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Posts posted by imports_exports

  1. Yes i think its the best one as u have to initailly pay only 10euro and then u can make a no. of free calls on land line to many countries.Its good for a peron who is into business of imports & exports and he can discuss in lenth with the buyer or seller and top of it even when u make paid calls its cheap,If you feel any other service better then this then please do let me know...I will be thankfull to you.

  2. Love and work can never be good at the same place as it will not result in to good for you can be scolded by your boss or it can be tht u may have to give her some work or many other things at the same time u will get nervous what to do and this will make u think many points.If she was not there at tht place then u woulod have been more comfortable to get the thibgs ahead as per your own. there many more troubles when u have ur partner at the same and i feel its not good.If i am wrong then plz tell me why its right to have ur partener at the same place.If even then u love her then i feel u shld change ur office so tht u r more patient to do work.And even u can not bear a person for the whole day.A person requires break or its boredum after some time.

  3. The best way to get a positive response from a girl when u say I LOVE YOU is talk to her properly and take her for a boat ride.When u reach in the middle of the sea then tell her ACCEPT ME to act as a life partner or leave me right here by leaving the boat. Well as per knwing my many freinds i feel the one who says I LOVE YOU 1st is in trouble through out the life.As when a ny one gets angry and there is like some thing or the other do comes out like to leave my life etc.at that time the person who said i love u is in trouble coz he is told by the opposite partner that why the hell you rpoposed me. And thts whee the problem comes.So let the opposite person say these magical word and have agood time for the life.

  4. I feel the most important thing in marriage is understanding,being calm and having patience.If either of this is not there then the marriage will rock its not necessary in a year but it can also be after 10years.Coz by that time both of them take each other for granted and if by any chance either of them starts aggressive then problem starts. Just a couple of days before there was a nice article about now adays people peope at the age of 45years also after having a marriage life of 25yrs are going for divorce all because of wht can i know...there the misunderstanding starts and leads to trouble. If i am wrong then please tell me..

  5. Have u tried the new Sagem phone its too gd with all the functions like speaker phone,FM radio and every hing and + cost is also below Rs.2,000. Now NOKIA in india is getting worst in regards to service. i had purchase a new handset 6 months before which is 6275. On the very second day i found problem in it and in a span of 5 days it was snd for repairs and even after tht the problem started after 1 month then i had routed the whole thing from Reliance people. They tried to pursuade the whole thing after exchanging emails for 4 months. Again on there request the handset was send for repairs and when it came back it came with a new problem of bluetooth now working and when again it is send for repairs its almost 23 days and still no news when will i get my handset. I hope i do not recd it after the warranty period is expir3d.The best part is i have kept all the emails of correspondence i had.Nokia has started giving *BLEEP* service and i would like people to join to take action whom so ever must have faced problem with NOKIA.

  6. from last 2 days i am facing a very typical problem with firefox.When ever i try to open firefox a box appears where in its written i do not hate fire fox instead use IE or ELSE. I am wondering whats thios problem is all about.I even tried to run Mceffe virus scan but still this problem exist.What can be the reason for the same.Is it my comp has been affected by a virus or is it some firewalls problem.What should i do.By any chance is this problem known to firefox people? waiting to know......

  7. Give him the feeling that you feel comfortable with him. (You can even say to him that you feel comfortable with him.)Make sure you look pretty and be talkative, you can ask him for example 'how his day was', that's always a good beginning for a nice conversation. However do stay yourself, 'cause that's why the boy's fallen in love with you, not;)
    Good luck!

    (I remember my first date, I was nervous as hell! Didn't know what to do either, but everything went just spontaneous, and that's the best. It will work out well, just trust in yoursellf :P

    The better way to attract a male is being smart and spontaneous.Try not to to decide for the date on he very 1st time when a male asks for date.make some excuses yeah and a couple of times decide for the date and on day date be carefull when he tries to come closer.If you wana know more then get back to me and i may be able to guide you more for the 1st date with male.
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