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Posts posted by choetry

  1. lol, adsense is the best one already, if it takes 3 years for adsense, it may take 5 years for other ads company. You should make your web's content more attractive to get higher impression


    i rather get paid little frequently than getting paid a lot once every 3 years.


    what if i take 3 years to reach $99 then my account gets suspended? that'll be awful, 3 years wasted.

  2. I must write this about AdBrite:

    1. Even though I opted for their 'good, clean ads' they showed an ad of a dating site that was using explicit language. I am concerned about that.

    2. They have not paid me the dues, even after crossing double of the minimum required amount for sending a check, this after a week of the last Thursday of the month!


    Hi, i just started using adbrite cos you can adjust the minimum amount for payout. adsense will take too long for my small site. so i am just wondering if you have got the payment or not.



  3. cpm advertisers normally require a minimum hit per day/week and unless you have a busy site, it's unlikely that you'll be accepted by any cpm companies.forums should use it.I recommend adjungle.com. it looks good to me but i haven't tried it because my site doesn't meet the minimum traffic requirement.

  4. I also recommend Clicksor. My site had like no visiters but I got like 62 cents in about a day.


    Can you elaborate on that? do you get paid for just displaying the ads?


    i don't reallyfancy clicksor because:

    1. I don't really like paypal-paying companies, cos everything that involves credit card=have to ask my parents. hehe.

    2. clicksor takes very long to load their ads, and some people may not like it.

    3. they always can't find appropriate ads for your site

    4. they advertise adult content too

  5. I think I'll go with Guigo. I hear their better. Some things don't seem to make sense in life. I have seen similar stories on a search. I am glad I'm not the only one to have this misfortune. I like this service. It really is cool.



    Those lines don't make much sense do they? What is guigo?

    And what service is cool? Google or Guigo?

  6. Darkside Studios?

    That is not my forum, but I found it very useless, so I would just want to share it with all of you.

    It's basically a forum for everyone that loves graphics. If you are a designer, you can apply to be a designer in the forum. If you just want nice graphics, you can just join and request for it. It will usually take less than 1 day for them to make it for you.

    So join today, Darkside Studios

    (PS: Please go there and have a look at least:))

  7. Why not you gives put the hosting credit system into a mod and make it available for us to download and put them on our site with the copyright to you guys and a link? This will improve more members to your forum and also help us? :o


    Huh? Do you mean you want the script for the hosting credit system?

  8. I just want to know what people think about invisible counter. It is invisible and it grabs the visitors' information like IP address, login time, operating system and stuff.I guess visible counters also do the same. But the visitors are warned when they see the counter unlike the invisible ones.Do some people hate that? Lots of people emphasise on surfing privacy nowadays, and if you have one of those in your website, do you have to put a privacy policy statement?

  9. Sorry one more thing...After hosting with Xisto, i noticed something very different with all other hosts that I have used previously.In my 'My Network Places', there are 2 subcategories, 'Local Network' and 'The Internet'. The 'Local Network' has always been there but 'The Internet' is something new. It contains 2 folders (mywebsite.com and myname.trap17.com) which link to the files in my website on the internet. I can't open these folders too when i can't access my website.I have always been using microsoft front page to upload my site but 'The Internet' didn't exist before. I am not sure if this has got anything to do with it but yeah...

  10. I have a serious problem with my computer since I got hosted with Xisto. I bought a domain and it's pointing to Xisto.

    However, some time of the day, I could not go to my website on the internet, an error message of 'https://www.1and1.com/website-builder could not be found. Please check the name and try again.' Not only that, I also can't upload my files if that's happening. At first, I thought it was a problem with Xisto, but then I found out that i could actually access it with another computer in the library. My computer seems to be the culprit that blocks the access to my site.

    I tried changing browsers to netscape or internet explorer (I use firefox mainly) but the same problem still persists. I tried looking for solution on the net, and i also tried 'pinging' the domain name (don't know if that's helpful :o ) and it was a success.

    Sometimes the same problem also happens to this forum. I get the same message but the error on the forum is briefer, normally less than an hour.

    I thought something in my computer might be blocking Xisto sites, so i tried accessing all the websites posted in the 'Xisto showcase' forum. Some worked, some didn't. Not sure if thats the same problem or the users just took their sites down.

    i consulted NilsC and this was his reply:

    I'm looking at your website right now. I copied and pasted your url and got right there.
    Where are you located? You may need to add Xisto.com to your hosts file if your ISP can't keep their dns server working. There has been a few poisoned DNS servers ont he web the last couple of days.

    I didn't really know what it means. But doesn't hosts file contain websites that you want to block? I added Xisto to it and no sites in Xisto could load at all, so i removed it.

    Anyone experiencing the same problem? or does anyone know what happens and can solve it?

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