I can offer people money for leads and clicks and sales.
    No I won't get rich quick, I might just have enough to pay for the site and maybe get a little extra on the side every month.

    Heck that's not bad if I can make $100 extra every month in a year that's $1,200 to pay for hosting and things and giving someone out there that really needs money an opportunity to get it.
    I figured for every $100 I make I can share about 70% of it.
    Instead of taking 100% commision for myself I will share with the person that did that lead.

    I think this is the best way. I heard a saying many, many times "You have to give to get."

  2. blog master already gave GREAT advice on what your asking. so to recap, he stated to post in forums but do not spam. post relevant information in what your site is about with a link back to your site. he stated it's great advertising at first and is also good for seo(link backs). i recomend that you do this. you cannot post referal links here but if you have your own website, that's ok to post it as long as you include some relevant content along with the link.
    a lot of people do press releases on the web for their newly created websites. i also suggest to join a traffic generating program. update your website to be search engine friendly and get on the first page for 2-3 keywords. keep updating your website and keep posting your link when it's relevant in the forums just like blogmaster described. be patient and your work will not be for nothing. in another 6 months, you will see a difference depending on the effort and time you put in to it. it takes time and effort to market online. it takes dedication and also lots of patience since people don't see dramatic results in the first couple months.

    So you're telling me that the first 6 months I pretty much have to advertise like crazy to acctually see some results???

  3. I have started a website BestPaidOnline.com and it's doing pretty good.The only thing that really isn't going so good is having enough people sign up.I'm not that good at marketing online. I am a webmaster and have created the site myself.I use commision junction because it's got this SID which will allow me to write in anything to know who did an offer.If someone could help me with the marketing, like how to market good online and stuff.

  4. High paying site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Free Sign-Up

    Bonus $3 for signing up

    $1 for every referral you have

    Read emails and get paid

    Do offers and get paid from 0.25 cents to 25 dollars

    Over $65 can be earned by just doing the FREE offers -- signing up for sites or getting a quote...

    Now get paid to get a quote!!!!!

  5. Here is a website that pays too:

    For each email you click on you recive $0.01
    And the offers you can do vary from $0.25 to $25

    You can make over $60 in one hour just visit and see for yourself:

    To recive all of these great offers you have to sign up.
    Signing up is free and just for signing up you will get $3 in your account.


    That is the sign up page then...

    Ever time someone signs up using my code I make $1 ... you could start making money now too!!!!

    I am up to $24 dollars ... Yay... but I haven't been so active either... my fault...

    Go visit!!!

  6. Your right that is the normal rate. But there is a special that is going on now. Free advertising from October 18th to New Year. For Email and For Banner Ads!!!!! Go Check it out and sign up... become a member and you still get paid when you click on one of the banners... My Gift to the users.I also want to say thank you for promoting it for me, too.

  7. Here is a website that does pay:

    For each email you click on you recive $0.01
    And the offers you can do vary from $0.25 to $25

    You can make over $60 in one hour just visit and see for yourself:

    To recive all of these great offers you have to sign up.
    Signing up is free and just for signing up you will get $3 in your account.


    That is the sign up page then...

    Ever time someone signs up using my code I make $1 ... you could start making money now too!!!!

    I am up to $24 dollars ... Yay... but I haven't been so active either... my fault...

    Go visit!!!

    Notice from rvalkass:

    "That is my personal referral code..."
    Not any more. Referral links are banned at Xisto.

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