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  1. Well, I'm very sure all scripts can work.Since they themselves are the one to use it.
  2. You know... I believe in Creation! I believe God made everything, and man also, and that there was a flood, and there will be tribulation and judgement on all of us. But I don't believe dinosaurs are extinct. If you look closely at the account before the flood, it said in Genesis.... It means dinasaurs were included! If you say its not true, then kill yourself, because if he didn't did it, we wouldn't be here by now.Probably Noah put dinosaur babies there, a male and female. They CAN adapt to climates on earth, and they're here now.Evidence 1) There are now many stories on what they say "monsters", and mostly "sea monsters." 2) In Japan, some fishermen found decaying body of an "extinct thing!"(scientist could say its dinosaur but it is) 3) Try going to Africa in their Great Swamp, there are dinosaurs there. Textbooks are lying! Many have seen dinosaurs! What actually happened is that after the Flood, dinosaurs became afraid of manEvidence 1) Why is an imaginary animal, dragon, included in the Chinese animals of the year? 2) I found pictures of rocks of tribes with a dinosaur in it. They didn't knew dinosaurs were supposed to be extinct, neither they knew they were dinosaurs! 3)Why is there a word "dragon" in the Bible? Is the Bible lying about including a "fake animal" there? So I say there are dinosaurs.
  3. I do!Except for its Parental Controls, it a 9/10 performance!
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