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  1. Tnx for this reply. I did understand about getting enough credits in by posting. If i understand correctly i need to post at least one post a day after i collected 15 credits correct? Vujsa said the following: By the way, while posting a link can be considered site promotion in some situations, in this case it may be helpful to know what we are dealing with. So...the following url is NOT to be seen as promotion of that site!!!...but must been seen to help to understaznd what we dealing with Ok..this is the site i made my Web-site. It is not the url of my site but of the site where i made it. FreeSiteDesigner Ps...sorry for my bad nglish writing.... but i'm trying!
  2. Tnx for replyingThis is the awnser i was hoping for
  3. I found a awesome FREE mmorpg called {b]SilkRoad{/b}It even looks like GuildWars.I have played GuildWars but i like SilkRoad more!The grafics are awesome.The quests are funny and not to hard to do.But the best part of SilkRoad is i think...when you hit LVL 20 you can choose a profession.--Thief--Hunter--TraderAnd this makes it really intresting.-- Thiefs are ambushing traders, killing them and steal all their goods and they can kill hunters-- Traders are buying and selling goods in different towns and they can hire hunters to protect them-- Hunters can be hired by the Traders to protect them and Hunters can hunt down Thiefs and kill themThis makes this mmorpg very challeging i think.I wonder if there are people here who play allso SilkRoad.And if there are people who know more of these kind of free games.Plz give me some feedback
  4. Hello i made a site on a free site-maker siteThey do NOT host their sites so i need a free sitehosting.I found out that this host is one of the best.Now is my question is it possible to host a site here wich is made made on such a free site-maker site?I'm a real noob in these things...i just started to make my own sites...so i;m new to the gamePlz repleyTnxI edited this post because i found out that posting a url can be seen as promoting a other site...I removed the url of the site where people can make for free their website.
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