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Posts posted by jbgurung

  1. Are you sure you really read what he complained about OmArEmAd? he cant even boot at all and his computer is not even recognizing any hardware not to talk of booting into windows. this a hardware problem and not something you can cure with an antivirus.


    People in this forum should try to understand the context of any posst before they start saying anything. He is looking for a way to tackle a hardware problem n not a non-booting PC.


    Another thing I might wanna add is this, I you still wanna continue using your AMD microprocessor, I would advice you to provide a very good cooling system for the it. One thing some people dont understand is the fact that most games tend to throttle your processor and make it run high, in most cases, at a whooping 100% utilization and that consequently makes the processor to utilize and generate more power. the final consequence is the heating up of the processor and if there is not enough cooling system to withstand the heating, the CPU or the mobo could get fried.


    It aint like I hate AMD or that I am anti-AMD, it is just that I dont buy the idea of so many dead processor in their history.

    Yes, Odomike you are right! people here are not reading the problem properly. if he can't even see the post screen, then how can he access to last known good configuration or resolve antivirus isssues.

    I am having the same problem and browsing through the net. But my problem is due to different cause. My front usb port had broken and one of pin was bent and touching probably another metal part. I inserted a usb flash drive without even noticing that the port had damaged. Windows froze and i pushed power button to shut down and restart it. Since then problem started and everytime I switch on the machine, it seems everything is going to start fine, like lights come on, fans spin but momentarily it switches off. I cant see anything on the screen. It cant even output bios information or complete the post screen. I doubt short circuit some where but can't figure out. I ruled out the power supply and power switch button cause I tried with another power supply and switch. This could either be cpu or ram or motherboard damaged. I doubt it is the BIOS which has be damaged. What you guys think about this problem? As most of others, I am using AMD system with Athlon X2 64X CPU, asus M2N SLI Delus MoBo and 1GB DDR2 Dual Channel.

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